
近日,TFBOYS成员王源被授予“联合国儿童基金会青年教育使者(UNICEF Special Advocate for Education)”的称号。随后,王源通过微博和网友一起分享荣誉,并晒领证书的照片。王源在微博中称将和大家一起努力,关爱山区儿童,关注优质教育。

Wang Yuan Appointed UNICEF Special Advocate for Education


Well known Chinese singer and actor, a member of thepop bandTFBOYS, Wang Yuan was today appointed byUnited Nations Children's Fund(UNICEF) asSpecial Advocate for Education.


“I am very proud to join UNICEF China as Special Advocate for Education − it's not only an honour but also a responsibility. From this day on, I will be more active in promoting education and development for China's children, and do as much practical work as I can…Education is a right; we should never allow it to be a privilege. Let's work hard to make education even better in the future.” Wang Yuan remarked at the announcement event at UNICEF's Beijing office.


UNICEF works with the Government of China topromote and support high quality educationfor all of China's children. It works with partners to implementChild Friendly School modelinremote and disadvantaged areasof China. A child friendly school is one that is designed for the best interests of the child. UNICEF believes that children come first and every child, no matter who they are, no matter what part of China they come from, has a right to high quality education.


It is my great pleasure to welcome Wang Yuan as a Special Advocate for Education for UNICEF China,” saidDr. Douglas Noble, UNICEF China Acting Representative. “We are thankful to Wang Yuan for joining us in this importantendeavorto promote high quality education for every child. We look forward tocontinued collaboration– with our partners, with all the hard-working teachers and students, in promoting, protecting and fulfilling the rights of all children in China.



Wang Yuan will visit the UNICEF-supported Child Friendly School project in the remote rural communities in China, support awareness raising programmes and appear at key public events.

