

  1. 摘要算法
    SM3由国家密码管理局于2010年12月17日发布。相关标准为“GM/T 0004-2012 《SM3密码杂凑算法》”。
    密码散列函数是散列函数的一种。它被认为是一种单向函数,也就是说极其难以由散列函数输出的结果,回推输入的数据是什么。这样的单向函数被称为“现代密码学的驮马”。这种散列函数的输入数据,通常被称为消息(message),而它的输出结果,经常被称为消息摘要(message digest)或摘要(digest)。
    • 对于任何一个给定的消息,它都很容易就能运算出散列数值。
    • 难以由一个已知的散列数值,去推算出原始的消息。
    • 在不更动散列数值的前提下,修改消息内容是不可行的。
    • 对于两个不同的消息,它不能给与相同的散列数值。 [1]

  2. sm3算法实现
    杂凑值hash value:杂凑算法作用于消息后输出的特定长度的比特串。本文本中的杂凑值长度为256比特。
    3.1 常数与函数
    3.1.1 初始值
    IV = 7380166f 4914b2b9 172442d7 da8a0600 a96f30bc 163138aa e38dee4d b0fb0e4e
    3.1.2 常量
    Tj={ 79cc4519 0≤j≤15;7a879d8a 16≤j≤63}
    3.1.3 布尔函数
    FFj(X,Y,Z)={XYZ 0≤j≤15;(X & Y)|(X&Z)|(Y&Z) 16≤j≤63}
    GGj(X,Y,Z)={XYZ 0≤j≤15;(X & Y)|(~X&Z)16≤j≤63}
    3.1.4 置换函数
    P0(X)= X(X<<<9)(X<<<17)
    P1(X)= X(X<<<15)(X<<<23)
    X 为字
    3.2 算法简介
    3.2.1 填充过程
    设消息m的长度为l bit,首先将bit"1"添加到消息末尾,再加k个“0”,k是满足l+1+k =448 mod 512的最小非负整数。然后再添加一个64bit串,该串是l的二进制表示,填充后的消息m’长度为512的整数倍。
    3.2.2 迭代压缩
    FOR i=0 to n-1
      V(i+1) = CF(V(i),B(i)
    b)FOR j=16 to 67
      Wj=P1(Wj-16 ^ Wj-9 ^ (Wj-3 <<<15)(Wj-13<<<7)Wj-6
    c)FOR j=0 to 63
    A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H为字寄存器,SS1/SS2/TT1/TT2为中间变量,压缩函数V(i+1) = CF(V(i),B(i))计算过程如下:
    ABCDEFGH = V(i)
    FOR j=0 to 63
      SS1 = ((A<<<12)+E+(Tj<<   SS2 = SS1^(A<<<12)
      TT1 = FFj(A,B,C)+D+SS2+Wj’
      TT2 = GGj(E,F,G)+H+SS1+Wj
      D = C
      C = B<<<9
      B = A
      A = TT1
      H = G
      G = F<<<19
      F = E
      E = P0(TT2)
    V(i+1) = ABCDEFGH^V(i)
    3.2.3 杂凑结果
    3.3 sm3在芯片中的实际使用方法

  3. SM3算法C实现

* sm3.h
* 为使此算法兼容32位、64位下Linux或Windows系统,
* 选择 int 来表示 32 位整数。
* 消息长度最大限定为 2**32 - 1(单位:比特),
* 且为 8 的倍数(消息的最小单元为字节)。
#ifndef _SM3_H_
#define _SM3_H_
* SM3算法产生的哈希值大小(单位:字节)
#define SM3_HASH_SIZE 32 
* SM3上下文
typedef struct sm3_ctx
	unsigned int m_hash[SM3_HASH_SIZE / 4];
	unsigned char msg_block[64];
} sm3_ctx;
* SM3计算函数
unsigned char *sm3_calc(const unsigned char *message,
	unsigned int msg_len, unsigned char digest[SM3_HASH_SIZE]);
#endif // _SM3_H_


* sm3.c
#include "sm3.h"
* 判断运行环境是否为小端
static const int endianTest = 1;
#define is_little_endian() (*(char *)&endianTest == 1)
* 向左循环移位
#define left_rotate(word, bits) ( (word) << (bits) | (word) >> (32 - (bits)) )
* 反转四字节整型字节序
unsigned int *reverse_word(unsigned int *word)
	unsigned char *byte, temp;
	byte = (unsigned char *)word;
	temp = byte[0];
	byte[0] = byte[3];
	byte[3] = temp;
	temp = byte[1];
	byte[1] = byte[2];
	byte[2] = temp;
	return word;
* T
unsigned int T(int i)
	if (i >= 0 && i <= 15)
		return 0x79CC4519;
	else if (i >= 16 && i <= 63)
		return 0x7A879D8A;
		return 0;
* FF
unsigned int FF(unsigned int X, unsigned int Y, unsigned int Z, int i)
	if (i >= 0 && i <= 15)
		return X ^ Y ^ Z;
	else if (i >= 16 && i <= 63)
		return (X & Y) | (X & Z) | (Y & Z);
		return 0;
* GG
unsigned int GG(unsigned int X, unsigned int Y, unsigned int Z, int i)
	if (i >= 0 && i <= 15)
		return X ^ Y ^ Z;
	else if (i >= 16 && i <= 63)
		return (X & Y) | (~X & Z);
		return 0;
* P0
unsigned int P0(unsigned int X)
	return X ^ left_rotate(X, 9) ^ left_rotate(X, 17);
* P1
unsigned int P1(unsigned int X)
	return X ^ left_rotate(X, 15) ^ left_rotate(X, 23);
* 初始化函数
void SM3Init(sm3_ctx *context)
	context->m_hash[0] = 0x7380166F;
	context->m_hash[1] = 0x4914B2B9;
	context->m_hash[2] = 0x172442D7;
	context->m_hash[3] = 0xDA8A0600;
	context->m_hash[4] = 0xA96F30BC;
	context->m_hash[5] = 0x163138AA;
	context->m_hash[6] = 0xE38DEE4D;
	context->m_hash[7] = 0xB0FB0E4E;
* 处理消息块
void SM3ProcessMsg_block(sm3_ctx *context)
	int i;
	unsigned int W[68];
	unsigned int W_[64];
	unsigned int A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, SS1, SS2, TT1, TT2;
	/* 消息扩展 */
	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
		W[i] = *(unsigned int *)(context->msg_block + i * 4);
		if (is_little_endian())
			reverse_word(W + i);
		//printf("%d: %x\n", i, W[i]);    
	for (i = 16; i < 68; i++)
		W[i] = P1(W[i - 16] ^ W[i - 9] ^ left_rotate(W[i - 3], 15))
			^ left_rotate(W[i - 13], 7)
			^ W[i - 6];
		//printf("%d: %x\n", i, W[i]);    
	for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
		W_[i] = W[i] ^ W[i + 4];
		//printf("%d: %x\n", i, W_[i]);    
	/* 消息压缩 */
	A = context->m_hash[0];
	B = context->m_hash[1];
	C = context->m_hash[2];
	D = context->m_hash[3];
	E = context->m_hash[4];
	F = context->m_hash[5];
	G = context->m_hash[6];
	H = context->m_hash[7];
	for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
		SS1 = left_rotate((left_rotate(A, 12) + E + left_rotate(T(i), i)), 7);
		SS2 = SS1 ^ left_rotate(A, 12);
		TT1 = FF(A, B, C, i) + D + SS2 + W_[i];
		TT2 = GG(E, F, G, i) + H + SS1 + W[i];
		D = C;
		C = left_rotate(B, 9);
		B = A;
		A = TT1;
		H = G;
		G = left_rotate(F, 19);
		F = E;
		E = P0(TT2);
	context->m_hash[0] ^= A;
	context->m_hash[1] ^= B;
	context->m_hash[2] ^= C;
	context->m_hash[3] ^= D;
	context->m_hash[4] ^= E;
	context->m_hash[5] ^= F;
	context->m_hash[6] ^= G;
	context->m_hash[7] ^= H;
* SM3算法主函数
unsigned char *sm3_calc(const unsigned char *message,
	unsigned int msg_len, unsigned char digest[SM3_HASH_SIZE])
	sm3_ctx context;
	unsigned int i, remainder, bitLen;
	/* 初始化上下文 */
	/* 对前面的消息分组进行处理 */
	for (i = 0; i < msg_len / 64; i++)
		memcpy(context.msg_block, message + i * 64, 64);
	/* 填充消息分组,并处理 */
	bitLen = msg_len * 8;
	if (is_little_endian())
	remainder = msg_len % 64;
	memcpy(context.msg_block, message + i * 64, remainder);
	context.msg_block[remainder] = 0x80;
	if (remainder <= 55)
		/* 长度按照大端法占8个字节,该程序只考虑长度在 2**32 - 1(单位:比特)以内的情况,
		* 故将高 4 个字节赋为 0 。*/
		memset(context.msg_block + remainder + 1, 0, 64 - remainder - 1 - 8 + 4);
		memcpy(context.msg_block + 64 - 4, &bitLen, 4);
		memset(context.msg_block + remainder + 1, 0, 64 - remainder - 1);
		/* 长度按照大端法占8个字节,该程序只考虑长度在 2**32 - 1(单位:比特)以内的情况,
		* 故将高 4 个字节赋为 0 。*/
		memset(context.msg_block, 0, 64 - 4);
		memcpy(context.msg_block + 64 - 4, &bitLen, 4);
	/* 返回结果 */
	if (is_little_endian())
	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
		reverse_word(context.m_hash + i);
	memcpy(digest, context.m_hash, SM3_HASH_SIZE);
	return digest;

#include "sm3.h"
//#pragma comment(lib,"sm3dll2")
//extern "C" void SM3Call(const unsigned char *message,unsigned int msg_len, unsigned char digest[SM3_HASH_SIZE]);
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
	unsigned char input[256] = "abc";
	int ilen = 3;
	unsigned char output[32];
	int i;
	// ctx;
	sm3_calc(input, ilen, output);
	printf("Hash:\n   ");
	for(i=0; i<32; i++)
		if (((i+1) % 4 ) == 0) printf(" ");
	unsigned char input2[256] = "abcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcd";
	int ilen2 = 64;
	unsigned char output2[32];
	int i2;
	// ctx;
	printf("%s\n", input2);
	sm3_calc(input2, ilen2, output2);
	printf("Hash:\n   ");
	for (i2 = 0; i2<32; i2++)
		printf("%02x", output2[i2]);
		if (((i2 + 1) % 4) == 0) printf(" ");

软件实现2#ifndef XYSSL_SM3_H
#define XYSSL_SM3_H

 * \brief          SM3 context structure
typedef struct
    unsigned long total[2];     /*!< number of bytes processed  */
    unsigned long state[8];     /*!< intermediate digest state  */
    unsigned char buffer[64];   /*!< data block being processed */

    unsigned char ipad[64];     /*!< HMAC: inner padding        */
    unsigned char opad[64];     /*!< HMAC: outer padding        */


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * \brief          SM3 context setup
 * \param ctx      context to be initialized
void sm3_starts( sm3_context *ctx );

 * \brief          SM3 process buffer
 * \param ctx      SM3 context
 * \param input    buffer holding the  data
 * \param ilen     length of the input data
void sm3_update( sm3_context *ctx, unsigned char *input, int ilen );

 * \brief          SM3 final digest
 * \param ctx      SM3 context
void sm3_finish( sm3_context *ctx, unsigned char output[32] );

 * \brief          Output = SM3( input buffer )
 * \param input    buffer holding the  data
 * \param ilen     length of the input data
 * \param output   SM3 checksum result
void sm3( unsigned char *input, int ilen,
           unsigned char output[32]);

 * \brief          Output = SM3( file contents )
 * \param path     input file name
 * \param output   SM3 checksum result
 * \return         0 if successful, 1 if fopen failed,
 *                 or 2 if fread failed
int sm3_file( char *path, unsigned char output[32] );

 * \brief          SM3 HMAC context setup
 * \param ctx      HMAC context to be initialized
 * \param key      HMAC secret key
 * \param keylen   length of the HMAC key
void sm3_hmac_starts( sm3_context *ctx, unsigned char *key, int keylen);

 * \brief          SM3 HMAC process buffer
 * \param ctx      HMAC context
 * \param input    buffer holding the  data
 * \param ilen     length of the input data
void sm3_hmac_update( sm3_context *ctx, unsigned char *input, int ilen );

 * \brief          SM3 HMAC final digest
 * \param ctx      HMAC context
 * \param output   SM3 HMAC checksum result
void sm3_hmac_finish( sm3_context *ctx, unsigned char output[32] );

 * \brief          Output = HMAC-SM3( hmac key, input buffer )
 * \param key      HMAC secret key
 * \param keylen   length of the HMAC key
 * \param input    buffer holding the  data
 * \param ilen     length of the input data
 * \param output   HMAC-SM3 result
void sm3_hmac( unsigned char *key, int keylen,
                unsigned char *input, int ilen,
                unsigned char output[32] );

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* sm3.h */

#include "sm3.h"

 * 32-bit integer manipulation macros (big endian)
#ifndef GET_ULONG_BE
#define GET_ULONG_BE(n,b,i)                             \
{                                                       \
    (n) = ( (unsigned long) (b)[(i)    ] << 24 )        \
        | ( (unsigned long) (b)[(i) + 1] << 16 )        \
        | ( (unsigned long) (b)[(i) + 2] <<  8 )        \
        | ( (unsigned long) (b)[(i) + 3]       );       \

#ifndef PUT_ULONG_BE
#define PUT_ULONG_BE(n,b,i)                             \
{                                                       \
    (b)[(i)    ] = (unsigned char) ( (n) >> 24 );       \
    (b)[(i) + 1] = (unsigned char) ( (n) >> 16 );       \
    (b)[(i) + 2] = (unsigned char) ( (n) >>  8 );       \
    (b)[(i) + 3] = (unsigned char) ( (n)       );       \

 * SM3 context setup
void sm3_starts( sm3_context *ctx )
    ctx->total[0] = 0;
    ctx->total[1] = 0;

    ctx->state[0] = 0x7380166F;
    ctx->state[1] = 0x4914B2B9;
    ctx->state[2] = 0x172442D7;
    ctx->state[3] = 0xDA8A0600;
    ctx->state[4] = 0xA96F30BC;
    ctx->state[5] = 0x163138AA;
    ctx->state[6] = 0xE38DEE4D;
    ctx->state[7] = 0xB0FB0E4E;


static void sm3_process( sm3_context *ctx, unsigned char data[64] )
    unsigned long SS1, SS2, TT1, TT2, W[68],W1[64];
    unsigned long A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H;
	unsigned long T[64];
	unsigned long Temp1,Temp2,Temp3,Temp4,Temp5;
	int j;
#ifdef _DEBUG
	int i;

// 	for(j=0; j < 68; j++)
// 		W[j] = 0;
// 	for(j=0; j < 64; j++)
// 		W1[j] = 0;
	for(j = 0; j < 16; j++)
		T[j] = 0x79CC4519;
	for(j =16; j < 64; j++)
		T[j] = 0x7A879D8A;

    GET_ULONG_BE( W[ 0], data,  0 );
    GET_ULONG_BE( W[ 1], data,  4 );
    GET_ULONG_BE( W[ 2], data,  8 );
    GET_ULONG_BE( W[ 3], data, 12 );
    GET_ULONG_BE( W[ 4], data, 16 );
    GET_ULONG_BE( W[ 5], data, 20 );
    GET_ULONG_BE( W[ 6], data, 24 );
    GET_ULONG_BE( W[ 7], data, 28 );
    GET_ULONG_BE( W[ 8], data, 32 );
    GET_ULONG_BE( W[ 9], data, 36 );
    GET_ULONG_BE( W[10], data, 40 );
    GET_ULONG_BE( W[11], data, 44 );
    GET_ULONG_BE( W[12], data, 48 );
    GET_ULONG_BE( W[13], data, 52 );
    GET_ULONG_BE( W[14], data, 56 );
    GET_ULONG_BE( W[15], data, 60 );

#ifdef _DEBUG 
	printf("Message with padding:\n");
	for(i=0; i< 8; i++)
		printf("%08x ",W[i]);
	for(i=8; i< 16; i++)
		printf("%08x ",W[i]);

#define FF0(x,y,z) ( (x) ^ (y) ^ (z)) 
#define FF1(x,y,z) (((x) & (y)) | ( (x) & (z)) | ( (y) & (z)))

#define GG0(x,y,z) ( (x) ^ (y) ^ (z)) 
#define GG1(x,y,z) (((x) & (y)) | ( (~(x)) & (z)) )

#define  SHL(x,n) (((x) & 0xFFFFFFFF) << n)
#define ROTL(x,n) (SHL((x),n) | ((x) >> (32 - n)))

#define P0(x) ((x) ^  ROTL((x),9) ^ ROTL((x),17)) 
#define P1(x) ((x) ^  ROTL((x),15) ^ ROTL((x),23)) 

	for(j = 16; j < 68; j++ )
		//W[j] = P1( W[j-16] ^ W[j-9] ^ ROTL(W[j-3],15)) ^ ROTL(W[j - 13],7 ) ^ W[j-6];
		//Why thd release's result is different with the debug's ?
		//Below is okay. Interesting, Perhaps VC6 has a bug of Optimizaiton.
		Temp1 = W[j-16] ^ W[j-9];
		Temp2 = ROTL(W[j-3],15);
		Temp3 = Temp1 ^ Temp2;
		Temp4 = P1(Temp3);
		Temp5 =  ROTL(W[j - 13],7 ) ^ W[j-6];
		W[j] = Temp4 ^ Temp5;

#ifdef _DEBUG 
	printf("Expanding message W0-67:\n");
	for(i=0; i<68; i++)
		printf("%08x ",W[i]);
		if(((i+1) % 8) == 0) printf("\n");

	for(j =  0; j < 64; j++)
        W1[j] = W[j] ^ W[j+4];

#ifdef _DEBUG 
	printf("Expanding message W'0-63:\n");
	for(i=0; i<64; i++)
		printf("%08x ",W1[i]);
		if(((i+1) % 8) == 0) printf("\n");

    A = ctx->state[0];
    B = ctx->state[1];
    C = ctx->state[2];
    D = ctx->state[3];
    E = ctx->state[4];
    F = ctx->state[5];
    G = ctx->state[6];
    H = ctx->state[7];
#ifdef _DEBUG       
	printf("j     A       B        C         D         E        F        G       H\n");
	printf("   %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\n",A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H);

	for(j =0; j < 16; j++)
		SS1 = ROTL((ROTL(A,12) + E + ROTL(T[j],j)), 7); 
		SS2 = SS1 ^ ROTL(A,12);
		TT1 = FF0(A,B,C) + D + SS2 + W1[j];
		TT2 = GG0(E,F,G) + H + SS1 + W[j];
		D = C;
		C = ROTL(B,9);
		B = A;
		A = TT1;
		H = G;
		G = ROTL(F,19);
		F = E;
		E = P0(TT2);
#ifdef _DEBUG 
		printf("%02d %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\n",j,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H);
	for(j =16; j < 64; j++)
		SS1 = ROTL((ROTL(A,12) + E + ROTL(T[j],j)), 7); 
		SS2 = SS1 ^ ROTL(A,12);
		TT1 = FF1(A,B,C) + D + SS2 + W1[j];
		TT2 = GG1(E,F,G) + H + SS1 + W[j];
		D = C;
		C = ROTL(B,9);
		B = A;
		A = TT1;
		H = G;
		G = ROTL(F,19);
		F = E;
		E = P0(TT2);
#ifdef _DEBUG 
		printf("%02d %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\n",j,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H);

    ctx->state[0] ^= A;
    ctx->state[1] ^= B;
    ctx->state[2] ^= C;
    ctx->state[3] ^= D;
    ctx->state[4] ^= E;
    ctx->state[5] ^= F;
    ctx->state[6] ^= G;
    ctx->state[7] ^= H;
#ifdef _DEBUG 
	   printf("   %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\n",ctx->state[0],ctx->state[1],ctx->state[2],

 * SM3 process buffer
void sm3_update( sm3_context *ctx, unsigned char *input, int ilen )
    int fill;
    unsigned long left;

    if( ilen <= 0 )

    left = ctx->total[0] & 0x3F;
    fill = 64 - left;

    ctx->total[0] += ilen;
    ctx->total[0] &= 0xFFFFFFFF;

    if( ctx->total[0] < (unsigned long) ilen )

    if( left && ilen >= fill )
        memcpy( (void *) (ctx->buffer + left),
                (void *) input, fill );
        sm3_process( ctx, ctx->buffer );
        input += fill;
        ilen  -= fill;
        left = 0;

    while( ilen >= 64 )
        sm3_process( ctx, input );
        input += 64;
        ilen  -= 64;

    if( ilen > 0 )
        memcpy( (void *) (ctx->buffer + left),
                (void *) input, ilen );

static const unsigned char sm3_padding[64] =
 0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

 * SM3 final digest
void sm3_finish( sm3_context *ctx, unsigned char output[32] )
    unsigned long last, padn;
    unsigned long high, low;
    unsigned char msglen[8];

    high = ( ctx->total[0] >> 29 )
         | ( ctx->total[1] <<  3 );
    low  = ( ctx->total[0] <<  3 );

    PUT_ULONG_BE( high, msglen, 0 );
    PUT_ULONG_BE( low,  msglen, 4 );

    last = ctx->total[0] & 0x3F;
    padn = ( last < 56 ) ? ( 56 - last ) : ( 120 - last );

    sm3_update( ctx, (unsigned char *) sm3_padding, padn );
    sm3_update( ctx, msglen, 8 );

    PUT_ULONG_BE( ctx->state[0], output,  0 );
    PUT_ULONG_BE( ctx->state[1], output,  4 );
    PUT_ULONG_BE( ctx->state[2], output,  8 );
    PUT_ULONG_BE( ctx->state[3], output, 12 );
    PUT_ULONG_BE( ctx->state[4], output, 16 );
    PUT_ULONG_BE( ctx->state[5], output, 20 );
    PUT_ULONG_BE( ctx->state[6], output, 24 );
    PUT_ULONG_BE( ctx->state[7], output, 28 );

 * output = SM3( input buffer )
void sm3( unsigned char *input, int ilen,
           unsigned char output[32] )
    sm3_context ctx;

    sm3_starts( &ctx );
    sm3_update( &ctx, input, ilen );
    sm3_finish( &ctx, output );

    memset( &ctx, 0, sizeof( sm3_context ) );

 * output = SM3( file contents )
int sm3_file( char *path, unsigned char output[32] )
    FILE *f;
    size_t n;
    sm3_context ctx;
    unsigned char buf[1024];

    if( ( f = fopen( path, "rb" ) ) == NULL )
        return( 1 );

    sm3_starts( &ctx );

    while( ( n = fread( buf, 1, sizeof( buf ), f ) ) > 0 )
        sm3_update( &ctx, buf, (int) n );

    sm3_finish( &ctx, output );

    memset( &ctx, 0, sizeof( sm3_context ) );

    if( ferror( f ) != 0 )
        fclose( f );
        return( 2 );

    fclose( f );
    return( 0 );

 * SM3 HMAC context setup
void sm3_hmac_starts( sm3_context *ctx, unsigned char *key, int keylen )
    int i;
    unsigned char sum[32];

    if( keylen > 64 )
        sm3( key, keylen, sum );
        keylen = 32;
		//keylen = ( is224 ) ? 28 : 32;
        key = sum;

    memset( ctx->ipad, 0x36, 64 );
    memset( ctx->opad, 0x5C, 64 );

    for( i = 0; i < keylen; i++ )
        ctx->ipad[i] = (unsigned char)( ctx->ipad[i] ^ key[i] );
        ctx->opad[i] = (unsigned char)( ctx->opad[i] ^ key[i] );

    sm3_starts( ctx);
    sm3_update( ctx, ctx->ipad, 64 );

    memset( sum, 0, sizeof( sum ) );

 * SM3 HMAC process buffer
void sm3_hmac_update( sm3_context *ctx, unsigned char *input, int ilen )
    sm3_update( ctx, input, ilen );

 * SM3 HMAC final digest
void sm3_hmac_finish( sm3_context *ctx, unsigned char output[32] )
    int hlen;
    unsigned char tmpbuf[32];

    //is224 = ctx->is224;
    hlen =  32;

    sm3_finish( ctx, tmpbuf );
    sm3_starts( ctx );
    sm3_update( ctx, ctx->opad, 64 );
    sm3_update( ctx, tmpbuf, hlen );
    sm3_finish( ctx, output );

    memset( tmpbuf, 0, sizeof( tmpbuf ) );

 * output = HMAC-SM#( hmac key, input buffer )
void sm3_hmac( unsigned char *key, int keylen,
                unsigned char *input, int ilen,
                unsigned char output[32] )
    sm3_context ctx;

    sm3_hmac_starts( &ctx, key, keylen);
    sm3_hmac_update( &ctx, input, ilen );
    sm3_hmac_finish( &ctx, output );

    memset( &ctx, 0, sizeof( sm3_context ) );

// Sample 1
// Input:"abc"  
// Output:66c7f0f4 62eeedd9 d1f2d46b dc10e4e2 4167c487 5cf2f7a2 297da02b 8f4ba8e0

// Sample 2 
// Input:"abcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcd"
// Outpuf:debe9ff9 2275b8a1 38604889 c18e5a4d 6fdb70e5 387e5765 293dcba3 9c0c5732

#include "sm3.h"

int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
	unsigned char *input = "abc";
	int ilen = 3;
	unsigned char output[32];
	int i;
	sm3_context ctx;


	sm3(input, ilen, output);
	printf("Hash:\n   ");
	for(i=0; i<32; i++)
		if (((i+1) % 4 ) == 0) printf(" ");

	for(i=0; i < 16; i++)

    sm3_starts( &ctx );
	for(i=0; i < 16; i++)
		sm3_update( &ctx, "abcd", 4 );
    sm3_finish( &ctx, output );
    memset( &ctx, 0, sizeof( sm3_context ) );
	printf("Hash:\n   ");
	for(i=0; i<32; i++)
		if (((i+1) % 4 ) == 0) printf(" ");

