Age of Ambition 9

Age of Ambition 9_第1张图片

【赏析】本章Chorus of Soloists, “80后”承载了时代的标签,社会的激烈变革让他们或自知自觉或自我放纵,本章讲述了这样一个标杆人物。This is a story about a poster child of youthful defiance. Han, rising from a nobody ,but a realistic satire of education and authority, lampooned the self-importance and hypocrisies of officialdom. He started blogging and articulated what others thought but didn’t say. He is emblematic of a generation that came of age amid radical social transformations that alienated its members from their parents and left them either newly self-aware or self-indulgent. 洞悉了小人物的悲催,影响力的假象,关门放狗的无奈 Influence belongs only to those with power ,those who can make rain from clouds... the rest of us are just small characters under a spotlight on the stage, they can always bring down the curtain ,turn off the lights ,close the door, and turn the dogs loose inside .


1. …who struck out because they were shorter ,darker and more alert than city people 突出

2. … the relentless churn of modern hutong life 胡同生活的纷繁复杂 (联想另一个词组churn out艰苦地做出;大量炮制 )

3. …if I could come by 顺访 =drop by

4. His manicured, swaggering persona was a world apart from the rumpled archetype of the Chinese intellectual. 他善于修饰、傲骄狂妄的形象与中国知识分子典型的不修边幅的形象大相径庭。/Rumple : to make hair ,clothes less tidy 弄乱/ persona 形象/ archetype: typical example 典型

5. We inched through rush-hour traffic 龟速

6. Come of age 成年

7. Han had the makings of “another Lu Xun”. 素质

8. He made the list 上榜

9. Young people had been apolitical 不关心政治

10. A shot of adrenaline that awakens us from our apathy. 肾上腺素

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