2020-06-14当痛苦如山我能做什么(罗马书12:9-21)What to Do When Suffering is Great

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Steven Lee 李司提反
Romans 12:9–21 罗马书12:9-12
9 Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. 10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. 11 Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. 12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. 13 Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality. 14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. 17 Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. 18 If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. 19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” 20 To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. 9 爱,不可虚伪;恶,要厌恶;善,要持守。 10 要以手足之爱彼此相亲,用恭敬的心互相礼让。 11 殷勤不可懒惰,心灵要火热,常常服事主; 12 在盼望中要喜乐,在患难中要坚忍,祷告要恒切。 13 圣徒有缺乏的,就要接济;客旅要热诚地款待。 14 迫害你们的,要为他们祝福;只可祝福,不可咒诅。 15 要与喜乐的人一同喜乐,与哀哭的人一同哀哭。 16 要彼此同心,不可心高气傲,倒要俯就卑微的。不可自以为聪明。 17 不可以恶报恶。大家以为美的事,要努力去作。 18 可能的话,总要尽你们的所能与人和睦。 19 亲爱的啊,不要为自己伸冤,宁可等候主的忿怒,因为经上记着,主说:“伸冤在我,我必报应。” 20 相反地,“如果你的仇敌饿了,就给他吃;如果渴了,就给他喝。因为你这样作,就是把炭火堆在他的头上。” 21 不可被恶所胜,反要以善胜恶。
[Prayer] Father in heaven, help us to see more of your beauty, majesty, and love in your word this morning. Incline our hearts to your word, open our eyes to see your truth, unite our hearts to fear your name, and satisfy us according to your steadfast love. In Jesus name, amen. [祷告] 天上的父,请帮助我们在今天早上的话语中更多地看到你的美丽、威严和爱。让我们的心倾听你的话语,打开我们的眼看见你的真理,联合我们的心来敬畏你的名,按着你的慈爱满足我们。祷告奉耶稣的名,阿们!
[Intro into Romans 12:9–21] Our passage this morning in Romans 12:9–21. You might be worried, because even a cursory reading of the passage, you can figure out there are about 31 commands the way the English translation renders these verses. They are not all imperatives in the original Greek, but nearly all the participles and infinitives have an imperatival thrust. So 31 commands and 35 minutes to cover them all. [引入罗马书 12:9–21] 今天早上我们的经文是罗马书 12:9–21。当你粗略浏览这段经文可能会有点担心,因为你可能找到这里面大约有31条命令。在希腊文原文中,这些命令并不都是祈使语气,但几乎所有的分词和不定式都带有命令的含意。有31条命令,我们却只有35分钟。
[Plan] What I hope to do is not a typical exposition of each and every one of these commands. That could be beneficial at some point, but I hope to provide a 20,000 foot flyover for this passage to see how Jesus’ justifying work for us empowers us to live out these commands. [计划] 我想做的不是逐一解释这些命令。这在某些时候可能是有益的,但我希望为这段经文提供一个2万英尺的高度的鸟瞰,高度概括地看看我们对基督的信心,因着耶稣称义的工作,如何允许我们,甚至使我们有能力活出这些命令。
1.Context of Current Culture: Outrage & Hatred 1.当前文化背景 :愤怒与仇恨
2.Commands: The Call to Do Good (Romans 12:9–21) 2.命令: 行善的呼召 (罗马书 12:9–21)
3.Context of Romans (Romans 1–11; 12:1–2) 3.罗马书的背景 (罗马书 1–11; 12:1–2)
4.Commands: Putting Them in Action 4.命令:把它们付诸行动
[Aim] My aim is for us to be eager and fervent in doing good, and informed by truth, in our current cultural context. [目的] 我的目标是让我们在当前的文化背景下,迫切而热切地行善,并以真理为依据。
Context of Current Culture: Outrage & Hatred 当前文化背景:愤怒与仇恨
[Intro: Culture of Outrage] We live in a culture of outrage. Headlines and news stories are designed to elicit outrage. Whether on the right or left, the media feeds off of anger or fear. The old adage, “if it bleeds it leads” is still true of our media today. [引言:愤怒的文化] 我们生活在一个 愤怒的文化。新闻头条和报道都是故意用来引发愤怒。不管是右派还是左派,媒体都以愤怒或恐惧为食。如今我们的媒体仍旧信奉一句老话:“一旦见血,必见头条。”
[Headlines] Here is just a small sampling from the headlines: [头条新闻]以下是头条新闻中的一小部分:
• Outrage was directed at Samaritan’s Purse, a Christian humanitarian aid organization, when it established a field hospital in Central Park of New York City (as was requested by Mt Sinai hospital and paid for by their donors) to serve COVID-19 patients because they hold to the biblical teaching on marriage and sexuality. •基督教人道主义援助组织 撒玛利亚救济会,在纽约中央公园设立了一个野战医院(应西奈山医院的请求,并由该援助组织捐助者资助)来为新冠患者提供服务。但因为他们坚持圣经中关于婚姻和性的教导而引发人们的愤怒。
• Outrage was directed at J.K. Rowling, the acclaimed author of the Harry Potter series, because of her perspective and writing on sex and gender. •著名的《哈利波特》系列小说作者J.K.罗琳,因为她对性和性别的观点和写作引发了人们的愤怒。
• Outrage was directed at a health officer in Orange County, CA, including death threats, over her mandatory mask rules, which led to her resignation. •加州橙县一名卫生官员因为执行口罩规则引发人们的愤怒,甚至受到死亡威胁,被迫辞职。
[FCF: Paralysis & Inaction] This culture of outrage leads to escalating outrage on one side, or paralysis, inaction, and indifference on the other. Many may even begin to think, “Why do anything when I will be labeled ignorant, uninformed, insensitive, or accused of hate speech?” [FCF:麻痹与不作为] 这种愤怒的文化导致一方面愤怒不断升级,而另一方面陷入麻痹、不作为和冷漠。很多人甚至会开始想,"既然我会被贴上无知、不知情、麻木不仁的标签,或者被指责为仇恨言论,那我还要折腾什么呢?"
[Christianity is Offensive] Further exacerbating this culture of outrage, is that Christianity is offensive to our culture today. [基督教是令人反感的] 进一步加剧这种愤怒文化的是,基督教对于我们今天的社会文化来说是令人反感的。
Jesus is the only way, truth, and life. Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses, Scientology, and any other religious system leads only to eternal damnation. No one comes to the Father except through Jesus. 耶稣是唯一的道路、真理和生命。佛教、伊斯兰教、犹太教、摩门教、耶和华见证人、山达基教以及其它任何宗教体系都只会招来永恒的诅咒。若不通过耶稣,没人能到父那里。
All mankind are born sinners. People are not mainly and mostly good, with a few mistakes along the way. We are dead in our sins, and need forgiveness of sins that only Jesus can give. 人人生来都是罪人。绝大多数人基本上不是好人,一生中会犯不少错。我们死于我们的罪中,需要赦罪,而只有耶稣能带来赦罪。
No one can earn right standing before God. You mean to tell me someone who devoted their life to helping others, or billionaires that give away 99% of their wealth will be condemned by God. Yes. Our good deeds are filthy rags. Only Jesus can save. 没有人能够在上帝面前赢得正当的地位。你的意思是跟我说,一个毕生致力于帮助他人的人,或者一个把99%的财富捐出去的亿万富翁,都会受到上帝的谴责。是的。我们的善行只是污秽的破布。只有耶稣能拯救。
[Backwards Culture] We live in a culture today where light is called darkness, and darkness is called light. When pornography is protected, and the gospel message is hate speech. [落后的文化]我们今天生活在一种文化中,把光明称为黑暗,而把黑暗称为光明。当色情制品受到保护,福音信息就是仇恨言论。
[Unsurprised by Hatred] Christians should be unsurprised by the hatred of the world. Jesus told us to expect it: “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you” (John 15:18–19). [仇恨不足为奇]基督徒不应该对世界的仇恨感到惊讶。耶稣叫我们要期待它: “如果世人恨你们,你们要知道他们在恨你们以先,已经恨我了。 你们若属于这世界,世人必定爱属自己的;但因为你们不属于世界,而是我从世界中拣选了你们,所以世人就恨你们。” (约翰福音15:18–19)
[What to Do?] The outrage culture and hatred of society sets the stage for this question: what do we do? How does God call us to live when the world around us is hurting? What do we do after we have said, “we don’t know what to do, but our eyes are on you?” [怎么办?]愤怒的文化和社会的仇恨提出了这么一个问题:我们该怎么办?当我们周围的世界正在伤人害物时,上帝呼召我们如何行事为人?在说完了“我们也不知道该作什么,我们的眼睛只有仰望你”之后,我们该做什么?
[Answer] Some Christians might be tempted to withdraw, to do nothing, to say nothing, and to be as inoffensive as possible. And even in our passage this morning, it does say “live peaceably with all” (Romans 12:18). Is there more than living in peace? [Main Point] This morning, in our passage, I believe it calls believers to be undeterred and undaunted in doing good in reflecting our Savior. This is truth is implied in the list of commands that Paul gives, and it’s explicit in various other places in Scripture as well: [​答] 有些基督徒可能会想退缩,什么也不做,什么也不说,尽量不惹人注意。甚至在我们今天早上的经文中,也确实说到 “总要尽你们的所能与人和睦” (罗马书 12:18)。还有比和睦生活更重要的吗? [要点] 今天早上,在我们这段经文中, 我相信它要求信徒不要在善行上退缩回避,而要反映出我们救主的形像来。保罗给出的命令清单中隐含着这个道理,在圣经中的其他地方也有明确的教导:
• Seek the good of the city even in exile. “But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare” (Jeremiah 29:7) •要寻求那城的益处,哪怕是在流亡中。“我把你们掳到的那城,你们要为她求平安,为她向耶和华祈祷;因为她得平安,你们也得平安。” (耶利米书 29:7)
• Be ready to share your hope in God. “always [be] prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame” (1 Peter 3:15–16). •要随时准备好分享他们对神的盼望。 “常常作好准备,去回答那些问你们为甚么怀有盼望的人,但要用温柔敬畏的心回答。当存无愧的良心,使那些诬赖你们这在基督里有好品行的人,在毁谤你们的事上蒙羞。 ” (彼得前书 3:15–16)
• Shine forth the glory of Christ in the midst of a darkened society. “…be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life” (Philippians 2:15–16a). •要在黑暗的社会中闪耀出基督的荣光。 “无可指摘、纯真无邪,在这弯曲乖谬的世代中,作 神没有瑕疵的儿女;你们要在这世代中发光,好像天上的光体一样, 把生命的道显扬出来” (腓立比书 2:15–16a)
[Christians Do Good] The Bible does not call believers to sit on the sidelines while the world burns. If the world is burning, Christians grab fire extinguishers, hoses, and buckets of water. The Bible calls the church to do good to all, and especially those of the household of faith. We are to make disciples, preach the gospel, build the church, and serve those around us. [基督徒要行善] 圣经没有呼召信徒在世界着火的时候坐视不理。要是世界着火了,基督徒就拿起灭火器、水管和水桶来救火。圣经呼召教会对所有人行善,尤其是同在信仰大家庭的人。我们要造就门徒,传扬福音,建造教会,服侍周围的人。
Commands: The Call to Do Good (Romans 12:9–21) 命令:行善的呼召(罗马书12:9-21)
[Distinctive Features of Romans 12:9–21] Notice some of the features of Romans 12:9–21. First Paul writes short, punchy, sharp commands with very little elaboration. Second, there are few conjunctions to help us understand his flow of thought or how they all fit together. Third, it’s difficult to pinpoint a particular theme or focus. And fourth, they are almost proverb-like, and seem to draw upon a wide range of teachings from the OT, Jesus, and early Christian writings. [罗马书 12:9–21的显著特点] 请注意罗马书12:9–21的一些特点。首先,保罗写的这些命令都简短,有力,尖锐,却没有多加阐释。其次,他在这里几乎没有用连接词来帮助我们理解他的思路,或说明它们之间如何连结在一起。第三,难以确定一个特定的主题或重点。第四,它们几乎都是箴言式的,看起来像是吸收了来自旧约、耶稣及早期基督教著作中的广泛教导。
[List, No Exposition] Paul also doesn’t necessarily apply any of them in any level of depth to the specific situations facing the Roman church. He’s content to just give a long list of commands. [只列举,不阐释]保罗也不一定将其中任何一项深入应用到罗马教会所面临的具体情况中。他觉得给出这一长串命令就够了。
[The Call to Love] As for some semblance of a theme, we see a general call to love, and then specific actions that could be characterized as love in action. “Let love be genuine” (Romans 12:9a). This is like an overarching theme for what follows. Then Paul says, “Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor” (Romans 12:10). There are a number of other commands that have to do with the active, intentional pursuit of honoring God: “Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord” (Romans 12:11). Be eager, zealous, and constant in faith. [爱的呼召] 至于主题的某种形式,我们看到的是对爱的一般性呼召,然后是具体的行动,也就是把爱付诸行动。“爱,不可虚伪” (罗马书 12:9a)。这就像一个总的主题,为下面的命令奠定基调。然后保罗说:“要以手足之爱彼此相亲。用恭敬的心互相礼让”(罗马书12:10)。还有许多其它命令与积极主动追求尊荣上帝有关:“殷勤不可懒惰,心灵要火热,常常服事主”(罗马书12:11)。要保持信心的迫切、热切与恒切。
[Tangible & Practical] This call to genuine love takes the form of both practical and spiritual. Paul points out practical things like contributing to the needs of the saints and showing hospitality (Romans 12:13), and possessing a Spirit-guided attitude and outlook: be constant in prayer, patient in tribulation. This is a holistic and wide ranging call to look more like Jesus. [有形的与实际的] 这种对无伪之爱的呼召体现于实际和属灵两种形式。保罗指出一些实际的行动比如接济有需要的圣徒,热诚款待客旅(罗马书12:13),而这是带着圣灵引导的态度和展望:祷告要恒切,在患难中要坚忍。这是一个全面而广泛的呼召,让我们越来越像耶稣。
[Persecution & Vengeance] In verse 14 and 17–21 Paul also calls believers to not curse those who persecute them, or to avenge themselves when wronged. This is a counter-cultural call to be like God, and not to follow the human instincts of our sin nature. This is right in step with Jesus’ words in Matthew, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:44–45). You are to resemble your Father. [迫害与复仇] 在第14 和 17–21节中,保罗还呼召信徒不要咒诅那些迫害他们的人,受冤屈时不要为自己伸冤。这是一个反文化的呼召,我们要效法神,却不要随从人的罪性本能。这和耶稣在马太福音中所说的一致: “当爱你们的仇敌,为迫害你们的祈祷,好叫你们成为你们天父的儿子” (马太福音 5:44–45)。你们要像你们的天父一样。
[Overwhelmed by 31 Commands] If the aim of this message was “here are 31 commands, go and do them all,” I imagine all of us would leave here this morning exhausted just thinking about it, and overwhelmed try to carry them all out. [被31条命令吓倒] 如果这篇讲道的信息是说:“这里有31条命令,你们要全部执行。”那么我想我们所有人今天早上离开的时候光想想这些命令就已经精疲力尽,要去逐一执行更不可能。
[Illustration: Decision Fatigue with Jam] We would all get a little decision fatigue. I’ve recently come to like shopping at Aldi. I used to not like it because it had such limited selection. But now I’ve come to see that as a feature rather than a deterrent. I can walk in and see that they have two types of jam, strawberry and grape, both full of high fructose corn syrup. That’s it. Take it or leave it. Few options make for easier decisions. Whereas if I go into another grocery store I’m confronted with 35 varieties of jam: different flavors, types (marmalade, jelly, or preserves), and options (fair trade, organic, hand mashed, chunky style, and imported). The possibilities are overwhelming and I leave empty handed because of decision fatigue. [例证:买果酱的决策疲劳] 我们都会经历一点决策疲劳。我最近开始喜欢在Aldi超市购物。我以前不喜欢它,是因为它里面选择有限。但现在我开始把这看作是一种优点,而不是缺点。我走进去,一眼就看到只有草莓和葡萄两种果酱,都充满了高果糖玉米糖浆。再没有别的了。要么买,要么不买。较少的选项作起决定就容易些。要是我走进另一家杂货店,就有35种果酱摆在我眼前:不同口味、不同类型(果酱、果冻或腌制的)和选项(公平贸易认证的,有机认证的,手工捣制的,大颗粒型的,国外进口的,等等)。我看得眼花缭乱,只好空手而归,因为决策疲劳。
[Overwhelmed by To-Do Lists] We might feel that way coming to this passage: a long list of “to do’s” in the Bible. Thirty one items, some stated positively, some stated negatively, many restated with different emphases, and each one straight out of the Bible. Some of us conscientious box checkers generally like lists, and aspire to check off the box and move on. Others of us are completely overwhelmed just thinking about it, “how can I possibly do all of these things all the time?” [被待办事项清单吓倒] 看到这段经文,我们可能会有这样的感觉:圣经里有一长串的“待办事项”。31项,有的是从正面说,有的是从反面说,还有很多用不同的强调来来重述,每一项都是直接从圣经里来的。我们中有些一板一眼的执行者,他们喜欢清单,热衷于完成一项以后再做下一项。我们中还有些人完全不知所措,只想着:“我怎么可能一直做所有这些呢?”
[Not Mainly About To-Do Lists] And this is why we are so glad that the Bible is not mainly about a list of commands. It’s not a pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps religion. We need to read this list in light of everything Paul has written already regarding the nature of the gospel in Romans 1–11. [待办清单不是重点]这就是为什么我们很高兴圣经主要不是关于命令清单的原因。这不是一个依靠自力的宗教。我们需要根据保罗在罗马书1-11章中已经写下的关于福音性质的一切内容来阅读这份清单。
[Transition] We need to rewind to see how Paul’s teaching throughout Romans informs how we read this section of his letter where he gives this quick hitting list with so little explanation. [过渡]我们需要倒回去看保罗在整个罗马书中的教导来帮助我们解读为什么他在这一部分中给出这份清单而没有太多解释。
Context of Romans (Romans 1–11; 12:1–2) 罗马书的上下文(罗马书1-11; 12:1-2)
[In Context of Romans 1–11] If we fail to read these commands within the context of Romans 1–11, we’ll attempt to muster our will to accomplish these 31 things and either end up proud because we did it, or more likely, disheartened and discouraged because we failed. Paul’s explanation of the gospel in Romans is the essential and foundational teaching that Christians must understand before engaging in the work of trying to “do” anything. [罗马书1–11章的上下文]如果我们未能在罗马书1-11章的语境中解读这些命令,我们就可能会试图鼓起自己的意志去完成这31件事,最终,要么因为我们做到了而骄傲,要么更有可能因为我们失败了而心灰意冷。保罗在罗马书中对福音的阐释,是基督徒试图“做”任何工作之前,必须理解的基础性的教导。
[Exposition of the Gospel in Romans 1–11] Hear this brief sampling of passages that highlight what God has accomplished in Christ in the gospel of Jesus from Romans 1–11: [罗马书1–11章中福音的阐释] 请听这段从罗马书1–11章中抽出的简短样本,其中强调了神在基督里成就的福音:
• Romans 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” The gospel alone is what saves. Not works righteousness. It is the gospel alone for everyone who believes and lives by faith. •罗马书1:16: “我不以福音为耻;这福音是 神的大能,要救所有相信的,先是犹太人,后是希腊人。”唯独福音能救人。而不是行为的义。唯独福音能拯救所有相信并且活出信仰的人。
• Romans 3:23–24 “23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” All have sinned and are condemned, but some are justified by God through Jesus Christ. •罗马书3:23–24: “23 因为人人都犯了罪,亏缺了 神的荣耀, 24 但他们却因着 神的恩典,藉着在基督耶稣里的救赎,就白白地称义。”所有人都犯了罪而且都被定罪,但有些人却藉着耶稣基督被神称义。
• Romans 5:8 “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ dies for us.” Christ died for his enemies, therefore we can bless and not curse those who persecute us. •罗马书5:8:“唯有基督在我们还作罪人的时候为我们死,神对我们的爱就在此显明了。”基督为祂的敌人而死,因此我们可以祝福而不是咒诅那些迫害我们的人。
• Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Eternal life is a free gift, and it cannot be earned by a long to-do list. •罗马书6:23: “因为罪的工价就是死,但 神的恩赏,在我们的主基督耶稣里,却是永生。”永生是白白的恩典,不能靠长长的待办清单来获得。
• Romans 8:1 “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” There is no condemnation for those in Christ! Justified sinners can pursue acts of love because they have been loved. Not out of guilt and shame. •罗马书8:1:“所以现在,那些在耶稣基督里的人就不被定罪了。”那些在基督里的人就不被定罪了!被称义的罪人可以追求爱的行为,因为他们已经被爱了。而不是因为罪疚和羞耻。
• Romans 8:31–32 “31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?” God is for us and will surely give us all things for godliness. •罗马书8:31–32:“31 既是这样,我们对这一切还有甚么话说呢?神若这样为我们,谁能敌对我们呢?32 他连自己的儿子都舍得,为我们众人把他交出来,难道不也把万有和他一同白白地赐给我们吗?”神是为我们的,必定会为我们的敬虔而把一切都交给我们。
[Gospel of Jesus] These truths from Romans 1–11 are the indicative statements of the gospel that we have to first understand. Unfortunately, too often in our culture and world many people want to skip over the substance of the gospel to get to the implications of the gospel. But the gospel addresses the root of the issue: sin. The only way to become free from sin, and the death that our sin rightly earns, is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. [耶稣的福音] 罗马书1-11章中的这些真理,是我们首先要明白的关于福音的陈述性说明。不幸的是,在我们的文化和世界中,许多人常常想跳过福音的实质而直接达到福音的含义。但福音要解决的是问题的根源:罪。唯有相信主耶稣基督,才能从罪和我们罪所应得的死亡中获得自由。
[Transformed] To be a Christian is to have a new allegiance, to be transformed in both heart and mind, and to have a reordering of our priorities and values according to Christ’s kingdom. [转变] 做一个基督徒就是要有新的效忠,心和脑都要被转变,按照基督的国度重新安排我们的优先次序和价值观。
[In Context of Romans 12:1–2] Romans 12:1–2 talks about this transformation, It’s a hinge passage from Romans 1–11 to chapter 12 and onward as Paul describes what it is like for believers to live in light of the gospel. The “therefore” in Romans 12:1 looks all the way back to the previous eleven chapters, and now believers are wholly devoted and set apart for God. Romans 12:1 calls believers to live as “a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God.” We are to be wholly devoted. Romans 12:2 it says “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” [罗马书12:1–2的上下文] 罗马书12:1–2谈到了这种转变,这两节起了铰链式连接的作用,从罗马书1-11章过渡到12章及其后章节,其中保罗描述了信徒在福音光照下的生命状态。罗马书12:1中的“所以”一路追溯到前面十一章的内容,现在,信徒把自己全然献给神,归神为圣。​罗马书12:1 呼召信徒活出“圣洁而蒙神悦纳的活祭。”我们要全然地摆上。罗马书12:2说:“不要模仿这个世代,倒要藉着心意的更新而改变过来,使你们可以察验出甚么是 神的旨意,就是察验出甚么是美好的、蒙他悦纳的和完全的事。”
[Complete Consecration] Believers are consecrated to God in our mind and our actions. There is no dichotomy in Paul between what one thinks and does. Believers are not to be conformed to the ways of the world, but transformed in our minds. Right living is to be informed by right thinking which is informed by a right standing with God because of Christ’s righteousness. [全然归圣]信徒要在思想和行动上都全然归神为圣。在保罗那里,思想和行为是不可分的。信徒不应随从世界的方式,而要藉着心意的更新而转变。正确的生活是基于正确的思想,而正确的思想是基于因着基督的义与神正确的关系。
[Christian Response] The Christians responds to God’s grace in Christ by now living as those who have been transformed and who are increasingly conformed to the image of their Savior, Jesus Christ. See how the gospel transforms how believers think and live: [基督徒的回应]基督徒对神在基督里的恩典作出回应,他们现在是作为已经被转变的人而活,越来越像他们的救主耶稣基督。看看福音如何转变信徒的思想和生命:
•We have been justified by God, therefore we do not worry about the acceptance of our culture. •我们已经被神称义了,所以我们不担心是不是被我们的文化所接受。
• We have been forgiven by Christ, therefore we do not wallow in our former sins. •我们已经被基督赦罪了,所以我们不用在以前的罪中翻滚。
• We are being sanctified by the Spirit, therefore we set our mind on the Spirit. •我们已经被圣灵分别为圣,所以我们要以圣灵为念。
• We have been loved with an everlasting love, therefore we can love even our enemies. •我们已经被永恒的爱所爱,所以我们甚至可以爱我们的敌人。
• We have been known by God, therefore we long for others to know God. •我们已经被神所认识,所以我们渴望别人也认识神。
• We are heirs with Christ, therefore we don’t worry about getting ahead here on earth. •我们与基督同为后嗣,所以我们不再担心这世界要变成什么样。
[Jesus is the Fulfillment] Jesus accomplishes what we cannot accomplish, and now by his grace, as one who is justified, sanctified, and reconciled, I can walk in his footsteps. Jesus loved by reviled and betrayed. Jesus blessed and did not curse. Jesus fed people with miracle fish and bread from his hand, knowing that some of them would later cry out “crucify him.” This is our model for being undeterred and undaunted in doing good in the midst of crisis, chaos, and suffering. [耶稣是成全]耶稣成就了我们所不能成就的,现在靠着祂的恩典,作为一个被称义、成圣与和好的人,我可以跟着祂亦步亦趋。尽管遭受辱骂和出卖,耶稣依然爱。耶稣祝福而不是咒诅。耶稣行神迹用手中的鱼和饼喂饱了几千人,祂明知道他们当中有些人日后会喊着说:“把他钉死在十字架上。”这是我们的榜样,在危机、混乱和苦难中坚韧不拔,勇往直前地行善。
[Portrait of Christ] When the pastoral staff was talking about this passage on Tuesday, Pastor Sam remarked that Romans 12:9–21 is a portrait of our Savior. Jesus’ love was genuine. Jesus abhorred what is evil, and held fast to what is good. Jesus fulfilled every single one of these commands perfectly, and now he calls his people—not to an impossible standard—but to increasingly be conformed to his perfect and beautiful image in reflecting his values. [基督的肖像]上周二我们教牧人员在讨论这段经文时,山姆牧师指出罗马书 12:9–21是我们救主的肖像。耶稣的爱是无伪真诚的。耶稣憎恶恶,而坚守善。耶稣完美地完成了这些命令中的每一条,现在祂呼召祂的子民——不是为了达到一个不可能达到的标准——而是要在反映祂的价值观时越来越符合祂完美而美好的形像。
[Overcome Evil with Good] In fact, verse 21—overcoming evil with good—is a summary of what Jesus Christ did at the cross. In the face of betrayal from a close friend, an unjust arrest, torture, mocking, and shame, false witnesses, the perversion of justice, and spineless authorities in Pilate and Herod, Jesus is crucified. In all that evil, Jesus overcame it with good. Satan, sin, and death itself were all undone and overcome by Jesus’ perfect submission, perfect love, and perfect sacrifice. Darkness came to destroy, and was destroyed by Love himself in the process. [​以善胜恶]事实上,第21节——以善胜恶——正是耶稣基督在十字架上所做事情的总结。面对亲密朋友的出卖,不公的逮捕、酷刑、嘲弄和羞辱、虚假的证人、公义的扭曲,以及彼拉多和希律软弱的当局,耶稣被钉在了十字架上。在所有这些邪恶当中,耶稣以善胜恶。撒但、罪恶和死亡都被耶稣完美的奉献、完美的爱和完美的牺牲所解除和战胜。黑暗来想要毁坏,自己却在这个过程中被爱所毁灭。
[Game Changer] The gospel changes everything. Romans 12:9–21 is not an oppressive and legalistic list of 31 commands that someone holds over you. [Illustration: Building Inspector] It’s like when a building inspector comes to your house and examines your home improvement project. They have a checklist of things you must do and things you can’t do. And they have the authority to tell you to do it all over again. Weekend warriors dread hearing, “It’s not right, do it again” or perhaps, “tear it out, you’ll have to do it all over.” That is not how Romans 12:9–21 works. It’s not a checklist that seeks to damn you to hell, but a list of identifying marks and traits for you are now in Christ. It’s more like a family mission statement you hang on the wall: “Our family will love God, eat together, listen well, and laugh heartily.” Why? Because that’s who our family is. [扭转局面者]福音改变了一切。罗马书12:9–21不是一个强制性、律法主义的命令清单,列出31条命令强迫你执行。[例证:建筑检查员]它像是一名建筑检查员来看你的房子,检查你的工程质量一样。他们有一个清单,列出了你必须做的和不能做的项目。他们有权叫你返工。周末战士最怕听到“不对,再来一次”或是“撕掉,重来。”这不是罗马书12:9-21的任务。这不是一份旨在将你打入地狱的清单,而是一份你现在在基督里的识别标记和特征的清单。这更像是你挂在墙上的家庭使命宣言:“我们的家庭要爱上帝,一起吃饭,好好地听,开心地笑。”为什么?因为我们的家庭就是这样子的。
[Transition] So we live in a world of outrage and the temptation is to withdraw. But the Scriptures call us to an undeterred and undaunted love. But we must see that call to do good within the context of the gospel of Christ, that we do not earn God’s approval or atone for our sins, but rather receive forgiveness, and labor as transformed people seeking to honor and reflect God’s glory. [过渡]所以我们生活在一个愤怒的世界里,面临着想退缩的诱惑。但是圣经要我们有坚韧不拔、勇往直前的爱。不过我们必须在基督福音的语境下看这行善的呼召,就是说,我们没有赢得神的认可,也没能赎自己的罪,却是接受了饶恕,作为被转变了的人寻求尊崇和反映神的荣耀。
Commands: Putting Them in Action 命令:把它们付诸行动
[In Action] So now we can put it in action. I’ve been tempted during the riots to think “you reap what you sow.” This is true and biblical. And yet in Christ, I am so glad that I more often than not don’t reap the fruits of my flesh and sin, but rather cast them upon the cross of Christ. And shouldn’t that be how we pray and love and act in these days? Asking God for mercy upon our cities, for repentance to be sought and given, for rioters to find Jesus, and yes, for justice to be done. [行动中]所以我们现在可以将其付诸行动。在骚乱期间,我很容易想到:“你们这是种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。”这是真实的,也是合乎圣经的。然而在基督里,我很高兴我更多的时候不是收获肉体和罪的果实,而是把它们丢在基督的十字架上。在这个时代,我们岂不是应该这样祷告、爱和行动吗?祈求神怜悯我们的城市,为人们寻求悔改并得悔改,也为暴徒们能找到耶稣,当然,也为正义得到伸张而祷告。
[Old Man vs New Man] The old man in me wants to say, “The food desert in South Minneapolis is what you have created. One makes their bed and now they have to sleep in it.” The new man says, “I remember living down there on 25th Avenue and Blaisdell. Those were once my grocery stores, and I know 99% of the people living down there had nothing to do with the destruction, looting, and riots. How can we help?” [旧人与新人]我里面的旧人想说:“明尼阿波利斯南部的食物匮乏是你们自己造成的。 自己铺的床就得自己睡上去。”我里面的新人却说:“我记得我曾住在25号大街和布莱斯德尔那一带。那些曾是我常去的杂货店,我知道住在那里的人99%和打砸抢无关。我们该如何帮助他们?”
[White/Black vs. Reconciled/Condemed] So with Romans 12:9–21 as our backdrop, I want to spur us on to dream new dreams of love and doing good. Our cultural conversation says, “If you’re white, you’re either an ally or condemned as part of the problem.” But the Bible says the main categories are not mainly white or non-white, but forgiven or still in your sin. And if we are part of the redeemed, those who have tasted of the unmerited mercy of God, we now show mercy. There is no condemnation for all those in Christ Jesus, and so Christians pursue biblical justice, protest brutality, enact reform, and love our neighbors all in obedience to Christ, not to atone for our whiteness, or whatever color you may be. [白人/黑人与和解/定罪]所以,以罗马书12:9-21为背景,我想鼓励大家追求爱与行善的新梦想。我们的文化对话这样说:“如果你是白人,那你要么是黑人的盟友,要么就是种族问题的一分子。”但圣经说分类主要不是根据是不是白人,而是已得赦免,还是仍在罪中。如果我们是得赎者的一员,就是尝过神无偿怜悯滋味的人,现在轮到我们来施行怜悯。所有在基督里的人都不再被定罪,所以基督徒追求圣经中的公义,抗议暴行,推动改革,爱邻如己,都是因着顺服基督,不是为自己的白皮肤或其它肤色洗白。
[Undaunted in Doing Good] Christians don’t labor out of guilt, shame, or under compulsion, but out of transformed hearts and minds. Both compassionate and long suffering. Wise and discerning. Quick to listen, slow to anger, and slow to speak. Not championing Republican values or Democratic values, but kingdom values. We do those things not to virtue signal or to prove we aren’t racists or indifferent, but to shine forth the superior worth and the transforming power of Jesus Christ. [勇往直前地行善] 基督徒辛勤劳动不是出于罪疚、羞耻或强迫,而是出于转变了的心灵和心智。有怜悯,不轻易发怒。明智而有见识。快快地听,慢慢地动怒,慢慢地说。既不拥戴共和党的价值观,也不拥戴民主党的价值观,而单单高举神国的价值观。我们做那些事并不是为了展现自己的美德或表明自己不是种族主义者或保持中立,而是为了彰显耶稣基督优胜的价值和带来转变的大能。
[Closing] Pray with me that God would overcome the evil we’ve seen these last few weeks with good, mainly with the transformative work of the gospel, and with believers doing good out of transformed hearts and minds. [结束语] 请和我一起祷告,求神用善来战胜我们在过去几周里所看到的邪恶,主要是用福音转变的工作,以及信徒从被转变的心灵发出的善行。
So Spirit, come, put strength in ev'ry stride,Give grace for ev'ry hurdle,That we may run with faith to win the prizeOf a servant good and faithful. 所以,圣灵请降临,每一步赐力量,赐恩典跨越众障碍,使我奔跑凭信去得奖赏,那为忠良仆人预备。


2020-06-14当痛苦如山我能做什么(罗马书12:9-21)What to Do When Suffering is Great_第1张图片

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