#android training# Graphics & Animation:Display Bitmaps Efficiently

#english# give your app an edge on the competition

These classed will help you create a beautiful visual experience.

Display Bitmaps Efficiently

keep UI components responsive

avoid exceeding application memory limit, otherwise, the dreaded exception:java.lang.OutofMemoryError:bitmap size exceeds VM budget.

1.Mobile devices typically have constrained system resources.

   Android devices can have as little as 16MB memory available to a single application.

  You can find the required minimum application memory for various screen size in CDD.

2.Bitmaps take a a lot of memory.

   2592*1936pixels ARGB_8888-->4*2592*1936:19MB

3.Often require several bitmaps to be loaded at once.

  ListView, GridView and ViewPager

  Include multiple bitmaps on-screen at once with many more potentially off-screen ready to show at the flick of a finger.

Loading Large Bitmaps Efficiently

This lesson walks you through decoding large bitmaps without exceeding the memory limit by

loading a smaller subsampled version in memory.



        BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
        options.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
        int width = options.outWidth;
        int height = options.outHeight;
        String type = options.outMimeType;

a full image or a subsampled one?

1.Estimated memory usage of loading the full image

2.Dimensions of the target ImageView or UI component

3.Screen size and density of the current device

4.Amount of memory you are willing to commit to loading this image given any other memory requirements of the application


if inSapleSize ==4, the the resolution 2048*1536 and a bitmap configuration of ARGB_8888

the original memory needed is 4*2048*1536/1024/1024 = 12MB

but the subsampled resolution will be approximately 512*384, 0.75MB.

public static int calculateInSampleSize(
        BitmapFactory.Options options, int reqWidth, int reqHight
        final int height = options.outHeight;
        final int width = options.outWidth;
        int insampleSize = 1;
        if(height>reqHight || width>reqWidth){
            final int halfHeight = height/2;
            final int halfwidth = width/2;

            //Calculate the largest inSampleSize vaule that is a power of 2 and keeps
            //both height and width larger than the requested height and width.
            while ((halfHeight/insampleSize) >= reqHight &&
                    (halfwidth/insampleSize) >= reqWidth ){
                insampleSize *=2;
        return insampleSize;

Processing Bitmaps Off the UI Thread

this lesson walks you through processing bitmaps in a background thread using AyncTask and shows you how to handle concurrency issues.


The AsyncTask class provides an easy way to execute some work in a background thread and publish the results back on the UI thread.




三个泛型参数:Params, Progress and Result.

Params: 启动任务执行的输入参数,比如HTTP请求的URL;




1. doInBackground(Params...):后台执行,进行耗时操作。在这里不能直接操作UI。


2.onPostExeute(Result): 这里可以使用在doInBackground得到的处理结果操作UI。此方法在主线程执行


1.onProgressUpdate(Process...) 此方法在主线程执行,用于显示任务执行的进度。


3.onCancelled() 取消时要做的操作。


1.Task实例必须在UI Thread中创建;

2.execute方法必须在UI Thread中调用。

3.不要手动调用onPreExecute(), onPostExecute(Result), doInBackground(Params...), onProgressUpdate(Progress...)


Handle Concurrency


1.Common view components such as ListView and GridView recycle child views as the user scrolls.

If each child view triggers an AsyncTask, there is no guarantee that when it completes, the socciated view

has not already been recyled.

2.there is no guarantee that the order in which asynchronous tasks are started is the order that they complete.

One of solutions: the ImageView stores a reference to the most recent AyncTask which can later be checkex

when the task complete.
