Opening Doors within 敞開內心之門 November 10

Opening Doors within 敞開內心之門 November 10_第1张图片

Day by day you are aware of new developments within and without you. You find yourself absorbing new ideas and new ways. Your consciousness expands and is able to accept more and more. Some people learn more quickly than others; therefore moving into the New Age will not be the same for everyone. Some souls will be able to leap into it. Some souls will move slowly into it, testing every step of the way. Some souls will crawl into it and find every step painful because they are resisting the changes which are taking place. They resent those new ways and new ideas and long to be left alone to live in the same old way, with the attitude that what was good enough for their fathers and mothers is good enough for them. The answer to that attitude is to stop fighting against it and to get into tune and flow with life. Times are changing and changing fast, and unless you change with them, you will be left behind.




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