Are you looking for the best responsive WordPress theme for your website? Most modern WordPress themes are fully responsive out of the box. However, there are so many of them that it becomes difficult to choose one.
您是否正在寻找适合您网站的最佳响应式WordPress主题? 大多数现代WordPress主题都可以立即响应。 但是,它们太多了,因此很难选择一个。
In this article, we have hand-picked some of the best responsive WordPress themes for you to choose from.
A responsive WordPress theme is designed to automatically adjust itself to the user’s screen size. This means that your WordPress theme will look equally great on mobile phones, tablets, and desktop devices.
响应式WordPress主题旨在自动将其自身调整为用户的屏幕尺寸。 这意味着您的WordPress主题在手机,平板电脑和台式设备上看起来同样出色。
In the last quarter of 2018, mobile devices made 52% of all global internet traffic. You should expect that almost half of your users will be accessing your website using a mobile device.
在2018年最后一个季度,移动设备占全球全球互联网流量的52%。 您应该期望几乎一半的用户将使用移动设备访问您的网站。
If your website doesn’t fit their screen or looks ugly on their device, then they will immediately leave and may never find your website again.
This is why you must always use a responsive WordPress theme for all your websites.
Not only it improves user experience, but it also has a significant SEO advantage. Search engines like Google rank mobile-friendly websites higher in the mobile search which brings more traffic to your site.
它不仅可以改善用户体验,而且还具有显着的SEO优势。 像Google这样的搜索引擎在移动搜索中将适合移动设备访问的网站的排名提高了,这为您的网站带来了更多流量。
If you are just starting out, then you need to make sure that you are using the right platform for your website. Take a look at our guide to understand the difference between self-hosted WordPress.org vs WordPress.com.
如果您只是刚入门,则需要确保您使用的网站平台正确。 查看我们的指南,了解自托管WordPress.org与WordPress.com之间的区别 。
For a self hosted WordPress.org site, you will need a good domain name and the best WordPress hosting. Your domain is the address for your website and hosting is where your website lives on the internet.
对于自托管的WordPress.org网站,您将需要一个好的域名和最好的WordPress托管 。 您的域名是您网站的地址,托管是您网站在互联网上的居住地。
We recommend using Bluehost because they are giving our users over 60% off discount and a free domain name. Not to mention, they are one of the largest web hosting companies in the world, and they are officially recommended by WordPress.org.
我们建议使用Bluehost,因为它们可以为我们的用户提供60%以上的折扣和免费域名。 更不用说,它们是世界上最大的网络托管公司之一,并且由WordPress.org官方推荐。
Next you will need to install WordPress. Don’t worry, we got you covered there as well. We have a step by step guide on how to start a WordPress blog the RIGHT way!
接下来,您将需要安装WordPress 。 不用担心,我们也为您服务。 我们有逐步指南,介绍如何以正确的方式启动WordPress博客 !
Once you are up and running, you can pick a theme from the list below and install it. If you need help, then see our guide on how to install a WordPress theme.
一旦启动并运行,您可以从下面的列表中选择一个主题并进行安装。 如果您需要帮助,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress主题的指南 。
Having said that, let’s take a look at some of the best responsive WordPress themes.
Divi is a drag and drop WordPress theme and page builder that comes with over 20 different layouts and templates for different kind of websites.
You can create and save your own Divi layouts. You can also export a layout from one Divi installation into another. Divi also comes with tons of elements that you can drag and drop anywhere in your layout.
您可以创建并保存自己的Divi布局。 您也可以将布局从一个Divi安装导出到另一个。 Divi还带有大量元素,您可以将它们拖放到布局中的任何位置。
Hestia is a free WordPress responsive theme with powerful features. It includes easy theme setup with the help of a companion plugin which adds testimonials, services, and homepage sections to your website.
Hestia是具有功能强大的免费WordPress响应主题。 它包含一个简单的主题设置,借助一个随行插件可以为您的网站添加推荐,服务和首页部分。
It is ready to be used with popular free page builder plugins and supports WooCommerce out of the box.
Astra is a popular multipurpose theme that can be used to build websites and blogs that look great on all devices. Built with the best coding standards, Astra offers a rock solid platform for WordPress websites, irrespective of the source they are coming from and the device they use.
Astra是一种流行的多用途主题,可用于构建在所有设备上看起来都很棒的网站和博客。 Astra采用最佳编码标准构建,无论其来源和所使用的设备如何,都为WordPress网站提供了坚实的平台。
Besides being a responsive theme, Astra offers advanced options like the Mobile Header module that lets you adjust header breakpoints, set different logos, menu styles, colors, etc. for mobile devices. All of this is easy and user friendly to set up since Astra adds all its options within the customizer and allows you to work around without a single line of code.
除了作为响应主题之外,Astra还提供了一些高级选项,例如“移动标题”模块,可用于调整标题断点,设置移动设备的不同徽标,菜单样式,颜色等。 由于Astra在定制程序中添加了所有选项,因此所有这些设置都很容易且用户友好,因此您无需一行代码即可解决。
So, if you are looking for a feature-rich, stable and high performing theme that makes your website look great on all devices, Astra assures all of this along with a lot more flexibility and ease that you would need.
OceanWP is a powerful WordPress responsive theme with an impressive set of features. It is designed to be used for any kind of website, so it works for business websites, eCommerce stores, and even for simple blogs.
OceanWP是功能强大的WordPress响应主题,具有令人印象深刻的功能集。 它设计用于任何类型的网站,因此适用于商业网站,电子商务商店,甚至是简单的博客。
It comes with a clean layout that you can easily customize with widgets, page templates, and other theme settings. You can choose from multiple layout choices, and it also has full WooCommerce support.
它具有干净的布局,您可以轻松地使用小部件,页面模板和其他主题设置来自定义。 您可以从多个布局选择中进行选择,并且它还具有完整的WooCommerce支持。
Tusant is a mobile responsive WordPress theme made specifically for podcasters, music, and video websites. It comes with native support to beautifully display your podcast episodes, vlog entries, audio playlists, and more.
Tusant是专门针对播客,音乐和视频网站的移动响应式WordPress主题。 它具有本机支持,可以精美显示您的播客片段,vlog条目,音频播放列表等。
It includes several layouts to display your podcast episodes in grid and list views. There are extended settings for customizer allowing you to change theme colors. It also supports page builder plugins allowing you to create landing pages with simple drag and drop tools.
它包括几种布局,可以在网格视图和列表视图中显示您的播客节目。 定制程序的扩展设置允许您更改主题颜色。 它还支持页面构建器插件,使您可以使用简单的拖放工具来创建登录页面。
Ultra is a powerful multipurpose WordPress theme with a built-in drag and drop page builder. It comes with dozens of built-in designs, layouts, and templates that you can use as a starting point to build your own website.
Ultra是一个强大的多功能WordPress主题,具有内置的拖放页面构建器 。 它带有许多内置的设计,布局和模板,您可以以此为起点来构建自己的网站。
Ultra is packed with features like parallax scrolling, animations, counters, Google maps, slider, and much more.
Ultra具有视差滚动,动画,计数器, Google地图 ,滑块等功能。
Authority Pro is a WordPress theme made specifically for influencers to showcase their expertise and explore new opportunities. Its homepage features a modern layout with prominent call-to-action to help you boost conversions.
Authority Pro是一个WordPress主题,专门为有影响力的人展示他们的专业知识并探索新的机会。 它的首页采用现代布局,并带有醒目的号召性用语,可帮助您提高转化次数。
It is eCommerce ready, which allows you to sell online courses or build a membership community. Most importantly, it is built on top of the Genesis framework which is known for rock-solid code and superior performance.
它已做好电子商务准备,使您可以出售在线课程或建立会员社区 。 最重要的是,它基于Genesis框架构建,该框架以坚如磐石的代码和卓越的性能而著称。
Other notable features include a vertical social menu, flexible header layout, custom widgets, and multiple-page templates. It is easy to set up using theme options panel which allows you to quickly get started.
其他值得注意的功能包括垂直社交菜单,灵活的标题布局,自定义小部件和多页模板。 使用主题选项面板可以轻松进行设置,使您可以快速入门。
Guten Theme is a modern WordPress theme designed for the new WordPress block editor Gutenberg. It comes with multiple built-in layouts for header, footer, and blog. Due to blocks support, it allows you to easily create great looking content layouts for your posts and pages.
Guten Theme是现代WordPress主题,专为新的WordPress区块编辑器Gutenberg设计 。 它具有用于标题,页脚和博客的多个内置布局。 由于块支持,它使您可以轻松地为您的帖子和页面创建美观的内容布局。
It has custom colors and fonts settings. Guten Theme ships with strong documentation, WooCommerce support, and can be fully customized with the WordPress live customizer.
它具有自定义的颜色和字体设置。 Guten Theme附带了强大的文档,WooCommerce支持,并且可以使用WordPress实时定制器进行完全定制。
As the name suggests, Prime News is a responsive WordPress theme for news and magazine websites. It features a clean minimalist layout allowing your news articles and images to take all the spotlight.
顾名思义,Prime News是新闻和杂志网站的响应式WordPress主题。 它具有简洁的布局,可让您的新闻报道和图片成为所有关注的焦点。
It comes with a sticky navigation menu on top and one collapsible sidebar menu. It has a header widget area, breaking news ticker, featured content area, and more. It is easy to customize by adding widgets and choosing colors, most theme options would just work out of the box.
它在顶部带有一个粘性导航菜单和一个可折叠的侧边栏菜单。 它具有标题小部件区域,最新新闻报道,特色内容区域等等。 通过添加小部件和选择颜色很容易进行自定义,大多数主题选项都可以直接使用。
Essence Pro is an eCommerce ready WordPress theme designed specifically for health & wellness and lifestyle businesses. It features a beautiful modern homepage layout with a large header on top and prominent call to action.
Essence Pro是一个适用于电子商务的WordPress主题,专门为健康与保健以及生活方式企业设计。 它具有漂亮的现代首页布局,顶部有一个大页眉,并有醒目的号召性用语。
It comes with several page templates including landing page template. It is also optimized for Gutenberg block editor allowing you to create your own content layouts that look consistent with rest of the theme.
它带有几个页面模板,包括登录页面模板。 它还针对Gutenberg块编辑器进行了优化,使您可以创建自己的内容布局,看起来与主题的其余部分保持一致。
Allegiant is an elegant responsive WordPress theme for business websites. It features a modern layout with large typography, prominent call to actions, and flexible customization options.
Allegiant是用于商业网站的优雅响应式WordPress主题 。 它具有现代版式,带有大字体,醒目的号召性用语和灵活的自定义选项。
Each page on your website can have a different layout with easy layout switching options. It also supports WooCommerce and comes with beautiful product, product category, and shop templates.
您网站上的每个页面都可以具有不同的布局,并具有轻松的布局切换选项。 它还支持WooCommerce,并附带漂亮的产品,产品类别和商店模板。
Nozama is a beautiful responsive theme for WooCommerce stores. It comes with full WooCommerce integration with a highly customizable storefront.
Nozama是WooCommerce商店的一个美丽的响应主题。 它与WooCommerce完全集成,并具有高度可定制的店面。
It also includes several WooCommerce custom widgets, beautiful templates for product and product category pages, social media integration, and more. You can also use it with any popular page builder plugin to create landing pages for your website.
它还包括几个WooCommerce自定义窗口小部件,用于产品和产品类别页面的漂亮模板,社交媒体集成等等。 您还可以将其与任何流行的页面构建器插件一起使用,以为您的网站创建登录页面。
Breakthrough Pro is a fully responsive WordPress theme for advertising and marketing agencies. It features a minimal design with beautiful typography and bold accent colors.
Breakthrough Pro是针对广告和营销机构的完全响应式WordPress主题。 它采用最小的设计,带有漂亮的字体和醒目的强调色。
This WooCommerce ready business theme is built on the Genesis framework, which is known for quality code and optimal performance. It is also optimized for WordPress block editor allowing you to create stunning content layouts for your articles and pages.
此WooCommerce就绪商业主题基于Genesis框架构建,该框架以高质量的代码和最佳的性能而闻名。 它还针对WordPress块编辑器进行了优化,使您可以为文章和页面创建出色的内容布局。
Other features include a custom theme options panel, customizer support, flexible header, 9 widget ready areas, and a portfolio section.
Float is a highly customizable WordPress responsive theme with parallax scrolling and a built-in page builder. It comes with dozens of layouts and multiple ready to use templates to create stunning pages.
Float是高度可自定义的WordPress响应主题,具有视差滚动和内置页面生成器。 它带有数十种布局和多个可立即使用的模板来创建精美的页面。
It is also packed with all the usual features you would expect from a premium WordPress theme. This includes social media integration, custom backgrounds, unlimited colors, custom widgets, and much more.
它还包含了您希望从高级WordPress主题获得的所有常用功能。 这包括社交媒体集成,自定义背景,无限的颜色,自定义小部件等。
Spencer is an elegant WordPress business theme with a fully responsive design. It features a fully widgetized homepage layout that allows you to just drag and drop widgets to set it up.
Spencer是一个优雅的WordPress商业主题,具有完全响应的设计。 它具有完全小部件化的主页布局,使您只需拖放小部件即可对其进行设置。
It also includes multiple page templates, full-width page template, custom widgets for social media and content discovery features. It can be easily set up using live customizer and supports all popular page builder plugins.
它还包括多个页面模板,全角页面模板,用于社交媒体的自定义窗口小部件和内容发现功能。 可以使用实时定制器轻松设置它,并支持所有流行的页面构建器插件。
If you want to start a food blog and looking for an appropriate theme, then take a look at Elara. This elegantly designed fully-responsive WordPress theme is made for food bloggers and recipe websites.
如果您想创建美食博客并寻找合适的主题,请浏览Elara。 设计精美,功能全面的WordPress主题是为食品博客和食谱网站设计的。
It features a modern spacious design with beautiful typography and elegant display of images and media. It has built-in ad-spots, featured recipes sections, sliders, banners, social media integration, and easy drag and drop widgets. It is quite easy to use even for absolute beginners.
它采用现代宽敞的设计,带有漂亮的字体,并优雅地显示图像和媒体。 它具有内置的广告位,特色菜谱部分,滑块,横幅,社交媒体集成以及轻松的拖放小部件。 即使是绝对的初学者,也很容易使用。
Benson is a fully-responsive WordPress theme for photographers and portfolio websites. It comes with the built-in capability to add video and image slideshows and supports multiple image layouts.
Benson是针对摄影师和投资组合网站的完全响应的WordPress主题。 它具有添加视频和图像幻灯片的内置功能,并支持多种图像布局。
It has separate sections to add your portfolio items, show client testimonials, blog page, and more. Other notable features include eCommerce support, contact form, social media menu, and support for all top page builder plugins.
它有单独的部分来添加您的投资组合项目,显示客户推荐,博客页面等等。 其他值得注意的功能包括电子商务支持, 联系表 ,社交媒体菜单以及对所有首页构建器插件的支持。
Feltmag is a responsive WordPress news and magazine theme with tons of awesome features. Its homepage layout comes with an optional full-screen header, which is followed by your recent articles as users scroll down.
Feltmag是具有大量真棒功能的响应式WordPress新闻和杂志主题。 其首页布局带有可选的全屏标题,当用户向下滚动时,其后是您的近期文章。
It comes with two navigation menus on top, immersive featured images, multiple layouts, header styles, social media icons, and more. It is super easy to set up and most options just work when you activate the theme.
它顶部有两个导航菜单,身临其境的特色图像,多种布局,标题样式,社交媒体图标等。 它非常容易设置,并且大多数选项仅在您激活主题时才起作用。
Responz is a multi-purpose WordPress responsive theme. It features a beautiful three column layout with elegant design and great typography.
Responz是一个多功能的WordPress响应主题。 它具有精美的三列布局,并具有优雅的设计和出色的版式。
It has multiple layout options like 2 sidebars, 1 sidebar, or a full-width homepage. You can also choose from the list view or grid view post layouts. Apart from that, it has all the usual features of a premium theme like custom background, flexible headers, custom widgets, and color options.
它具有多个布局选项,例如2个侧边栏,1个侧边栏或完整宽度的首页。 您还可以从列表视图或网格视图帖子布局中选择。 除此之外,它还具有高级主题的所有常规功能,例如自定义背景,灵活的标题,自定义小部件和颜色选项。
The Traveler is a responsive WordPress theme for travel and tourism websites. It comes with a beautiful grid-based layout for the homepage. It also includes a beautiful Instagram feed, which allows you to display your latest photos from Instagram directly on your site.
旅行者是针对旅行和旅游网站的响应式WordPress主题。 它带有一个漂亮的基于网格的主页布局。 它还包含一个漂亮的Instagram feed,可让您直接在您的网站上显示来自Instagram最新照片。
The theme also includes 5 layout choices for archive pages. It is very easy to set up, even for absolute beginners.
该主题还包括用于存档页面的5个布局选项。 即使是绝对的初学者,也很容易设置。
Landing is a WordPress landing page theme that allows you to build landing pages using drag and drop Themify Builder. It comes with 25+ ready to use builder templates that you can use as an starting point.
登陆是一个WordPress登陆页面主题,允许您使用拖放Themify Builder来建立登陆页面。 它带有25多种随时可以使用的构建器模板,您可以将其用作起点。
It has multiple header design options, portfolio management, events, and full WooCommerce support to start your own online store.
它具有多个页眉设计选项,项目组合管理,事件以及对WooCommerce的全面支持,可以启动您自己的在线商店 。
Compass is a multipurpose and fully responsive WordPress theme for blogging, news, and magazine websites. It comes with a highly customizable homepage with a featured content slider, dynamic homepage builder, featured categories, and 1-click demo content installer.
Compass是用于博客,新闻和杂志网站的多功能,完全响应的WordPress主题。 它带有一个高度可定制的主页,其中包含特色内容滑块,动态首页构建器,特色类别和一键式演示内容安装程序。
It has a built-in breaking news ticker, multiple page templates, custom colors, fonts, custom logo, and background. The theme also comes with several custom widgets and multiple sidebars and widget ready areas.
它具有内置的突发新闻行情,多个页面模板,自定义颜色,字体,自定义徽标和背景。 该主题还带有几个自定义小部件以及多个侧边栏和小部件就绪区域。
Mustache is a beautifully crafted WordPress theme for business websites. It has built-in sections to add your clients, testimonials, services, and team members. It looks equally beautiful on all devices and it is fully optimized for speed and performance.
小胡子是商务网站的精美WordPress主题。 它具有内置部分,可以添加您的客户,推荐,服务和团队成员。 在所有设备上看起来都一样漂亮,并且针对速度和性能进行了全面优化。
You can also use it as a single page theme and easily setup the homepage using built-in drag and drop widgets.
Prologue is a beautiful WordPress magazine theme designed to showcase your content with elegance. It comes with featured content slider, video slider, featured categories area, and ad spaces.
Prologue是一个美丽的WordPress杂志主题,旨在优雅地展示您的内容。 它带有特色内容滑块,视频滑块,特色类别区域和广告空间。
Other features include custom logo upload, social media integration, multiple page layouts, and several widget ready areas.
Resume is a stunningly beautiful WordPress portfolio theme. It can be used as a single page theme where all your sections are on the same page. It can also be used as a blog and a multi-page website.
简历是一个非常漂亮的WordPress产品组合主题。 它可以用作单个页面主题,其中所有部分都在同一页面上。 它也可以用作博客和多页网站。
Resume comes with a built-in portfolio management area, custom widgets, and a simple theme options panel.
Total is a free WordPress theme for business websites. It has a clean and simple layout to easily showcase your products and services.
Total是商业网站的免费WordPress主题。 它的布局简洁明了,可以轻松展示您的产品和服务。
Its homepage contains different areas to add slider, about us section, progress bar, portfolio, testimonials, and blog posts. It also includes multiple widget-ready areas and full customizer support to easily change theme settings.
它的主页包含添加滑块的不同区域,关于我们部分,进度条,作品集,推荐和博客文章。 它还包括多个窗口小部件就绪区域以及对定制程序的全面支持,可轻松更改主题设置。
If you are looking for a stylish photography theme for your WordPress site, then check out Composition. This elegantly designed theme is fully mobile responsive and gracefully adjusts photographs on smaller screens.
如果您正在为WordPress网站寻找时尚的摄影主题 ,请查看Composition。 设计精美的主题具有完全的移动响应能力,可以在较小的屏幕上优雅地调整照片。
It includes masonry layouts, custom widget areas, unlimited galleries, and slideshows. It also includes a simple yet very flexible homepage layout, which is easily customizable from theme settings.
它包括砌体布局,自定义窗口小部件区域,无限的画廊和幻灯片放映。 它还包括一个简单但非常灵活的首页布局,可以轻松地从主题设置中进行自定义。
Alpha is a powerful WordPress multipurpose theme suitable for an online magazine or a content-rich website. It comes with two skins and each skin will radically change your site’s layout and you can choose the one that meets your needs.
Alpha是功能强大的WordPress多功能主题,适用于在线杂志或内容丰富的网站。 它带有两种外观,每种外观都会从根本上改变您网站的布局,您可以选择一种可以满足您需求的外观。
Among other features, it comes with a breaking news ticker and a custom slider. It also comes with a video widget to showcase your video content on the homepage.
除其他功能外,它还配备了最新新闻报道和自定义滑块。 它还带有一个视频小部件,用于在首页上展示您的视频内容。
Roxima is an elegant WordPress theme for business websites. It is fully responsive and comes with multiple custom widgets and layout choices.
Roxima是商业网站的优雅WordPress主题。 它具有充分的响应能力,并带有多个自定义小部件和布局选择。
Inside you will also find about, services, portfolio, client, and team sections which can be easily added to the homepage using drag and drop. It has a beginner friendly theme options panel to help you quickly build your website.
您还可以在内部找到有关服务,产品组合,客户和团队部分的信息,这些信息可以通过拖放轻松添加到主页中。 它具有适合初学者的主题选项面板,可帮助您快速构建网站。
Moesia Pro is a beautifully crafted one page WordPress theme for business websites. It comes with a drag and drop page builder with different content blocks. You can add and arrange the blocks to easily build your homepage. It also has slider, page templates, Google fonts, and all the features you would expect from a premium theme.
Moesia Pro是为商业网站精心制作的一页WordPress主题。 它带有带有不同内容块的拖放页面构建器。 您可以添加并排列块以轻松构建主页。 它还具有滑块,页面模板,Google字体以及您希望高级主题获得的所有功能。
Paperbag is a fully responsive WordPress blogging theme. It features beautiful large featured images and comes with multiple layout choices. It is very easy to setup using the live theme customizer.
Paperbag是一个完全响应的WordPress博客主题。 它具有精美的大型特色图像,并提供多种布局选择。 使用实时主题定制器非常容易设置。
It also comes with 20+ color schemes, and you can also create your own color schemes. It is also highly optimized for SEO and speed.
它还提供20多种配色方案,您也可以创建自己的配色方案。 它还针对SEO和速度进行了高度优化。
Elite is a beautiful WordPress theme for business and ecommerce websites. Its homepage features a fullscreen background image with a call to action button prominently displayed.
Elite是用于商业和电子商务网站的美丽WordPress主题。 其首页上有全屏背景图片,并突出显示了号召性用语按钮。
It includes custom logo support, unlimited colors, Google fonts, and multiple page layouts for blog posts and pages. It is easy to use with a widgetized homepage, customizer support, and custom theme options page.
它包括自定义徽标支持,无限的颜色,Google字体以及博客文章和页面的多个页面布局。 通过窗口小部件化的主页,定制程序支持和定制主题选项页面,可以轻松使用它。
Pepper+ is an all-purpose WordPress theme with several turnkey designs for businesses and blogs. It takes a modular approach to design and comes with modules that you can just drag and drop to create different layouts.
Pepper +是一个通用的WordPress主题,具有适用于企业和博客的多种交钥匙设计。 它采用模块化方法进行设计,并附带一些模块,您只需拖放即可创建不同的布局。
Pepper+ is a retina ready theme with support for WooCommerce and multilingual websites. It offers a beginner-friendly user experience with simple 1-click installers and quicker theme setup.
Pepper +是支持视网膜的主题,支持WooCommerce和多语言网站。 通过简单的一键式安装程序和更快的主题设置,它提供了适合初学者的用户体验。
As the name suggests, Foodica is a WordPress theme for food blogs, recipe websites, and restaurants. This beautifully designed theme comes with 10 color schemes, recipe index, beautiful featured slider, and full WooCommerce integration.
顾名思义,Foodica是食品博客,食谱网站和餐馆的WordPress主题。 这个设计精美的主题带有10种配色方案,配方索引,漂亮的精选滑块以及完全的WooCommerce集成。
It has built-in ad zones to display ads on your website. It comes with an easy theme options panel which allows you to easily setup your website.
它具有内置的广告区,可在您的网站上展示广告。 它带有一个简单的主题选项面板,可让您轻松设置网站。
Igloo is a responsive WordPress theme for restaurants, cafes, and food websites. It comes with a built-in menu management section allowing you to beautifully display restaurant menu on your website.
Igloo是适用于餐馆,咖啡馆和食品网站的响应式WordPress主题。 它带有一个内置菜单管理部分,可让您在网站上精美显示餐厅菜单。
It has beautiful large features images and a stunning homepage slider with a bold call to action button. It comes with different sections to easily add customer testimonials, beautiful galleries, contact form, and sliders.
它具有精美的大幅面图片和令人惊叹的首页滑块,并带有醒目的号召性用语按钮。 它具有不同的部分,可轻松添加客户推荐,精美的图库,联系表和滑块。
Bordeaux is a premium WordPress theme for hotels. It comes with all the standard features you would expect from a premium theme.
波尔多是酒店的高级WordPress主题 。 它具有您期望高级主题获得的所有标准功能。
Bordeaux is fully responsive and looks equally great on all devices and screen sizes. It is highly optimized for speed, performance, and SEO. All theme settings can be easily set up with an intuitive theme options panel.
波尔多具有充分的响应能力,并且在所有设备和屏幕尺寸上均表现出色。 它针对速度,性能和SEO进行了高度优化。 可以通过直观的主题选项面板轻松设置所有主题设置。
Apart from the standard premium features, Bordeaux comes with features specific for hotel websites. It allows you to easily integrate popular hotel booking systems into your WordPress site.
除了标准的高级功能外,波尔多还具有专门针对酒店网站的功能。 它使您可以轻松地将流行的酒店预订系统集成到WordPress网站中。
Kale Pro is a beautiful WordPress theme for food blogs, recipe websites, and restaurants. It comes with a beautiful homepage layout with a slider on top, which is followed by your featured content.
羽衣甘蓝Pro是一个美丽的WordPress主题,适用于美食博客,食谱网站和餐馆。 它具有漂亮的首页布局,顶部带有滑块,其后是您的精选内容。
It also helps you easily add recipes by using the recipes shortcode builder. It has dedicated areas to display banner ads and custom widgets to add content on your homepage and sidebars. For quicker setup, you can use its 1-click demo content installer and then replace dummy content with your own.
它还可以通过使用食谱简码构建器轻松地添加食谱。 它具有专用区域来显示横幅广告和自定义窗口小部件,以在您的首页和侧边栏上添加内容。 为了更快地进行设置,您可以使用其一键式演示内容安装程序,然后用您自己的虚拟内容替换。
Corner is a well-designed WordPress theme for creative types. It comes with built-in support to display your portfolio, display photographs, or use it as a personal website. The theme supports unlimited color variations and comes with tons of customization options.
Corner是针对广告素材类型精心设计的WordPress主题。 它带有内置支持,可以显示您的作品集,显示照片或将其用作个人网站。 该主题支持无限的颜色变化,并带有大量自定义选项。
Hueman is a free multi-purpose WordPress theme. It is mobile responsive and comes with a ton of features. It has its own theme customization panel which makes it super easy to set up.
Hueman是一个免费的多功能WordPress主题。 它具有移动响应能力,并具有大量功能。 它具有自己的主题自定义面板,因此超级易于设置。
It comes with multiple page layouts, custom header, background, logo, and color options. You can select from two or three column layout and use multiple templates for pages.
它带有多个页面布局,自定义标题,背景,徽标和颜色选项。 您可以从两列或三列布局中进行选择,并为页面使用多个模板。
Bento is a free multipurpose WordPress blog theme with flexible features and fully responsive design. It works great with most page builder plugins and even recommends installing one upon activation.
Bento是一个免费的多用途WordPress博客主题,具有灵活的功能和完全响应的设计。 它适用于大多数页面构建器插件,甚至建议在激活时安装一个。
For a free WordPress theme, Bento comes packed with great customization options. All of them can be accessed using theme customizer.
对于免费的WordPress主题,Bento附带了很棒的自定义选项。 所有这些都可以使用主题定制器进行访问。
Elegant is a responsive WordPress theme for artists, photographers, and designers. It comes with built-in modules to add your photo galleries, sliders, video, audio.
优雅是针对艺术家,摄影师和设计师的响应式WordPress主题。 它带有内置模块,可添加照片库,滑块,视频,音频。
It also comes with an easy to use drag and drop page builder. this allows you to create your own page layouts or edit existing built-in layouts. Elegant features tons of options that you can easily set up to your requirements.
它还带有易于使用的拖放页面构建器。 这使您可以创建自己的页面布局或编辑现有的内置布局。 优雅的功能很多,您可以轻松设置以满足您的要求。
Angle is a clean WordPress multi-purpose theme with a drag and drop builder. It comes with a built-in portfolio section, sliders, visual theme customizer, and multiple layout choices.
Angle是一个干净的WordPress多用途主题,带有拖放生成器。 它带有内置的作品集部分,滑块,可视主题定制器和多种布局选择。
Angle is optimized for performance, SEO, and ease of use. Its layout makes it a perfect choice for a portfolio or blogging theme.
角度针对性能,SEO和易用性进行了优化。 它的布局使其成为投资组合或博客主题的理想选择。
Parallax is a beautiful single page WordPress theme. It comes with parallax scrolling and backgrounds, fly in elements, built-in portfolio and team post types.
视差是一个漂亮的单页WordPress主题。 它配备了视差滚动和背景,可自由移动的元素,内置的作品集和团队发布类型 。
It has easy to add animated progress bars, list and grid layouts, and infinite scroll. Parallax can also be used to add image filters like sepia, grayscale, and blur. This allows you to add image filters without using Photoshop.
它很容易添加动画进度条,列表和网格布局以及无限滚动。 视差还可以用于添加图像过滤器,例如棕褐色,灰度和模糊。 这使您无需使用Photoshop即可添加图像滤镜。
Dixie is a well-crafted WordPress theme for podcasts, video, and music websites. It is fully mobile responsive and offers your users a great multimedia experience even on smaller devices.
Dixie是精心制作的WordPress主题,用于播客,视频和音乐网站。 它具有完全的移动响应能力,即使在较小的设备上,也可以为您的用户提供出色的多媒体体验。
Theme setup is quite simple and most features work out of the box. It comes with options to change colors and layout, but you can also use page builder plugins to create your own landing pages if needed.
主题设置非常简单,大多数功能均可使用。 它带有更改颜色和布局的选项,但是如果需要,您还可以使用页面构建器插件来创建自己的登录页面。
Before you install a responsive WordPress theme, you would want to see how it looks on mobile devices. The easiest way to do this is by browsing the theme demo using your mobile phone.
在安装响应式WordPress主题之前,您需要查看它在移动设备上的外观。 最简单的方法是使用手机浏览主题演示。
Some WordPress theme shops may already have theme demos with a toolbar allowing you to switch to mobile view directly from your desktop browser.
You can also use the Inspect tool in your browser to see how theme demo looks in different screen resolutions.
您也可以在浏览器中使用“ 检查”工具来查看主题演示在不同屏幕分辨率下的外观。
There are also online cross-browser testing tools that you can use. Simply enter the theme’s demo URL into any of these tools to run the test.
您还可以使用在线跨浏览器测试工具 。 只需将主题的演示URL输入这些工具中的任何一个即可运行测试。
We hope this article helped you find the best responsive WordPress theme for your website. You may also want to see our practical tips on how to easily get more traffic to your website.
我们希望本文能帮助您找到适合您网站的最佳响应式WordPress主题。 您可能还希望查看我们的实用技巧,以了解如何轻松地增加网站访问量 。
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。
翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-responsive-wordpress-themes/