

There is an opportunity today for me to apply what was learnt last week in a discussion on destress.

One of the most important take-back of this camp for me is the realisation of pacing myself and a sense of work-life balance. Easy said than done though. I managed to sort out the following ways to destress. Also shared the same advice with a group of people (three of them) as part of the consultational skill learnt last week.

I shared 6 ways I personally find useful in terms of releasing pressure:

1. Exercise can help me destress. I normally schedule work-outs for one hour in the morning before going to the office, thus I start the day afresh and unaffected from the burdens from the previous day.

2. Travelling is an alternative way for me to get away from the pressure accumulated from day-to-day work. I have regular travel plans to overseas for holiday. Putting myself in a new environment helps me recharge and leave behind the worries in one place.

3. Meditation is a third way to destress. Allow myself to blank out for a quiet moment. Vacant the mind for new ideas. If my head is stuffed with too much information, the quiet time during meditation allows me to re-organise my thoughts. Chances are new ideas or solutions to obstacles would flow in more easily, rendering prodctivity increase than continuous work without a pause.

4. Get some entertainments to distract myself from too much pressure. For example, I sing karaoke, play pool, watch a movie, or meet up with friends. This way I force myself to be distracted and occupied with other unrelated matters. And the existing pressure would be alleviated if one engages in other activities.

5. For myself and for women especially, I love shopping and spending money can an effective way to reduce pressure. If there is some achievement after coping the stress, I don't mind to indulge in a spree as a reward for myself. So next time when the pressure comes up again, I won't be so stressed up cuz I know some reward will be waiting at the end of the tunnel after the dust settles.

6. Lastly, perhaps the ultimate effective method is helping others. Giving is more blessed than receiving. When I manage to help others or add value to the society, I feel that I am needed and I feel the purpose of my existence as an asset to the society. So I regularly participate in charity events and always happy to extend a helping hand to people around me. There is a sense of achievement and positivity after helping others which will miraculously offset the negative energy brought about from too much pressure.
