NotOnlySuccess 大牛的线段树的题目



  • 单点更新:
  1. hdu 1166 敌兵布阵
  2. hdu 1754 I Hate it
  3. hdu 1394 Minimum Iversion Number
  4. hdu 2795 Billboard
  5. poj 2828 Buy Tickets
  6. poj 2886 Who Gets the Most Candies?
  • 成段更新:
  1. hdu 1698 Just a Hook
  2. poj 3468 A Simple problem with Integers
  3. poj 2528 Mayor’s posters
  4. poj 3225 Help with Intervals
  5. poj 1436 Horizontally Visible Segements
  6. poj 2991 Crane
  • 区间合并:
  1. poj 3667 Hotel
  2. hdu 3308 LCIS
  3. hdu 3397 Sequence operation
  4. hdu 2871 Memory Control
  5. hdu 1540 Tunnel Warfare
  6. CF46-D Parking Lot
  • 扫描线:
  1. hdu 1542 Atlantis
  2. hdu 1828 Picture
  3. hdu 3265 Posters
  4. hdu 3642 Get The Treasury
  5. poj 2482 Stars in Your Window
  6. poj 2464 Brownie Points II
  7. hdu 3255 Farming
  8. ural 1707 Hypnotoad’s Secret
  9. uval 11983 Weird Advertisement
  • 线段树与其他结合:
  1. hdu 3954 Level up
  2. hdu 4027 Can you answer these queries?
  3. hdu 3333 Turing Tree
  4. hdu 3874 Necklace
  5. hdu 3016 Man Down
  6. hdu 3340 Rain in ACStar
  7. zju 3511 Cake Robbery
  8. UESTC 1558 Charitable Exchange
  9. CF85-D Sum of Medians
  10. spoj GSS2 Can you answer these queries II
