

This filter decomposes the active layer or selection into several layers, named “scales”, each of them containing a particular set of details. Finest details are in first layers and they become larger until you get to the last one, at bottom. This last layer is called “residual” and holds what is left after all detail layers have been removed; it represents the global contrast and colors of the image.
Each of scale layers are set to combine using the Grain Merge layer mode. This means that pixels that have a 50% value will not affect the final result. So, painting a wavelet scale with neutral gray (R:50% G:50% B:50%) will erase details.
Wavelet-decompose is a wonderful filter for skin smoothing and retouching, removing blemishes, wrinkles, spots from your photos. It can be used also for sharpening and local contrast enhancement and for removing stains, colors, tones. All this is well explained in tutorials mentioned above.


  1. GIMP加载图片;

  2. 选择滤镜->增强->wavelet-decompose,按照默认参数(5层分解)执行;GIMP小波分解处理照片_第1张图片

  3. 第一二层包含丰富的图像高频信息;

  4. 选择在第三层小波分解图,使用自由选区工具框选需要处理的图像区域,选择高斯模糊,模糊半径设置为30像素(这个可以自行调整);

  5. 对第4层做同样操作,模糊半径设小点,因为对这些图层的模糊操作最终效果是叠加的;

  6. 检查效果;


