一开始没有注意schema的targetnamespace. 不小心部署了两个一样MessageType的schema,
结果很奇怪的就是biztalk 服务crash了,后来把Error Handling开启,才得到错误信息,说重复schema了
在Generate Oracle Polling Schema时候配置PollingId,避免schema 冲突
Appendix: Error Log
Event Type: Error
Event Source: BizTalk Server 2006
Event Category: BizTalk Server 2006
Event ID: 5632
Date: 2008-12-26
Time: 16:46:15
User: N/A
Computer: UPZONER2
The Messaging Engine failed to initialize. Details:"Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'Microsoft.BizTalk.CachingService.IBcsArtifactFactory'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{3782F312-1594-438D-8A90-F41A9D223C0C}' failed due to the following error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)).".
Event Type: Error
Event Source: BizTalk Server 2006
Event Category: BizTalk Server 2006
Event ID: 5410
Date: 2008-12-26
Time: 16:46:15
User: N/A
Computer: UPZONER2
A failure occurred when executing a Windows service request.
Service request: Start
BizTalk host name: BizTalkServerApplication
Windows service name: BTSSvc$BizTalkServerApplication
Additional error information:
Error code: 0xc0c0153a
Error source: BizTalk Server 2006
Error description: A BizTalk subservice has failed while executing a service request.
Subservice: End Point Manager
Service request: Start
Event Type: Error
Event Source: BizTalk Server 2006
Event Category: BizTalk Server 2006
Event ID: 5719
Date: 2008-12-26
Time: 16:49:05
User: N/A
Computer: UPZONER2
There was a failure executing the receive pipeline: "Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines.XMLReceive, Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" Source: "XML disassembler" Receive Port: "ReceiveORA" URI: "oracledb://ora" Reason: Cannot locate document specification because multiple schemas matched the message type "http://Microsoft.LobServices.OracleDB/2007/03/POLLINGSTMT#POLLINGSTMT".
Event Type: Error
Event Source: BizTalk Server 2006
Event Category: BizTalk Server 2006
Event ID: 5649
Date: 2008-12-26
Time: 16:49:05
User: N/A
Computer: UPZONER2
The receive location "ReceiveORA" with URL "oracledb://ora" is shutting down. Details:"There was a failure executing the receive pipeline: "Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines.XMLReceive, Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" Source: "XML disassembler" Receive Port: "ReceiveORA" URI: "oracledb://ora" Reason: Cannot locate document specification because multiple schemas matched the message type "http://Microsoft.LobServices.OracleDB/2007/03/POLLINGSTMT#POLLINGSTMT". ".