2020-12-06降临节:以利沙伯的宣告与马利亚的尊主颂(路加福音1:39-56)Advent: Elizabeth’s Exclamation & Mary’s Magnificat

Steven LeeA 李司提反
Luke 1:39–56 路加福音1:39-56
39 In those days Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country, to a town in Judah, 40 and she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. 41 And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, 42 and she exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! 43 And why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44 For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. 45 And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.” 46 And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, 47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, 48 for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; 49 for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name. 50 And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. 51 He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts; 52 he has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate; 53 he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty. 54 He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, 55 as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his offspring forever.” 56 And Mary remained with her about three months and returned to her home. 39 后来,马利亚就起身,急忙向山地去,来到犹大的一座城,40 进了撒迦利亚的家,向以利沙伯问安。41 以利沙伯一听见马利亚的问安,腹中的胎儿就跳动,以利沙伯也被圣灵充满, 42 就高声说:“你在女子中是有福的! 你腹中的胎儿也是有福的! 43 我主的母亲竟然到我这里来。这事怎会临到我呢?44 你看,你问安的声音一进我的耳朵,我腹中的胎儿就欢喜跳跃。 45 这相信主传给她的话必要成就的女子是有福的。”46 马利亚说:“我心尊主为大,47 我灵以 神我的救主为乐,48 因为他垂顾他婢女的卑微,看哪! 今后万代都要称我为有福。49 全能者为我行了大事,他的名为圣;50 他的怜悯世世代代归与敬畏他的人。51 他用膀臂施展大能,驱散心里妄想的狂傲人。52 他使有权能的失位,叫卑微的升高,53 让饥饿的得饱美食,使富足的空手回去。54 他扶助了他的仆人以色列,为要记念他的怜悯,55 正如他向我们列祖所说的,恩待亚伯拉罕和他的后裔,直到永远。”56 马利亚和以利沙伯同住约有三个月,就回家去了。
One of the best feelings in the world is getting others to share in your joy. If you’re really excited about something—some news, some new gadget, some delicious recipe, or some amazing book—your joy isn’t complete until you tell others about it. And if they share your joy, it’s a wonderful feeling. “I love that book too! That’s my favorite album. I’m obsessed with houseplants, fountain pens, or woodworking too!” 世界上最好的感觉之一就是让别人分享你的快乐。如果你真的对某件事情感到兴奋—比如什么新闻,什么新的小工具,什么美味的食谱,或者什么令人拍案惊奇的书籍—你的快乐是不完整的,除非你与人分享这份快乐。如果他们享受和你一样的快乐,那是一种很美妙的感觉。“我也喜欢这本书!那是我最喜欢的专辑。我对室内植物、钢笔或木工也很着迷!”
But the converse is true as well. It’s a terrible feeling when you share something you love, and all you get is a blank stare or indifference or perhaps even disgust. “I guess I’ll just eat your ribeye since you’re a vegan. I’ve never met someone who hated dark chocolate. What do you mean you don’t like Harry Potter?” It’s a joy when you find someone else who just “gets it” and shares in your enjoyment. And it’s a terrible feeling when there is a complete indifference, or worst, when they respond with jealousy, judgment, or ridicule the source of your joy. You can probably recall a time or when either of these have happened. 反之亦然。当你和别人分享你喜欢的东西时,得到的只是白眼或冷漠,甚至可能是厌恶,这种感觉很糟糕。“我想我还是把你的肋排吃了吧,因为你是个绝对素食者。我还从未见过讨厌黑巧克力的人。什么叫你不喜欢《哈利波特》?”当你找到一个“懂你”的人,分享你的乐趣时,那是一种快乐。而当对方对你无动于衷,或者最糟糕的是,当他们以嫉妒、论断或嘲笑你的快乐之源来回应时,这是一种可怕的体验。你大概永远不会忘记这些事情发生的时间或地点。
This morning we get a glimpse of how the first hearers respond to the news that Christ is coming. How will this news be received? How will John the Baptist, Elizabeth, and even Mary respond to the angel Gabriel’s announcement? And we get to ask the question, how should we respond this morning? 今天早上,我们可以看到第一批听众如何回应基督要来的消息。这个消息会被如何接受?施洗约翰、以利沙伯,以及马利亚将如何回应天使加百列的宣告?而我们要问一个问题,今天上午我们应该如何回应这个消息?
This morning we get to see the convergence where two worlds collide. A senior citizen, six months pregnant, waiting and resting at home, converge with the teenage girl, also pregnant, traveling on the road to meet Elizabeth. What would this meeting be like between these very different women who are linked for eternity? Would there be some subtle jostling for position, jealousy of the other, cold shoulders, comparison, or even contempt? Would Elizabeth chastise the unwed mother? Would Mary mock the elderly Elizabeth’s swollen body? What will this collision be like? 今天上午,我们可以看到两个世界碰撞的交汇处。一个怀孕6个月的老妇人,在家中等待休息,与同样怀孕的少女汇合,她上路与以利沙伯相见。这两个截然不同的女人之间的相遇,会是怎样地在永恒里心心相印?会不会有些许微妙的争位、嫉妒对方、冷落对方、攀比、甚至鄙视?以利沙伯会责备这个未婚妈妈吗?马利亚会嘲笑年迈的以利沙伯身体臃肿吗?这场碰撞会是怎样的呢?
Luke has given us the foretelling of the birth of John the Baptist, and then the foretelling of the birth of Jesus. Two parallel tracks and that converge together. Elizabeth has been in self-isolation; Luke tells us “she kept herself hidden” (24). No one has seen her for nearly six months. Mary on the other hand, “arose and went with haste” to go visit Elizabeth (39). They have different responses (one hides while the other leaves), they are in different situations (one was barren, the other a virgin), and they are different people (perhaps with 60 plus years between their ages). 路加给我们预言了施洗约翰的出生,又预言了耶稣的降生。两条平行的轨道,汇聚在一起。以利沙伯一直处于自我隔离中,路加告诉我们“她把自己隐藏起来”(第24节)。近半年来,没有人见过她。而马利亚则“起身,急忙”去看望以利沙伯(第39节)。她们有不同的反应(一个隐藏起来,而另一个离开),她们的处境不同(一个是不孕不育,另一个是处女),她们是不同的人(也许她们的年龄相差有60多岁)。
Our passage reveals the joy and praise that will accompany the coming of Christ, and calls all believers to join in the song of joyful praise. At this collision of two worlds, we get a glimpse of how Jesus will usher in exuberant joy and elated praise that will be for all peoples. And it’s an invitation to join together in saying, “God has done great things for us in Christ!” 我们的经文启示了伴随基督降临的喜乐和赞美,并呼召所有的信徒加入喜乐赞美的歌中。在这两个世界的碰撞中,我们看到了耶稣将如何迎来充盈的喜乐和欣喜的赞美,这将是所有的人都能得到的。这也是邀请大家一起来说:“上帝在基督里为我们行了大事!”
This passage breaks down into two sections: 这段经文分为两个部分。
1. Elizabeth’s Exclamation (39–45) 1. 以利沙伯的宣告(39-45节)
2. Mary’s Magnificat (46–56) 2. 马利亚的尊主颂(46-56节)
1. Elizabeth’s Exclamation (39–45) 1. 以利沙伯的宣告(39-45节)
39 In those days Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country, to a town in Judah, 40 and she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. (Luke 1:39–40) 39 后来,马利亚就起身,急忙向山地去,来到犹大的一座城,40 进了撒迦利亚的家,向以利沙伯问安。(路加福音1:39-40)
Mary responds, as we saw earlier, “with haste.” This means at least two things: (1) she believed in Gabriel’s revelation, and (2) she had no contact with Joseph. Elizabeth and Zechariah live near the temple. We don’t know what town, but it probably took 3–4 days on foot to make the 80–100 mile journey. Mary goes in obedience to God, but she also goes to the only other person on the face of the planet that could share in her wonder, awe, and joy: Elizabeth. She arrives and we assume gives a verbal greeting, leading to what happens next. 马利亚的反应,正如我们前面看到的,是“急忙”。这至少意味着两件事:(1) 她相信加百列的启示, (2) 她没有和约瑟接触过。以利沙伯和撒迦利亚住在圣殿附近。我们不知道具体是哪个镇子,但大概要步行3-4天才能走完80-100里的路程。马利亚顺服上帝而去,但她也是去找地球上唯一一个能分享她的惊奇、敬畏和喜悦的人:以利沙伯。她来了,我们想像一下她们互相问候,然后发生了接下来的事情。
41 And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, 42 and she exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! 43 And why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44 For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. 45 And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.” (Luke 1:41–45) 41 以利沙伯一听见马利亚的问安,腹中的胎儿就跳动,以利沙伯也被圣灵充满, 42 就高声说:“你在女子中是有福的! 你腹中的胎儿也是有福的!43 我主的母亲竟然到我这里来。这事怎会临到我呢?44 你看,你问安的声音一进我的耳朵,我腹中的胎儿就欢喜跳跃。45 这相信主传给她的话必要成就的女子是有福的。”(路加福音1:41-45)
John Jumps for Joy (41a, 44) 约翰欢喜跳动(41a, 44节)
Notice John’s reaction to Mary’s voice. It says John the Baptist in utero—in the womb—jumps or leaps from within. This is the same word used in Luke 6:23, that says, “Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven.” I can only assume that Elizabeth has obviously felt her baby move, kick, and hiccup from within her womb before. But she specifically, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, interprets the movement of the baby as leaping for joy (44). This is a pointer that eschatological or end-time joy has begun to come into the world through Jesus. After centuries of deep darkness, the first rays of golden Light have dawned in the distance. 请注意约翰对马利亚声音的反应。它说施洗约翰在子宫里—母腹—在里面跳动或踊动。这与路加福音6章23节所说的“那时你们应该欢喜跳跃,因为你们在天上的赏赐是大的”是同一个词。我只能认为,以利沙伯之前曾明显感觉到自己的宝宝在腹中动弹、踢腿、打嗝。但她通过圣灵特别的启示,把胎儿的动作解释为欢喜跳跃(第44节)。这是一个指针,表明末世或末日的喜乐已经开始通过耶稣进入世界。在经历了数百年的深沉黑暗之后,远处的第一缕金光已经初露端倪。
And if we look back earlier, Zechariah was told that John “will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb” (15). This Spirit-inspired leaping is a fulfillment of Gabriel’s prophecy about John. Not only is Elizabeth filled with the Holy Spirit, but John is filled with the Holy Spirit. And he leaps for joy at the coming of Jesus. This is not only the intersection of Elizabeth and Mary, but it’s the first meeting of John the Baptist and Jesus. The greatest prophet of the old covenant—assigned to prepare the way for the Christ—now meets Jesus who is the Christ—the Lord who ushers in the new covenant. 而如果我们回头看前面,撒迦利亚被告知约翰“未出母腹就被圣灵充满”(第15节)。这种圣灵感动的跳跃应验了加百列关于约翰的预言。不仅以利沙伯被圣灵充满,约翰也被圣灵充满。而他因耶稣的到来而欢喜跳跃。这不仅是以利沙伯和马利亚的会聚,也是施洗约翰和耶稣的第一次会面。旧约中最大的先知—受命为基督预备道路—现在遇到了耶稣,祂就是基督—带来新约的主。
Elizabeth’s Blessing (41b­–43, 45) 以利沙伯的祝福(41b­-43, 45节)
Next we see Elizabeth’s exclamation (41b–43). How does Elizabeth respond? She is filled with the Holy Spirit, and proceeds to declare that Mary is blessed. This collision of world’s results in sparks of joy. Elizabeth’s blessing is also the first confirmation that we get that Mary has conceived. 接着我们看到以利沙伯的宣告(41b-43节)。以利沙伯如何反应?她被圣灵充满,高声宣告马利亚是有福的。两个世界碰撞出了欢乐的火花。以利沙伯的祝福也是我们得到的第一个确认,即马利亚已经怀孕了。
Throughout this account we see the repeated emphasis that these things are a result of divine action. The Holy Spirit would come upon Mary so that she would conceive. The Holy Spirit filled Elizabeth so that she would know that Mary had conceived. The Holy Spirit inspires John the Baptist to leap with joy within the womb. God, through the power of the Spirit, is unfolding the greatest news. 在整个这段记载中,我们看到反复强调这些事情是神的行动的结果。圣灵会降临在马利亚身上,使她怀孕。圣灵充满以利沙伯,使她知道马利亚已经怀孕了。圣灵激动施洗约翰在子宫内欢喜跳跃。上帝借着圣灵的能力,正在展开最伟大的消息。
What should we make of Elizabeth’s words of blessing? There is reversal taking place. In Luke 1:24 we see that Elizabeth hid herself, and said that the Lord has taken away her reproach. Elizabeth’s shame and disgrace has been transformed to exuberate joy. Imagine Elizabeth being cautious, careful, and wondering; trying not to get her hopes too high. And then at the sound of Mary’s voice she just explodes with unrestrained joy, like the top being blown off a fire hydrant spouting a joyful fountain 30 feet in the air. 我们应该如何看待以利沙伯的祝福话语?逆转正在发生。在路加福音1:24中,我们看到以利沙伯把自己隐藏起来,说主已经除去了她的责备。以利沙伯的羞耻和耻辱已经转化为充盈的喜悦。想象一下,以利沙伯小心再小心,谨慎再谨慎,尽量不要让自己的期望值太高。然后在听到马利亚的声音时,她就抑制不住地快乐起来,就像消防栓的顶部被掀掉,在30英尺的空中涌出欢乐的喷泉。
Elizabeth has no reason to know Mary is pregnant. Mary is probably not showing, and as I’ve been told by my wife, you never ask a woman if she is pregnant unless it’s already been confirmed. But through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Elizabeth immediately breaks out in praise recognizing that Mary is pregnant. The beauty of this moment is that Elizabeth doesn’t think of Mary as a rival. Mary doesn’t diminish her joy in her pregnancy, but multiples her joy. Elizabeth recognizes the blessedness of Mary and the greatness of this child within her. 以利沙伯没有理由知道马利亚怀孕了。马利亚可能还看不出怀孕的样子。我妻子告诉我,你永远不要问一个女人是否怀孕,除非她自己已经确认了。但通过圣灵的启示,以利沙伯立刻爆发出赞美,承认马利亚怀孕了。这一刻的美好之处在于,以利沙伯并没有把马利亚当成竞争对手。马利亚并没有减少她怀孕时的喜悦,而是使她的喜悦倍增。以利沙伯认识到马利亚的福气和她腹中这个孩子的伟大。
The question in verse 43 “And why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” is the first uses of “Lord” to describe Jesus in Luke. Mary had heard the prophecy that this child will be great, holy, and the Son of the Most High. But now she hears it from Elizabeth who calls her child Lord. Elizabeth isn’t jealous of Mary’s baby, but rejoices in this child. 第43节的问题“我主的母亲竟然到我这里来。这事怎会临到我呢?”这是路加福音中第一次使用“主”来称呼耶稣。马利亚听到过预言,这个孩子将是伟大的,圣洁的,是至高者的儿子。但现在她从以利沙伯那里听到了,以利沙伯称她的孩子为我主。以利沙伯并不嫉妒马利亚的孩子,而是为这个孩子欢喜。
Elizabeth’s words confirm the words of the angel Gabriel: God’s favor is upon you Mary. In this culture, very often a woman’s greatness was measured by the greatness of the children that she bore (or how many children she could bear). There was a battle between Leah and Rachel to bear children for Jacob. This would be like a mom with a bumper stick that says “My child is an honor roll student.” Or a mom that is proud her son or daughter is an accomplished musician, medical professional, or serving in the military. Here Mary is blessed because she is the mother of Jesus. 以利沙伯的话证实了天使加百列的话:神的恩惠临到你马利亚身上。在当时的文化中,女人的伟大往往是以她所生的孩子的伟大(或她能生多少孩子)来衡量的。利亚和拉结之间有一场为雅各生孩子的竞赛。这就像一个妈妈在自己的车保险杠贴上“我的孩子是优等生”的字样。或者是一位妈妈,她为自己的儿子或女儿是一位出色的音乐家、医学专家或在军队中服役而感到自豪。在这里,马利亚是有福的,因为她是耶稣的母亲。
But Mary is also blessed because she responded to God’s revelation by believing God’s word and obeying it. Verse 45 makes clear that Mary is blessed because she “believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord” (45). Blessing comes to those who believe and obey God. 同时,马利亚是有福的,也是因为她响应神的启示,相信神的话,顺服神的话。45节明确指出,马利亚是有福的,因为她“相信主传给她的话必要成就”(第45节)。祝福临到那些相信和顺服神的人身上。
This is confirmed by Jesus himself later in Luke 11:27–28 where it says, “27 As he said these things, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts at which you nursed!” 28 But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” Blessedness is not just for the mother of Jesus because she gave birth—for that would only be one person. But blessedness is for all those who hear the word of God, believe it by faith, and obey it. This morning, do you believe God’s word and do you keep it? This is the pathway of blessing. 这一点在后来的路加福音11:27-28中由耶稣亲自证实,其中说到:27 耶稣正说这些话的时候,群众中有一个女人高声对他说:“怀你胎的和哺养你的有福了!”28 他说:“是的,却还不如听 神的道而遵守的人有福。” 有福的不仅仅是耶稣的母亲,因为她生了耶稣—那只是一个人有福。但凡听到神的话语,凭着信心相信,并顺从神的话语的人,都是有福的。今天早上,你相信神的话,并遵行了吗?这就是通向福分之路。
John and Mary give Spirit inspired testimony of the Lordship of this child. Now we turn to the third testimony, from Mary herself, in what is often called Mary’s Magnificat. 约翰和马利亚以圣灵的启示见证了这孩子是至高的主。现在我们来看看第三个见证,来自马利亚本人,也就是通常所说的马利亚的尊主颂。
2. Mary’s Magnificat (45–56) 2. 马利亚的尊主颂(46-56节)
Two preliminary questions as we begin this section: (1) why is it called the Magnificat and (2) what purpose does it have in the narrative? 当我们开始本节时,有两个初步的问题。(1)为什么它被称为《尊主颂》(Magnificat)? (2)它在叙事中的目的是什么?
This hymn of praise is called the Magnificat, a name reflecting the Latin translation of the word magnifies, which appears in the first line. The hymn doesn’t advance the story, but functions as a poetic and musical exclamation mark. It’s like watching an opera or Broadway musical that builds and builds and then climaxes with a solo for the main character. Luke doesn’t just unfold the facts, but invites us in to participate in the celebration. 这首赞美诗被称为《尊主颂》(Magnificat),这名字反映了拉丁文“尊……为大”(magnifies)一词的翻译,出现在第一行。这首赞美诗并没有推进故事的发展,而是起到了诗意和音乐的感叹符的作用。就像看歌剧或百老汇音乐剧一样,层层递进,然后以主人公的独唱达到高潮。路加不只是展开事实,而是邀请我们参与庆祝。
Mary’s Magnificat, along with Zechariah’s prophecy (68–79), the angel’s chorus of “glory to God” (2:14), and Simeon’s prayer (2:29–32), function as what one scholar called “the last of the Hebrew Psalms, and the first of the Christian hymns.”1 In a sense, each of these poetic songs reveals that the Christian faith is one that is not just to be understood, but it’s a faith to be sung and celebrated. Part of the design of Mary’s Magnificat is not just to say what happened, but to invite us in to worship and to participate in praise. 马利亚的《尊主颂》与撒迦利亚的预言(第68-79节)、天使的“荣耀归与神”的合唱(2:14)和西门的祷告(2:29-32),功能是一位学者所说的“希伯来诗篇的绝响,基督教赞美诗的新篇”。从某种意义上说,这些诗歌的每一首都揭示了基督教的信仰不仅仅是被理解的,而且是一种被传唱和颂扬的信仰。马利亚的《尊主颂》的用意,不只是说明发生了什么,而是邀请我们进入敬拜,参与赞美。
Mary alludes to and draws upon imagery throughout the Old Testament. One commentator wrote this about Mary’s song: “Her celebration of the miraculous conception of the baby in her womb draws on the Old Testament as if it were a palette from which to mix together the various hues of her praise to God.” 2 There are not only echoes from Hannah’s song from 1 Samuel 2, but she also quotes from or alludes to verses from Genesis, Deuteronomy, 1 and 2 Samuel, Job, Psalms, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Micah, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah.3 马利亚暗示和借鉴了贯穿旧约的意象。一位注释家就马利亚的这首诗歌写道:“她对圣灵感孕神迹的庆祝,是以旧约为基础的,仿佛是一个调色板,将她对上帝的赞美的各种色调混合在一起。”不仅有撒母耳记上2章中哈拿的诗歌的呼应,而且她还引用或暗示了创世记、申命记、撒母耳记上和撒母耳记下、约伯记、诗篇、以赛亚书、以西结书、弥迦书、哈巴谷书和西番雅书的经文。
Some have questioned whether Mary, an uneducated preteen girl, could have authored such a hymn. It’s not hard to imagine that (1) Mary writes under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and that (2) Mary knew her Bible. She probably heard it read and recited, sang Psalms in her home, and committed it to memory. Here is a young woman whose life is so saturated with the Scriptures, she could call upon that language to express her praise to God. For young and old this morning: devote yourself to the reading, study, listening, and memorization of God’s word. You can never go wrong with knowing more of God’s word. 有人质疑,马利亚一个没有受过教育的未成年少女,怎么能写出这样一首赞美诗。不难想象,(1)马利亚是在圣灵的启示下创作的,(2)马利亚熟读她的圣经。她可能在家里听过别人朗读和背诵,唱过诗篇,并把它记在心里。这是一个年轻的女子,她的生命是如此的被圣经浸透,她可以调用这种语言来表达她对上帝的赞美。今天早上给男女老少的建议是:献身于阅读、学习、听闻、背诵神的话语。多了解神的话语总是不会错的。
Mary’s Magnificat can be broken down into two main parts: (1) praise for God’s grace to Mary (46–50), and then (2) praise for God’s work for all, particularly Israel (51–55). 马利亚的颂歌可以分为两个主要部分:(1)赞美神对马利亚的恩典(第46-50节),然后(2)赞美神为所有人,特别是以色列人所做的工作(第51-55节)。
God’s Grace to Mary (46–50) 神对马利亚的恩典(46-50节)
46 And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, 47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, 48 for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; 49 for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name. 50 And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. (Luke 1:46–50) 46 马利亚说:“我心尊主为大,47 我灵以 神我的救主为乐,48 因为他垂顾他婢女的卑微,看哪! 今后万代都要称我为有福。49 全能者为我行了大事,他的名为圣;50 他的怜悯世世代代归与敬畏他的人。(路加福音1:46-50)
Mary praises God for his undeserved favor, with particular attention to her humble state. God “has looked on the humble estate of his servant” (48a). What humble estate is this? Mary is an unlikely recipient of God’s divine grace. She was not royalty, her family is not wealthy or prosperous, she does not move about societies of power, and she has no fame or prestige. 马利亚赞美上帝无价的恩惠,特别眷顾身分卑微的她。神“垂顾他婢女的卑微”(48a节)这是什么卑微?马利亚不太可能是上帝神圣恩典的接受者。她不是名门望族,家境贫寒,不在权贵社会活动,既没有名气,也没有名望。
She was a common peasant, one of the little people. But God has come to give unmerited favor to the lowly. God has “exalted those of humble estate” (52). Mary’s words capture a theme that emerges again and again in Luke: God has come to show mercy to the lowly. In Luke 5:31, Jesus says, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.” And only the humble and lowly recognize their spiritual sickness before the Lord Jesus Christ. 她只是一个普通的农民,一个小人物。但上帝临到,要把无偿的恩惠赐给卑微的人。神“叫卑微的升高”(第52节)。马利亚的话抓住了路加福音中反复出现的一个主题:上帝来了,要怜悯卑微的人。路加福音5:31中,耶稣说:“健康的人不需要医生,有病的人才需要。”而只有谦卑和卑微的人,才会在主耶稣基督面前认识到自己属灵的疾病。
The kingdom of God is not what one expects. With powerful administrations, all the positions of power and influence are filled by friends, supporters, and those of influence, power, and prestige. But in God’s kingdom he picks nobodies, commoners, and peasants. A complete nobody from the middle of nowhere becomes the most blessed of all women. Jesus would heal the sick, exorcize the demon possessed, save sinners, and preach the good news to the poor. This is a powerful reversal of how most of life takes place. 神的国度不是人们所期待的。在强势的行政机构中,所有有权力和影响力的职位都是由朋友、支持者和有影响力、有权力、有威望的人担任。但在神的国度里,祂挑选的是无名小卒、平民和农民。来自无名之地的一个彻头彻尾的无名小人物,成了所有女人中最有福的人。耶稣会医治病人,驱赶被鬼附的人,拯救罪人,向穷人传福音。这是对大部分生活轨迹的彻底颠覆。
Our world often moves according to the whims of the wealthy and powerful. But Mary’s song turns everything on its head. God who is high and exalted, comes low. Those who are lowly and humble find exaltation, joy, and gladness in Christ. Who hears this good news next? It’s dirty, disheveled, and lowly shepherds. Not Caesar, not Pharisees, not those at the synagogue, and not those in places of power and influence. 我们的世界常常按照有钱有势者的突发其想而动。但马利亚的诗歌让这一切都变了。神原是至高无比的,却降卑。那些卑微和谦卑的人在基督里得到了升高,喜乐和欢欣。接下来谁会听到这个好消息?是蓬头垢脸、衣冠不整、卑微平凡的牧羊人。不是凯撒,不是法利赛人,不是会堂里的人,也不是那些有权有势的人。
Advent is where we remember how Christ came for sinners. Jesus “came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28). To signal the type of ministry he would have, God picked this poor, young peasant girl from Nazareth to be the mother of the Savior of the world. Isn’t God good, merciful, and gracious to come in this manner? Do you see the love, condescension, and gentleness of our Savior? Do you recognize your neediness for Christ? 降临节是让我们记住基督如何为罪人而来。耶稣“来不是要受人的服事,而是要服事人”(马太福音20:28)。为了表明祂将会有什么样的事工,神从拿撒勒挑选了这个贫寒的、年轻的农家女孩来做世界救主的母亲。上帝以这种方式来,难道不是善良、怜悯、恩典吗?你看到了我们救主的爱、屈尊和温柔吗?你是否认识到自己需要基督?
It’s not just good news for Mary and no one else. Mary turns to praise God for what he has done for all, and particularly for Israel. 这并不是仅仅针对马利亚一个人的好消息,而和其他人无关。马利亚转而赞美神,因为祂为所有人,尤其是为以色列人所做的一切。
God’s Work for All and Israel (51–55) 神为所有人和以色列人所做的工作(第51-55节)
51 He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts; 51 他用膀臂施展大能,驱散心里妄想的狂傲人。
52 he has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate; 52 他使有权能的失位,叫卑微的升高,
53 he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty. (Luke 1:51–53) 53 让饥饿的得饱美食,使富足的空手回去。(路加福音1:51-53)
Three times God will humble the proud, mighty or rich (51b, 52a, 53b), but will “exalt those of humble estate” and “fill the hungry with good things” (53a). The reference to the strength of God’s arm harkens back to the Exodus where God delivered Israel with his mighty right hand. There is a new and greater exodus coming. But instead of plagues, angel of death, a pillar of cloud and fire, it will be the gentle arms of Jesus that will be ultimately nailed to the cross to deliver sinners. 神要三次让骄傲、强大或富有的人降卑(51b,52a,53b),但要“叫卑微的升高”,“让饥饿的得饱美食”(53a)。提到神的膀臂施展大能,让人想起出埃及记,神用祂大能的右手拯救以色列人。一场新的更伟大的出埃及即将到来。但最终钉在十字架上拯救罪人的,将不是瘟疫、死亡天使、云柱和火柱,而是耶稣温柔的膀臂。
This song recognizes that God is coming to level the playing field so that both the lowly and the mighty must humble themselves before God to become part of his eternal kingdom. Then at the end of this section, Mary highlights not only God’s mercy to all who fear him, but goes all the way back to God’s promises to Abraham. It says, “54 He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, 55 as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his offspring forever” (Luke 1:54–55). 这首诗歌承认神要带来公平竞赛,所以无论是卑微的还是强大的,都必须在神面前谦卑自己,成为祂永恒国度的一员。然后在这段诗歌的最后,马利亚不仅强调了神对所有敬畏祂之人的怜悯,而且一直追溯到神对亚伯拉罕的应许。它说:“54 他扶助了他的仆人以色列,为要记念他的怜悯,55 正如他向我们列祖所说的,恩待亚伯拉罕和他的后裔,直到永远。”(路加福音1:54-55)
This harkens back to Genesis 22 that says, “17 I will surely bless you, and I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore. And your offspring shall possess the gate of his enemies, 18 and in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because you have obeyed my voice” (Genesis 22:17–18). This prophecy is being fulfilled in Jesus, both at this Advent, and through his kingdom, the church, today. It’s a reminder that God’s mercy has come, not just for Mary, not just for Israel, but it is for all peoples. What people in your life are unaware of the good news? What people in your life lack joy? To who can we share this good news this Advent season? 这让人想起创世记22章说:17 我必定赐福给你,必使你的后裔繁多,像天上的星,海边的沙;你的后裔必占领仇敌的城门。18 地上万国都要因你的后裔得福,因为你听从了我的话。” (创世记22:17-18)这个预言在耶稣身上应验了,无论是在这次降临,还是通过祂的国度,即今天的教会。这提醒我们,神的怜悯已经来临,不只是为了马利亚,不只是为了以色列,而是为了所有的人。你生活中还有哪些人不知道这个好消息?在你的生活中,哪些人缺乏快乐?在这个降临节,我们可以向谁分享这个好消息?
Application & Conclusion 应用与结语
As we seek to apply this passage, we can notice three truths for hold onto. 当我们寻求应用这段话时,我们可以注意到三个需要坚持的真理。
God is Faithful 神是信实的。
God has not forgotten his promises. God has not forgotten his promise to Abraham, and his promise to bless all the families of the earth. And God has not forgotten the lowly, neglected, and nobodies of the world. In fact, this passage reveals for us that God is fulfilling his promises in Christ. This Christmas you are not alone. You may be sitting or watching alone, or you may feel spiritually isolated, you may even feel spiritually dry, wandering in the desert wilderness, or outside the camp. Yet this passage tells us that God sees, God hears, and God is gloriously at work to save sinners. 神从不忘记祂的应许。神没有忘记祂对亚伯拉罕的应许,也没有忘记祂要祝福地上的万族。神也没有忘记世界上那些卑微的、被忽视的、名不见经传的人。事实上,这段经文为我们揭示了神正在基督里实现祂的应许。这个圣诞节你并不孤单。你可能一个人坐着或看着,也可能感觉到灵里的孤独,你甚至会感觉到灵里的枯干,徘徊在沙漠旷野,或者是营地之外。然而这段经文告诉我们,神看见了,神听见了,神在荣耀地工作,拯救罪人。
The Holy Spirit is at Work 圣灵在工作。
The Spirit-inspired testimonies of John the Baptist, Elizabeth, and Mary all point to the blessing that will come from this Christ child. How will you respond to this Christ child? Will you respond with joyful leaping like John the Baptist? Will you respond by acknowledging that he is Lord like Elizabeth? Will you respond by breaking out in song like Mary? Don’t let another Christmas season pass without responding to the substance of Christmas: Christ has come; Christ is coming again. 施洗约翰、以利沙伯和马利亚受圣灵启发的见证,都指出了将从这位婴孩基督身上得到的祝福。你将如何回应这位婴孩基督?你会像施洗约翰一样以喜乐的跳跃来回应吗?你会不会像以利沙伯一样承认祂是主?你会像马利亚一样用诗歌来回应吗?不要让又一个圣诞季过去而不回应圣诞的本质。基督已经来了;基督又要来了。
Advent is an Invitation to Worship 降临节是敬拜的邀请
This passage is not just a recounting of what happened, it’s not just about Elizabeth’s exclamation, nor even just about Mary’s song of praise. This passage is an invitation to join in the song of the redeemed. Don’t just stand on the outside of these events, peering through the window in the darkness, and hearing the music and singing play on the other side of the walls. This is an invitation to receive the joy that Jesus brings by joining with John, Elizabeth, and Mary’s in praise. It’s an invitation to receive Jesus as Lord. It’s an invitation to allow the truth of Christ to give rise to leaping for joy. It’s an invitation to break out in poetic song because the Lord has done great things for us. 这段话不只是叙述事情的经过,不只是以利沙伯的感叹,甚至不只是马利亚的赞美之歌。这段经文是邀请我们加入救赎之歌。不要只站在这些活动的外围,在黑暗中透过窗户窥视,听着墙的另一边播放着音乐和歌声。这是一个邀请,通过与约翰、以利沙伯和马利亚一起赞美,来接受耶稣带来的喜乐。这是一个邀请,要我们接受耶稣为主。这是一个邀请,让基督的真理产生欢喜的跳跃。这是一个邀请,让我们迸发出诗歌,因为主为我们行了大事。
Sermon Discussion Questions 讲道讨论问题
Sermon Title: Advent: Elizabeth’s Exclamation & Mary’s Magnificat 讲道标题:降临节:以利沙伯的宣告与马利亚的尊主颂
Sermon Text: Luke 1:39–56 讲道经文:路加福音1:39-56
Main Point: Joy and praise accompanies the coming of Christ, and calls all believers to join in the song of joyful praise. 要点:喜乐和赞美伴随基督的降临,呼召所有的信徒加入喜乐赞美的歌中。
Outline: 纲要:
1. Elizabeth’s Exclamation (39–45) 1. 以利沙伯的宣告(39-45节)
a. John Jumps for Joy (41a, 44) a.约翰欢喜跳动(41a, 44节)
b. Elizabeth’s Blessing (41b­–43, 45) b. 以利沙伯的祝福(41b­-43, 45节)
2. Mary’s Magnificat (46–56) 2. 马利亚的尊主颂(46-56节)
a. God’s Grace to Mary (46–50) a.神对马利亚的恩典(46-50节)
b. God’s Work for All and Israel (51–55) b. 神为所有人和以色列人所做的工作(第51-55节)
3. Application & Conclusion 3. 应用与结语
Intro Question: Think of a time you shared some good news with a friend? How did they respond and how did that feel? 引言中的问题:想一想你什么时候和朋友分享过福音的好消息?他们的反应如何,感觉如何?
Discussion Questions: 讨论问题:
1. How does John respond to Mary and why? What is being confirmed? 1. 约翰如何回应马利亚,为什么?什么被确认了?
2. How does Elizabeth respond to Mary and why? How else could she have responded? 2. 以利沙伯如何回应马利亚,为什么?她可能会有别的什么反应?
3. What this Luke 1:39–45 confirm from the previous passage? How do we know? 3. 这路加福音1:39-45从前面的经文中得到了什么证实?我们如何得知?
4. What is significant about Mary’s words in her Magnificat? Why? 4. 马利亚在她《尊主颂》中的话有什么意义?为什么?
5. What does Mary’s hymn tell us about God and Christ’s coming? How do we know? 5. 马利亚的赞美诗告诉了我们关于上帝和基督的降临的什么?我们如何得知?
Application Questions: 应用问题:
1. When you consider the good news of the gospel, how do you respond to it? 1. 当你想到福音的好消息时,你如何回应?
2. When you consider the three testimonies of the Lordship of Jesus, who are some you can pray for and plan to share the good news of the gospel with? 2. 当你考虑到耶稣是主的三个见证时,你可以为哪些人祷告并计划与他们分享福音的好消息?
3. Take a moment to craft your own Magnificat or hymn of praise for what God has done. Share this for the encouragement of one another. 3. 花点时间来制作你自己的赞美诗或赞美上帝所做的事。分享给大家,互相鼓励。
4. The Christian faith is not just one to be rehearsed, but to be sung. Take a moment to praise God in song or prayer together. 4. 基督教的信仰不仅仅是用来反复传讲,而是要歌唱的。花点时间一起用歌声或祷告来赞美神。
5. Strategize a few ways to help others (both believers and unbelievers) experience the joy of Jesus this Advent season. Pray for the salvation of the lost. 5. 制定一些策略,帮助他人(包括信徒和非信徒)在这个降临节体验耶稣的喜乐。为失丧之人的救赎祷告。
Prayer Focus: 祷告焦点:
Praise God for his mercy, looking upon the humble, the fulfillment of his promises, and for sending his Son Jesus to save sinners. Confess how we often lose our joy or lose sight of his glorious work in Christ. Confess any areas of unbelief or anxiety and fear. Thank God that he came to save sinners, and that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Bask in the truth that we are forgiven by Christ’s precious blood. Ask God for opportunities to testify to the good news to others, to take hold of the joy of Jesus, and to worship him with all of our hearts this Advent season. 赞美神的怜悯,看顾谦卑的人,实现祂的应许,并差遣祂的儿子耶稣来拯救罪人。承认我们常常失去我们的喜乐,或者忽略了祂在基督里的荣耀工作。忏悔任何不信或焦虑和恐惧的地方。感谢神,祂来拯救罪人,在基督耶稣里的人没有定罪。沐浴在基督宝血所赦免的真理中。求神赐下机会,让我们在这个降临节期向他人见证好消息,抓住耶稣的喜乐,全心敬拜祂。
2020-12-06降临节:以利沙伯的宣告与马利亚的尊主颂(路加福音1:39-56)Advent: Elizabeth’s Exclamation & Mary’s Magnificat_第1张图片

你可能感兴趣的:(2020-12-06降临节:以利沙伯的宣告与马利亚的尊主颂(路加福音1:39-56)Advent: Elizabeth’s Exclamation & Mary’s Magnificat)