《Tuesdays with Morrie》

作者:Mitch Albom





Morrie had ALS( amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's disease) and the doctor guessed he has two years left. Morrie deciced to study himself in his slow and patient dimise.Watch what happens to him. Learn with him. He was intent on proving that the word "dying" was not synonymous with "useless".

He is a small man who takes small steps, as if a strong wind could, at any time, whisk him up into the clouds. In his graduation day robe, he looks like a cross between a biblical prophet and a Christmas elf. He has sparkling blue-green eyes, thinning silver hair that spills onto his forehead, big ears, a triangular nose, and tufts og graying eyebrows. Although his teeth are crooked and his lower ones are slanted back-as if someone had once punched them in- when he smiles it's as if you'd just told him the first joke on earth.

"The culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves. And you have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn't work, don't buy it."

The1st Tuesday, we talk about world.

The 2nd Tuesday, we talked about feeling sorry for yourself.

The 3rd Tuesday, we talked about regrets: death、fear、aging、greed、marriage、family、society、forgiveness、a meaningful life

The 4th Tuesday, we talked about death: You know what is death, you know how to live.

The 5th Tuesday, we talked about family:

love. Without love,we are birds with broken wings.

There is no experience like having children. And there is no substitute for it. You cannot do it with a friend. You cannot do it with a lover. If you want the experience of having complete responsibility for another human being, and learn how to love and bond in the deepest way, then you should have children.

The 6th Tuesday, we talked about emotions:

The 7th Tuesday, we talked about fear of aging:

As you know, you learn more If you stayed at 22,you'd always be as ignorant as you were at 22. Aging is not just decay, you know. It's growth. It's more than the negative that you're going to die, it's also the positive that you understand you're going to die, and that you live a better because of it.

The 8th Tuesday, we talked about fear of money:

Do the kinds of things that come from the heart.When you do, you won't be dissatisfied, you won't be envious, you won't be longing for somebody else's things. On the contrary, you'll be overwhelmed with what comes back.

The 9thTuesday, we talked abouthow love goes on:

The10thTuesday, we talked about marriage:

The11thTuesday, we talked about our culture:

Every society has its pwn problems, the way to do it, I think, isn't to run away. You have to work at creating your own culture.

The12thTuesday, we talked about forgiveness:

Forgive yourself before you die, then forgive others.

The13thTuesday, we talked about the perfect day:

Death ends life, not a relationship.

The14thTuesday, we say goodbye:

Sometimes, when you're losing someone,you hang on to whatever tradition you can.

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