

到目前为止,我得到的是:print ("How old will you be when you graduate?")

print ("If you want to know, I'll have to ask you a few questions.")

name = input('What is your name? ')

bYear = int(input("What year were you born? "))

print ("Don't worry. Your information is safe with me.")

bMonth = int(input("What month were you born? "))

bDay = int(input("How about the day you were born? "))

print ("Fantastic. We're almost done here.")

gYear = int(input("What year do you think you'll graduate? "))

gMonth = int(input("What about the month? "))

gDay = int(input("While you're at it, give me the day too. "))

age = gYear - bYear

if bMonth > gMonth:

age = age - 1

aMonth =

if bMonth == gMonth and bDay > gDay:

age = age - 1

print(name, 'you will be', age, 'years old by the time you graduate. Thanks for the information.')



