static void Main()
// StringBuilder实际用的长度是Length,当前容量是Capacity超过了会加倍,
// 只读属性MaxCapacity是最大容易超过了会报错。
// StringBuilder(150, 1000)150是Capacity后面的1000是MaxCapacity
StringBuilder greetingBuilder =
new StringBuilder("Hello from all the guys at Wrox Press. ", 150);
greetingBuilder.Append("We do hope you enjoy this book as much as we enjoyed writing it");
for(int i = (int)'z'; i>=(int)'a' ; i--)
char old1 = (char)i;
char new1 = (char)(i+1);
greetingBuilder = greetingBuilder.Replace(old1, new1);
for(int i = (int)'Z'; i>=(int)'A' ; i--)
char old1 = (char)i;
char new1 = (char)(i+1);
greetingBuilder = greetingBuilder.Replace(old1, new1);
Console.WriteLine("Encoded:\n" + greetingBuilder);
Console.WriteLine就是调用了String.Format方法来格式化的,String.Format构造格式化的字符串调用了StringBuilder构造函数和StringBuilder的AppendFormat方法,AppendFormat方法会首先检查对象实现了IFormattable接口就调用ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider),测试失败会调用对象Object.ToString()。
如果要自定义的类和结构,不调用Object.ToString方法格式化,那么需要实现IFormattable接口的string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)方法。
class MainEntryPoint
static void Main()
Vector v1 = new Vector(1,32,5);
Vector v2 = new Vector(845.4, 54.3, -7.8);
// 传入:IJK,:VE,:N格式化说明字符
Console.WriteLine("\nIn IJK format,\nv1 is {0,30:IJK}\nv2 is {1,30:IJK}", v1, v2);
Console.WriteLine("\nIn default format,\nv1 is {0,30}\nv2 is {1,30}", v1, v2);
Console.WriteLine("\nIn VE format\nv1 is {0,30:VE}\nv2 is {1,30:VE}", v1, v2);
Console.WriteLine("\nNorms are:\nv1 is {0,20:N}\nv2 is {1,20:N}", v1, v2);
// 需要继承System.IFormattable接口
struct Vector : IFormattable
public double x, y, z;
public Vector(double x, double y, double z)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
// 重写System.IFormattable的string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)函数
// IFormatProvider formatProvider类型系统默认根据当前文化背景提供,不需要处理。
public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
if (format == null)
return ToString();
string formatUpper = format.ToUpper();
switch (formatUpper)
case "N":
return "|| " + Norm() + " ||";
case "VE":
return String.Format("( {0:E}, {1:E}, {2:E} )", x, y, z);
case "IJK":
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(x.ToString(), 30);
sb.Append(" i + ");
sb.Append(" j + ");
sb.Append(" k");
return sb.ToString();
return ToString();
(1). 字符和模式,连续出现组合关系:字符串长度确定的模式(包括确定的字符串和模糊匹配的字符)"%d%d/%d%d/%d%d%d%d", “Jackson”,本身就是表达了与的关系。
(2).自定义逻辑组合/或/非:字符串模式中任意一个都遍历目标串的模式([], (),逻辑与或|, ^非),[AEIOUaeiou]匹配元音,“([a-z][A-Z][0-9])+”()是将几个或组合在一起匹配aB0。”[to|too|2]”;^在[]内为非,否则为定位符号;与可以用或来表达/[^\w\s]/g。
(3). 数量:字符模式个数的修饰,+,-,*,?,{n}元符号;“fo+”与football匹配,+为至少有一个或者多个这样的字符。
(4). 位置:字符串模式位置的修饰,^,$,\b, \B;”ar$”和car匹配。
(5). 转义符号\, “Th\*”与Th*匹配,常规模式在字符串中也要”\\s”,前面的\也是转义字符。
搜索范围有i, g, m:
i 执行对大小写不敏感的匹配。
g 执行全局匹配(查找所有匹配而非在找到第一个匹配后停止)。
m 执行多行匹配。
C#中的正则表达式需要用到RegularExpressions命名空间,Regex对象, MatchCollection字符匹配后枚举结果,Match单个匹配字符串封装。
了解更多的复杂字符串的正则表达式操作,.net也提供了相应的类GroupCollection,CaptureColleciton等。using System; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace Wrox.ProCSharp.RegularExpressionPlayaround { class MainEntryPoint { static void Main() { Find3(); Console.ReadLine(); } static void Find1() { const string text = @"XML has made a major impact in almost every aspect of software development. Designed as an open, extensible, self-describing language, it has become the standard for data and document delivery on the web. The panoply of XML-related technologies continues to develop at breakneck speed, to enable validation, navigation, transformation, linking, querying, description, and messaging of data."; const string pattern = @"\bn\S*ion\b"; // matches正则表达式运算返回的结果 MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(text, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture); // 输出结果 WriteMatches(text, matches); } static void Find2() { const string text = @"XML has made a major impact in almost every aspect of software development. Designed as an open, extensible, self-describing language, it has become the standard for data and document delivery on the web. The panoply of XML-related technologies continues to develop at breakneck speed, to enable validation, navigation, transformation, linking, querying, description, and messaging of data."; const string pattern = @"\bn"; MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(text, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); WriteMatches(text, matches); } static void Find3() { // 1)从文本中提取出指定的模式 Console.WriteLine("从文本中提取出指定的模式"); const string urlText = "sljflsfj sfjlsjf fj"; const string pattern = @"\b(\S+)://([^:]+)(?::(\S+))?\b"; MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(urlText, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); WriteMatches(urlText, matches); // 2)截取需要的字符串信息 类似C原因中的sscanf // string url = ""; // const string pattern2 = @"^(?
\w+)://[^/]+?(? :\d+)?/"; Console.WriteLine("截取需要的字符串信息 类似C原因中的sscanf"); const string textCapture = ""; const string patternCapture = @"^(? \w+)://?(? [^/]+)/?(?
\S+)"; Regex r = new Regex(patternCapture,RegexOptions.None, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(150)); Match m = r.Match(textCapture); if(m.Success) { string strProtocal = m.Result("${proto}"); string strAddress = m.Result("${address}"); string strName = m.Result("${name}"); Console.WriteLine("Parse Protocal: " + strProtocal + ", Address:" + strAddress + ", Name:" + strName ); // Console.WriteLine(m.Result("${proto}:${port}")); } } static void WriteMatches(string text, MatchCollection matches) { Console.WriteLine("Original text was: \n\n" + text + "\n"); Console.WriteLine("No. of matches: " + matches.Count); foreach (Match nextMatch in matches) { // nextMatch是当前匹配的字符的委托对象,Match.Index属性 int index = nextMatch.Index; // Match.ToString功能 string result = nextMatch.ToString(); // 匹配在字符串中间,字符前面取5个字符索引长度,否则取当前字符索引长度,charsBefore是相对位置 int charsBefore = (index < 5) ? index : 5; // 剩下的字符长度 int fromEnd = text.Length - index - result.Length; // 剩下的字符长度太小了就是剩下字符长度,否则取5个长度 int charsAfter = (fromEnd < 5) ? fromEnd : 5; // 需要展示的字符长度位置,目的是为了说明该查找提取出来的字符所在原来字符串中的位置。 int charsToDisplay = charsBefore + charsAfter + result.Length; Console.WriteLine("Index: {0}, \tString: {1}, \t{2}", index, result, // 截取附近的字符串 text.Substring(index - charsBefore, charsToDisplay)); } } } }