class TreeNode: """ MCTS Tree Node """ c_puct: ClassVar[int] = 5 # class-wise global param c_puct, exploration weight factor. _parent: TreeNode _children: Dict[int, TreeNode] # map from action to TreeNode _visit_num: int _Q: float # Q value of the node, which is the mean action value. _prior: float
和上面的计算公式相对应,下列代码根据节点状态计算PUCT(s, a)。
class TreeNode: def get_puct(self) -> float: """ Computes AlphaGo Zero PUCT (polynomial upper confidence trees) of the node. :return: Node PUCT value. """ U = (TreeNode.c_puct * self._prior * np.sqrt(self._parent._visit_num) / (1 + self._visit_num)) return self._Q + U
AlphaGo Zero MCTS在playout时遇到已经被展开的节点,会根据selection规则选择子节点,该规则本质上是在所有子节点中选择最大的PUCT值的节点。
class TreeNode: def select(self) -> Tuple[Pos, TreeNode]: """ Selects an action(Pos) having max UCB value. :return: Action and corresponding node """ return max(self._children.items(), key=lambda act_node: act_node[1].get_puct())
新的叶节点一旦在playout时产生,关联的 v 值会一路向上更新至根节点,具体新节点的v值将在下一节中解释。
class TreeNode: def propagate_to_root(self, leaf_value: float): """ Updates current node with observed leaf_value and propagates to root node. :param leaf_value: :return: """ if self._parent: self._parent.propagate_to_root(-leaf_value) self._update(leaf_value) def _update(self, leaf_value: float): """ Updates the node by newly observed leaf_value. :param leaf_value: :return: """ self._visit_num += 1 # new Q is updated towards deviation from existing Q self._Q += 0.5 * (leaf_value - self._Q)
AlphaGo Zero MCTS 在训练阶段分为如下几个步骤。游戏初始局面下,整个局面树的建立由子节点的不断被探索而丰富起来。AlphaGo Zero对弈一次即产生了一次完整的游戏开始到结束的动作系列。在对弈过程中的某一游戏局面,需要采样海量的playout,又称MCTS模拟,以此来决定此局面的下一步动作。一次playout可视为在真实游戏状态树的一种特定采样,playout可能会产生游戏结局,生成真实的v值;也可能explore 到新的叶子节点,此时v值依赖策略价值网络的输出,目的是利用训练的神经网络来产生高质量的游戏对战局面。每次playout会从当前给定局面递归向下,向下的过程中会遇到下面三种节点情况。
若局面节点是游戏结局(叶子节点),可以得到游戏的真实价值 z。从底部节点带着z向上更新沿途节点的Q值,直至根节点(初始局面)。
若局面节点从未被扩展过(叶子节点),此时会将局面编码输入到策略价值双头网络,输出结果为网络预估的action分布和v值。Action分布作为节点先验概率P(s, a)来初始化子节点,预估的v值和上面真实游戏价值z一样,从叶子节点向上沿途更新到根节点。
class MCTSAlphaGoZeroPlayer(BaseAgent): def _next_step_play_act_probs(self, game: ConnectNGame) -> Tuple[List[Pos], ActionProbs]: """ For the given game status, run playouts number of times specified by self._playout_num. Returns the action distribution according to AlphaGo Zero MCTS play formula. :param game: :return: actions and their probability """ for n in range(self._playout_num): self._playout(copy.deepcopy(game)) act_visits = [(act, node._visit_num) for act, node in self._current_root._children.items()] acts, visits = zip(*act_visits) act_probs = softmax(1.0 / MCTSAlphaGoZeroPlayer.temperature * np.log(np.array(visits) + 1e-10)) return acts, act_probs
在训练模式时,考虑到偏向exploration的目的,在 落子分布的基础上增加了 Dirichlet 分布。
class MCTSAlphaGoZeroPlayer(BaseAgent): def get_action(self, board: PyGameBoard) -> Pos: """ Method defined in BaseAgent. :param board: :return: next move for the given game board. """ return self._get_action(copy.deepcopy(board.connect_n_game))[0] def _get_action(self, game: ConnectNGame) -> Tuple[MoveWithProb]: epsilon = 0.25 avail_pos = game.get_avail_pos() move_probs: ActionProbs = np.zeros(game.board_size * game.board_size) assert len(avail_pos) > 0 # the pi defined in AlphaGo Zero paper acts, act_probs = self._next_step_play_act_probs(game) move_probs[list(acts)] = act_probs if self._is_training: # add Dirichlet Noise when training in favour of exploration p_ = (1-epsilon) * act_probs + epsilon * np.random.dirichlet(0.3 * np.ones(len(act_probs))) move = np.random.choice(acts, p=p_) assert move in game.get_avail_pos() else: move = np.random.choice(acts, p=act_probs) self.reset() return move, move_probs
一次完整的AI对弈就是从初始局面迭代play直至游戏结束,对弈生成的数据是一系列的 。
如下图 s0 到 s5 是某次井字棋的对弈。最终结局是先手黑棋玩家赢,即对于黑棋玩家 z = +1。需要注意的是:z = +1 是对于所有黑棋面临的局面,即s0, s2, s4,而对应的其余白棋玩家来说 z = -1。
class MCTSAlphaGoZeroPlayer(BaseAgent): def self_play_one_game(self, game: ConnectNGame) \ -> List[Tuple[NetGameState, ActionProbs, NDArray[(Any), np.float]]]: """ :param game: :return: Sequence of (s, pi, z) of a complete game play. The number of list is the game play length. """ states: List[NetGameState] = [] probs: List[ActionProbs] = [] current_players: List[np.float] = [] while not game.game_over: move, move_probs = self._get_action(game) states.append(convert_game_state(game)) probs.append(move_probs) current_players.append(game.current_player) game.move(move) current_player_z = np.zeros(len(current_players)) current_player_z[np.array(current_players) == game.game_result] = 1.0 current_player_z[np.array(current_players) == -game.game_result] = -1.0 self.reset() return list(zip(states, probs, current_player_z))
一次playout会从当前局面根据PUCT selection规则下沉到叶子节点,如果此叶子节点非游戏终结点,则会扩展当前节点生成下一层新节点,其先验分布由策略价值网络输出的action分布决定。一次playout最终会得到叶子节点的 v 值,并沿着MCTS树向上更新沿途的所有父节点 Q值。从上一篇文章已知,游戏节点的数量随着参数而指数级增长,举例来说,井字棋(k=3,m=n=3)的状态数量是5478,k=3,m=n=4时是6035992 ,k=m=n=4时是9722011 。如果我们将初始局面节点作为根节点,同时保存海量playout探索得到的局面节点,实现时会发现我们无法将所有探索到的局面节点都保存在内存中。这里的一种解决方法是在一次self play中每轮playout之后,将根节点重置成落子的节点,从而有效控制整颗局面树中的节点数量。
class MCTSAlphaGoZeroPlayer(BaseAgent): def _playout(self, game: ConnectNGame): """ From current game status, run a sequence down to a leaf node, either because game ends or unexplored node. Get the leaf value of the leaf node, either the actual reward of game or action value returned by policy net. And propagate upwards to root node. :param game: """ player_id = game.current_player node = self._current_root while True: if node.is_leaf(): break act, node = game.move(act) # now game state is a leaf node in the tree, either a terminal node or an unexplored node act_and_probs: Iterator[MoveWithProb] act_and_probs, leaf_value = self._policy_value_net.policy_value_fn(game) if not game.game_over: # case where encountering an unexplored leaf node, update leaf_value estimated by policy net to root for act, prob in act_and_probs: game.move(act) child_node = node.expand(act, prob) game.undo() else: # case where game ends, update actual leaf_value to root if game.game_result == ConnectNGame.RESULT_TIE: leaf_value = ConnectNGame.RESULT_TIE else: leaf_value = 1 if game.game_result == player_id else -1 leaf_value = float(leaf_value) # Update leaf_value and propagate up to root node node.propagate_to_root(-leaf_value)
NetGameState = NDArray[(4, Any, Any),]def convert_game_state(game: ConnectNGame) -> NetGameState: """ Converts game state to type NetGameState as ndarray. :param game: :return: Of shape 4 * board_size * board_size. [0] is current player positions. [1] is opponent positions. [2] is last move location. [3] all 1 meaning move by black player, all 0 meaning move by white. """ state_matrix = np.zeros((4, game.board_size, game.board_size)) if game.action_stack: actions = np.array(game.action_stack) move_curr = actions[::2] move_oppo = actions[1::2] for move in move_curr: state_matrix[0][move] = 1.0 for move in move_oppo: state_matrix[1][move] = 1.0 # indicate the last move location state_matrix[2][actions[-1]] = 1.0 if len(game.action_stack) % 2 == 0: state_matrix[3][:, :] = 1.0 # indicate the colour to play return state_matrix[:, ::-1, :]
def backward_step(self, state_batch: List[NetGameState], probs_batch: List[ActionProbs], value_batch: List[NDArray[(Any), np.float]], lr) -> Tuple[float, float]: if self.use_gpu: state_batch = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(state_batch).cuda()) probs_batch = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(probs_batch).cuda()) value_batch = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(value_batch).cuda()) else: state_batch = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(state_batch)) probs_batch = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(probs_batch)) value_batch = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(value_batch)) self.optimizer.zero_grad() for param_group in self.optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr log_act_probs, value = self.policy_value_net(state_batch) # loss = (z - v)^2 - pi*T * log(p) + c||theta||^2 value_loss = F.mse_loss(value.view(-1), value_batch) policy_loss = -torch.mean(torch.sum(probs_batch * log_act_probs, 1)) loss = value_loss + policy_loss loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() entropy = -torch.mean(torch.sum(torch.exp(log_act_probs) * log_act_probs, 1)) return loss.item(), entropy.item()
Youtube, Deepmind AlphaZero - Mastering Games Without Human Knowledge, David Silver
Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search
Mastering Chess and Shogi by Self-Play with a General Reinforcement Learning Algorithm
AlphaGo Zero论文解析