
QLineEdit类自带public function :  void setEchoMode(EchoMode)   以实现密码输入框效果。


void setEchoMode(EchoMode)   文档介绍

This property holds the line edit's echo mode.

The echo mode determines how the text entered in the line edit is displayed (or echoed) to the user.

The most common setting is Normal, in which the text entered by the user is displayed verbatim,

but QLineEdit also supports modes that allow the entered text to be suppressed or obscured: these include NoEcho, Password and PasswordEchoOnEdit.

The widget's display and the ability to copy or drag the text is affected by this setting.

By default, this property is set to Normal.


这个属性保存的行编辑的回波模式。回声模式决定了该行的编辑输入的文本显示(或回波)给用户。 最常见的设置是正常的,其中由用户输入的文本显示一字不差, 但QLineEdit中还支持其他模式,允许被抑制或模糊输入的文本:包括NOECHO,Password和PasswordEchoOnEdit。 窗口小部件的显示和复制或拖动文本的能力受到此设置的影响。 默认情况下,这个属性被设置为正常。


enum QLineEdit::EchoMode
This enum type describes how a line edit should display its contents.

Constant	        Value	        Description
QLineEdit::Normal	0	Display characters as they are entered. This is the default.
QLineEdit::NoEcho	1	Do not display anything. This may be appropriate for passwords where 
                                even the length of the password should be kept secret.
QLineEdit::Password	2	Display platform-dependent password mask characters instead of 
                                the characters actually entered.
QLineEdit::PasswordEchoOnEdit 3	Display characters as they are entered while editing 
                                otherwise display characters as with Password.
                                //当你处于输入状态的时候,是正常显示字符。 输入完毕之后



