

序号 方法 参考文献 年份
1 人群搜索算法 Dai, C., Y. Zhu, and W. Chen. Seeker optimization algorithm. in International Conference on Computational and Information Science. 2006. Springer. 2006
2 人工蜂群算法 Karaboga, D. and B.J.J.o.g.o. Basturk, A powerful and efficient algorithm for numerical function optimization: artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm. 2007. 39(3): p. 459-471. 2007
3 帝国竞争算法 Atashpaz-Gargari, E. and C. Lucas. Imperialist competitive algorithm: an algorithm for optimization inspired by imperialistic competition. in 2007 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation. 2007. Ieee. 2007
4 智能水滴算法 Hosseini, H.S. Problem solving by intelligent water drops. in 2007 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation. 2007. IEEE. 2007
5 生物地理优化算法 Simon, D.J.I.t.o.e.c., Biogeography-based optimization. 2008. 12(6): p. 702-713. 2008
6 萤火虫算法 Yang, X.-S. Firefly algorithms for multimodal optimization. in International symposium on stochastic algorithms. 2009. Springer. 2009
7 布谷鸟搜索算法 Yang, X.-S. and S. Deb. Cuckoo search via Lévy flights. in 2009 World congress on nature & biologically inspired computing (NaBIC). 2009. IEEE. 2009
8 引力搜索算法 Rashedi, E., H. Nezamabadi-Pour, and S.J.I.s. Saryazdi, GSA: a gravitational search algorithm. 2009. 179(13): p. 2232-2248. 2009
9 觅食搜索算法 Oftadeh, R., et al., A novel meta-heuristic optimization algorithm inspired by group hunting of animals: Hunting search. 2010. 60(7): p. 2087-2098. 2010
10 蝙蝠算法 Yang, X.-S., A new metaheuristic bat-inspired algorithm, in Nature inspired cooperative strategies for optimization (NICSO 2010). 2010, Springer. p. 65-74. 2010
11 风驱动优化算法 Bayraktar, Z., M. Komurcu, and D.H. Werner. Wind Driven Optimization (WDO): A novel nature-inspired optimization algorithm and its application to electromagnetics. in 2010 IEEE antennas and propagation society international symposium. 2010. IEEE. 2010
12 手榴弹爆炸算法 Ahrari, A. and A.A.J.A.S.C. Atai, Grenade explosion method—a novel tool for optimization of multimodal functions. 2010. 10(4): p. 1132-1140. 2010
13 头脑风暴优化算法 Shi, Y. Brain storm optimization algorithm. in International conference in swarm intelligence. 2011. Springer. 2011
14 基于教与学的优化算法 Rao, R.V., V.J. Savsani, and D.J.C.-A.D. Vakharia, Teaching–learning-based optimization: a novel method for constrained mechanical design optimization problems. 2011. 43(3): p. 303-315. 2011
15 花授粉算法 Yang, X.-S. Flower pollination algorithm for global optimization. in International conference on unconventional computing and natural computation. 2012. Springer. 2012
16 果蝇优化算法 Pan, W.-T.J.K.-B.S., A new fruit fly optimization algorithm: taking the financial distress model as an example. 2012. 26: p. 69-74. 2012
17 磷虾优化算法 Gandomi, A.H., A.H.J.C.i.n.s. Alavi, and n. simulation, Krill herd: a new bio-inspired optimization algorithm. 2012. 17(12): p. 4831-4845. 2012
18 狼群算法 吴虎胜, 张凤鸣, and 吴.J. 系统工程与电子技术, 一种新的群体智能算法——狼群算法. 2010. 35(11): p. 2430-2438. 2010
19 海豚回声定位算法 Kaveh, A. and N.J.A.i.E.S. Farhoudi, A new optimization method: Dolphin echolocation. 2013. 59: p. 53-70. 2013
20 鸽群优化算法 Duan, H., P.J.I.j.o.i.c. Qiao, and cybernetics, Pigeon-inspired optimization: a new swarm intelligence optimizer for air robot path planning. 2014. 2014
21 灰狼优化算法 Mirjalili, S., S.M. Mirjalili, and A.J.A.i.e.s. Lewis, Grey wolf optimizer. 2014. 69: p. 46-61. 2014
22 物体碰撞优化算法 Kaveh, A., V.R.J.C. Mahdavi, and Structures, Colliding bodies optimization: a novel meta-heuristic method. 2014. 139: p. 18-27. 2014
23 水波优化 算法 Zheng, Y.-J.J.C. and O. Research, Water wave optimization: a new nature-inspired metaheuristic. 2015. 55: p. 1-11. 2015
24 闪电搜索算法 Shareef, H., A.A. Ibrahim, and A.H.J.A.S.C. Mutlag, Lightning search algorithm. 2015. 36: p. 315-333. 2015
25 Jaya算法 Rao, R.J.I.J.o.I.E.C., Jaya: A simple and new optimization algorithm for solving constrained and unconstrained optimization problems. 2016. 7(1): p. 19-34. 2016
26 蜻蜓算法 Mirjalili, S.J.N.C. and Applications, Dragonfly algorithm: a new meta-heuristic optimization technique for solving single-objective, discrete, and multi-objective problems. 2016. 27(4): p. 1053-1073. 2016
27 鲸鱼优化算法 Mirjalili, S. and A.J.A.i.e.s. Lewis, The whale optimization algorithm. 2016. 95: p. 51-67. 2016
28 多元宇宙优化算法 Mirjalili, S., et al., Multi-verse optimizer: a nature-inspired algorithm for global optimization. 2016. 27(2): p. 495-513. 2016
29 乌鸦搜索算法 Askarzadeh, A.J.C. and Structures, A novel metaheuristic method for solving constrained engineering optimization problems: crow search algorithm. 2016. 169: p. 1-12. 2016
30 蝴蝶算法 Qi, X., Y. Zhu, and H.J.J.o.c.s. Zhang, A new meta-heuristic butterfly-inspired algorithm. 2017. 23: p. 226-239. 2017
31 雷电附着优化算法 Nematollahi, A.F., A. Rahiminejad, and B.J.A.S.C. Vahidi, A novel physical based meta-heuristic optimization method known as Lightning Attachment Procedure Optimization. 2017. 59: p. 596-621. 2017
32 斑鬣狗优化算法 Dhiman, G. and V.J.A.i.E.S. Kumar, Spotted hyena optimizer: a novel bio-inspired based metaheuristic technique for engineering applications. 2017. 114: p. 48-70. 2017
33 松鼠搜索算法 Jain, M., et al., A novel nature-inspired algorithm for optimization: Squirrel search algorithm. 2019. 44: p. 148-175. 2019
