读外刊学英语 | 改变消极心态,你需要学这几招(1)

Most mornings as I leave the Y after my swim and shower, I cross paths with a coterie(小集团) of toddlers(初学步的小孩子) entering with their caregivers for a kid-oriented activity. I can't resist saying hello, requesting a high-five, and wishing them a fun time. I leave the Y grinning from ear to ear, uplifted(令人振奋的) not just by my own workout but even more so by my interaction with these darling representatives of the next generation.


备注:Y(全称YMCA, Young Men's Christian Association,基督教青年会,本文都用Y代替)


caregiver [ˈkeəɡɪvə(r)] n.照料者

(这个单词倒过来看就好,give care的人~)

kid-oriented 面向孩子的

(*money-oriented 以钱为中心的; *exam-oriented 应试的)

*resist [rɪ’zɪst] vt.抵抗;忍耐,忍住

(拓展:resistible adj.可抵抗的;irresistible adj.不可抵挡的)

grin [grɪn] v.露齿笑

grin from ear to ear 形容大笑时候咧着嘴的样子


*interaction [ɪntər’ækʃ(ə)n] n.相互作用;合作;配合

*representative [reprɪ’zentətɪv] n.代表

What a great way to start the day!


When I told a fellow swimmer about this experience and mentioned that I was writing a column on the health benefits of positive emotions, she asked, "What do you do about people who are always negative?" She was referring to her parents, whose chronic negativity seems to drag everyone down and make family visits extremely unpleasant.



*column ['kɒləm] n.专栏

*positive ['pɒzɪtɪv] adj.积极的

*negative [‘negətɪv] adj.消极的

*refer to… 指的是

*chronic [‘krɒnɪk] adj.长期的

negativity  [,negə'tɪvɪtɪ] n.否定性, 消极性

drag…down 使...沮丧

你可能感兴趣的:(读外刊学英语 | 改变消极心态,你需要学这几招(1))