DBV-00201: Block, DBA 21065723, marked corrupt for invalid redo application解决



DBV-00201: Block, DBA number, marked corrupt for invalid redo application
Cause: The block was marked corrupt by the Oracle database server for invalid redo application, ex: media recovery of a NOLOGGING object or direct loaded data.
Action: If the block is not currently allocated to a database object, then no action is required. If the block is allocated, then the object will need to be rebuilt, or data to be reloaded.
仔细想了下:日志应用?咦?这不是只用在dataguard等软件才需要么,进一步询问。果然是在搭建dataguard,在上面的 Cause 信息中NOLOGGING关键字中,并且在网上查找了下信息。明白了是他 没有开启force logging 。之后开启数据库的force logging就好了。alter database force logging
