BindingNavigator & BindingSource Classes in VS2005

BindingNavigator & BindingSource Classes in VS2005


BindingNavigator Class represents the navigation and manipulation user interface for controls on a form that are bound to data.


BindingSource Class encapsulates the data source for a form.


In most cases, a BindNavigator is paired with a BindSource control to move through data records on a form and interact with them.


Code snippet:

private BindingSource EmployeesBindingSource;

// Create a BindingSource for all the BindingNavigators to use

this.EmployeesBindingSource = new BindingSource();

// Associate the DataSet with the BindingSource.

this.EmployeesBindingSource.DataMember = "Employee";

this.EmployeesBindingSource.DataSource = ds;


// Associate the BindingNavigators with the BindingSource

this.EmployeesBindingNavigator.BindingSource = this.EmployeesBindingSource;


BindingNavigator Constructor:

public BindingNavigator( bool addStandardItems );


true to show the standard VCR-like navigational UI; otherwise, false.

