

    对于netty中的channelfuture来说它主要是一个基于对java 中future的一个升级 对于jdk中的future来说函数执行结果是通过get()方法进行获取的 。

   然而jdk中future 的get()方法是有两种形式一种是非阻塞(在结果为计算完成时返回空)的直接获取返回值一种是通过阻塞的形式等待返回值。虽然在通过isdone方法可以获取方法是否执行完成但是超时异常也都是执行完成。这无疑来说是一种缺陷。


 * Copyright 2012 The Netty Project
 * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
 * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

import io.netty.bootstrap.Bootstrap;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.BlockingOperationException;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.Future;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.GenericFutureListener;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

 * The result of an asynchronous {@link Channel} I/O operation.//io操作的解果都是异步的

* All I/O operations in Netty are asynchronous. It means any I/O calls will * return immediately with no guarantee that the requested I/O operation has * been completed at the end of the call. Instead, you will be returned with * a {@link ChannelFuture} instance which gives you the information about the * result or status of the I/O operation.//所有的io操作都是异步的,这意味着任何io操作都会直接的被返回结果当请求进来 * 的时候。你会获得一个channelfuture对象通过他可以获得io操作的结果 *

* A {@link ChannelFuture} is either uncompleted or completed. * When an I/O operation begins, a new future object is created. The new future * is uncompleted initially - it is neither succeeded, failed, nor cancelled * because the I/O operation is not finished yet. If the I/O operation is * finished either successfully, with failure, or by cancellation, the future is * marked as completed with more specific information, such as the cause of the * failure. Please note that even failure and cancellation belong to the * completed state.//当io操作开始的时候 ,一个新的future对象将会被创建 这个新的future对象 不是处于完成状态,也不是成功或者失败或者取消的状态 因为io操作还没有完成。如果io操作完成 且成功 ,失败 ,取消,那么这个future的状态就被标志为对应的成功,失败,取消 *

 *                                      +---------------------------+
 *                                      | Completed successfully    |
 *                                      +---------------------------+
 *                                 +---->      isDone() = true      |
 * +--------------------------+    |    |   isSuccess() = true      |
 * |        Uncompleted       |    |    +===========================+
 * +--------------------------+    |    | Completed with failure    |
 * |      isDone() = false    |    |    +---------------------------+
 * |   isSuccess() = false    |----+---->      isDone() = true      |
 * | isCancelled() = false    |    |    |       cause() = non-null  |
 * |       cause() = null     |    |    +===========================+
 * +--------------------------+    |    | Completed by cancellation |
 *                                 |    +---------------------------+
 *                                 +---->      isDone() = true      |
 *                                      | isCancelled() = true      |
 *                                      +---------------------------+
* * Various methods are provided to let you check if the I/O operation has been * completed, wait for the completion, and retrieve the result of the I/O * operation. It also allows you to add {@link ChannelFutureListener}s so you * can get notified when the I/O operation is completed.  //channelfuture提供给你不同的方法 确认io操作是否完成 ,比如等待完成 或者添加监听器在方法完成后你可以被通知 * *

Prefer {@link #addListener(GenericFutureListener)} to {@link #await()}

* * It is recommended to prefer {@link #addListener(GenericFutureListener)} to * {@link #await()} wherever possible to get notified when an I/O operation is * done and to do any follow-up tasks. //开发者建议使用监听器的方式而不是等待的方式去获得结果 这样可以在任何情况下当io操作完成都可以被通知并进行下一步的任务 *

* {@link #addListener(GenericFutureListener)} is non-blocking. It simply adds * the specified {@link ChannelFutureListener} to the {@link ChannelFuture}, and * I/O thread will notify the listeners when the I/O operation associated with * the future is done. {@link ChannelFutureListener} yields the best * performance and resource utilization because it does not block at all, but * it could be tricky to implement a sequential logic if you are not used to * event-driven programming. *

* By contrast, {@link #await()} is a blocking operation. Once called, the * caller thread blocks until the operation is done. It is easier to implement * a sequential logic with {@link #await()}, but the caller thread blocks * unnecessarily until the I/O operation is done and there's relatively * expensive cost of inter-thread notification. Moreover, there's a chance of * dead lock in a particular circumstance, which is described below. * *

Do not call {@link #await()} inside {@link ChannelHandler}


* The event handler methods in {@link ChannelHandler} are usually called by * an I/O thread. If {@link #await()} is called by an event handler * method, which is called by the I/O thread, the I/O operation it is waiting * for might never complete because {@link #await()} can block the I/O * operation it is waiting for, which is a dead lock. *

 * {@code @Override}
 * public void channelRead({@link ChannelHandlerContext} ctx, Object msg) {
 *     {@link ChannelFuture} future =;
 *     future.awaitUninterruptibly();
 *     // Perform post-closure operation
 *     // ...
 * }
 * // GOOD
 * {@code @Override}
 * public void channelRead({@link ChannelHandlerContext} ctx, Object msg) {
 *     {@link ChannelFuture} future =;
 *     future.addListener(new {@link ChannelFutureListener}() {
 *         public void operationComplete({@link ChannelFuture} future) {
 *             // Perform post-closure operation
 *             // ...
 *         }
 *     });
 * }

* In spite of the disadvantages mentioned above, there are certainly the cases * where it is more convenient to call {@link #await()}. In such a case, please * make sure you do not call {@link #await()} in an I/O thread. Otherwise, * {@link BlockingOperationException} will be raised to prevent a dead lock. * *

Do not confuse I/O timeout and await timeout

* * The timeout value you specify with {@link #await(long)}, * {@link #await(long, TimeUnit)}, {@link #awaitUninterruptibly(long)}, or * {@link #awaitUninterruptibly(long, TimeUnit)} are not related with I/O * timeout at all. If an I/O operation times out, the future will be marked as * 'completed with failure,' as depicted in the diagram above. For example, * connect timeout should be configured via a transport-specific option: *
 * {@link Bootstrap} b = ...;
 * {@link ChannelFuture} f = b.connect(...);
 * f.awaitUninterruptibly(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
 * if (f.isCancelled()) {
 *     // Connection attempt cancelled by user
 * } else if (!f.isSuccess()) {
 *     // You might get a NullPointerException here because the future
 *     // might not be completed yet.
 *     f.cause().printStackTrace();
 * } else {
 *     // Connection established successfully
 * }
 * // GOOD
 * {@link Bootstrap} b = ...;
 * // Configure the connect timeout option.
 * b.option({@link ChannelOption}.CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, 10000);
 * {@link ChannelFuture} f = b.connect(...);
 * f.awaitUninterruptibly();
 * // Now we are sure the future is completed.
 * assert f.isDone();
 * if (f.isCancelled()) {
 *     // Connection attempt cancelled by user
 * } else if (!f.isSuccess()) {
 *     f.cause().printStackTrace();
 * } else {
 *     // Connection established successfully
 * }
*/ public interface ChannelFuture extends Future { /** * Returns a channel where the I/O operation associated with this * future takes place. */ Channel channel(); //添加监听器的方法 @Override ChannelFuture addListener(GenericFutureListener> listener);

package io.netty.util.concurrent;

import java.util.EventListener;

 * Listens to the result of a {@link Future}.  The result of the asynchronous operation is notified once this listener
 * is added by calling {@link Future#addListener(GenericFutureListener)}.
public interface GenericFutureListener> extends EventListener {

     * Invoked when the operation associated with the {@link Future} has been completed.
     * @param future  the source {@link Future} which called this callback
    void operationComplete(F future) throws Exception;

    ChannelFuture addListeners(GenericFutureListener>... listeners);

    ChannelFuture removeListener(GenericFutureListener> listener);

    ChannelFuture removeListeners(GenericFutureListener>... listeners);

    ChannelFuture sync() throws InterruptedException;

    ChannelFuture syncUninterruptibly();

    ChannelFuture await() throws InterruptedException;

    ChannelFuture awaitUninterruptibly();

     * Returns {@code true} if this {@link ChannelFuture} is a void future and so not allow to call any of the
     * following methods:
  • {@link #addListener(GenericFutureListener)}
  • *
  • {@link #addListeners(GenericFutureListener[])}
  • *
  • {@link #await()}
  • *
  • {@link #await(long, TimeUnit)} ()}
  • *
  • {@link #await(long)} ()}
  • *
  • {@link #awaitUninterruptibly()}
  • *
  • {@link #sync()}
  • *
  • {@link #syncUninterruptibly()}
  • *
*/ boolean isVoid(); }

