






( 1 ) 在------上面 The book is on the desk.

( 2 ) 在------(哪一天/星期)What do you do on Wednesday?

( 3 ) 在------(月、日)My birthday is on August 2nd.


(1)在------里面 The pens are in the pencil-box.


His birthday is in October. He wor ked here in 1992.

(3) 在------(地方) He works in Dongguan.

(4)在------之内 What are you going to do in 20 years?

(5) 在------(早上、下午、晚上)

I do morning exercises in the morning every day.

I usually play basketball in the afternoon.

I often do my homework in the evening.



I usually go to school at 8:00 am.

(2)在中午 at noon



1. under 在------底下 There is a ball under the bed.

2. near 在------附近 There is a book shop near our


3. in front of 在------前面

A boy is standing in front of the house.

4. beside 在------旁边 A football is beside thedoor.

5. next to 紧挨着 There is a bus station next to No. 13 Middle School.

6. over 在------正上方 A bridge is over the river.

7. on the left 在------左边 The bookstore is on the left.

8. on the right 在------右边

The hospital is on the right.

9. before 在……之前 Mike sits before me.

10. after 在------以后 He went home after school.

11. in the middle 在------中间

The road is in the middle.

12. at

(1)在------(小地方) I am at school today.

I was at home yesterday.

(2)看一看 Look at the blackboard.

13. behind 在------后面

There is a broom behind the door.



(1) 给。This present is for you.

(2) 为了。Thank you for telling me the way to the zoo.

(3)作为。We have some chips and hamburgers for lunch.


(1)到。Take your sportshoes to the P.E class.

(2)致。Happy birthday to you. Give it to your friend.

3.from 来自 I am from China. = I come from China.

4.from --- to 从------到------ Line up from shorter to taller. We have class from Monday to Friday.

5.of ------的 He is a student of Kama School.

6. by

(1)在------之前。We must be at home by 6 o’clock.


People can go to the moon by spaceship.

I go to school by bus.


(1) 用。I write a letter with a pen.

(2) 和------一起。He went to Shenzhen with his parents.

8.between 在------与------之间 。

There is a football match between Class One and Class Three.

9. into 到------里。Sharks can dive into the deep cold water.

10. like

(1)像------ The twins are like their father.

(2)长相------怎样?What’s he like?

11. about

(1)大约;关于 It’s about 6:00 now.

(2)------怎么样?What about---? How about--?



1. the first day ________ school 2. _______the school playground

3. _________ classes 4. _________ Wednesday

5. a farm 6.pull _________ carrots

7.a lot _______ fruit trees 8. live _________ a town

9. ________ the weekends 10. _________ the sitting room

11.________ the 4th ______ November 12. look _______ them

13. ________ New Year 14. _________ Christmas Day

15.dress _______ _________ costumes


1.___ the afternoon of May, we visited the old man.

A. On B. At C. In

2.Many people work ___ the day and sleep ___ night.

A. on ; at B. in ; in C. in ; at

3.He speaks Japanese best ____ the boy students.

A. between B. with C. among

4.A wolf ___ a sheep skin is our dangerous enemy.

A. with B. in C. on

5.Joan hopes to come back ___ three days.

A. after B. for C. in

6.They sent the letter to me ___ mistake.

A. by B. for C. with

7.He left home ___ a cold winter evening.

A. at B. on C. in

8.Shanghai is ____ the east of China.

A. in B. on C. to

9.____ my father’s help, I have finished my composition.

A. Under B. On C. with

10.He’s very strict ____ himself and he’s very strict ___ his work.

A. with ; in B. in ; with C. with ; with



1.of 2.in 3. in 4.on 5.on 6.up 7.of

8.in 9.at 10.in 11.on,of 12.at 13.on

14.on 15.up,in




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