YYMode ——_YYModelMeta 源码学习

/// A class info in object model.
/// 模型对象的 “元类” 信息
@interface _YYModelMeta : NSObject {

    // 记录的类信息
    YYClassInfo *_classInfo;
    /// Key:mapped key and key path, Value:_YYModelPropertyMeta.
    NSDictionary *_mapper;

    /// Array<_YYModelPropertyMeta>, all property meta of this model.
    /// 一个类的所有 属性 元 
    NSArray *_allPropertyMetas;

    /// Array<_YYModelPropertyMeta>, property meta which is mapped to a key path.
    NSArray *_keyPathPropertyMetas;

    /// Array<_YYModelPropertyMeta>, property meta which is mapped to multi keys.
    NSArray *_multiKeysPropertyMetas;

    /// The number of mapped key (and key path), same to _mapper.count.
    NSUInteger _keyMappedCount;

    /// Model class type.
    YYEncodingNSType _nsType;
    BOOL _hasCustomWillTransformFromDictionary;
    BOOL _hasCustomTransformFromDictionary;
    BOOL _hasCustomTransformToDictionary;
    BOOL _hasCustomClassFromDictionary;

// 模型元
@implementation _YYModelMeta
- (instancetype)initWithClass:(Class)cls {

    // 获取类信息
     并将 class 的这些信息都添加到了 缓存池中。
    YYClassInfo *classInfo = [YYClassInfo classInfoWithClass:cls];

    // 初始化失败就直接返回 nil
    if (!classInfo) return nil;

    // 初始化父类信息
    self = [super init];
    // Get black list   获取黑名单 (NSSet 可以去重)
    NSSet *blacklist = nil;

    // 查看当前类是否实现了黑名单方法
    if ([cls respondsToSelector:@selector(modelPropertyBlacklist)]) {

        // 获取黑名单
        NSArray *properties = [(id)cls modelPropertyBlacklist];
        if (properties) {
            blacklist = [NSSet setWithArray:properties];
    // Get white list   获取白名单
    // 查看当前类是否实现了白名单方法
    NSSet *whitelist = nil;
    if ([cls respondsToSelector:@selector(modelPropertyWhitelist)]) {
        NSArray *properties = [(id)cls modelPropertyWhitelist];
        if (properties) {
            whitelist = [NSSet setWithArray:properties];
    // Get container property's generic class  获取 容器属性 泛类
      容器: dict , array ,set
        @class YYShadow, YYBorder, YYAttachment;
        @interface YYAttributes
        @property NSString *name;
        @property NSArray *shadows;
        @property NSSet *borders;
        @property NSDictionary *attachments;
        @implementation YYAttributes
        + (NSDictionary *)modelContainerPropertyGenericClass {
            return @{@"shadows" : [YYShadow class],
                     @"borders" : YYBorder.class,
                     @"attachments" : @"YYAttachment" };
    // 泛型映射
    NSDictionary *genericMapper = nil;
    if ([cls respondsToSelector:@selector(modelContainerPropertyGenericClass)]) {
        // 获取映射的 class 字典
        genericMapper = [(id)cls modelContainerPropertyGenericClass];

        if (genericMapper) {
            NSMutableDictionary *tmp = [NSMutableDictionary new];

            // 泛型映射便利
            [genericMapper enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id key, id obj, BOOL *stop) {

                // key 为 非字符串  直接返回
                if (![key isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) return;

                // 获取对象的类 
                Class meta = object_getClass(obj);

                // 获取失败直接返回
                if (!meta) return;

                // 判断是否是 元 类
                   关乎为什么要判断是否是 元 类
                if (class_isMetaClass(meta)) {   // 确定传入的是一个 类, 不是一个实例对象 

                    // 添加进字典
                    tmp[key] = obj;

                    // objc 是 string , 将 objc 转换为 class 加入到字典
                } else if ([obj isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {   
                    Class cls = NSClassFromString(obj);
                    if (cls) {
                        tmp[key] = cls;
            genericMapper = tmp;
    // Create all property metas.   获取所有的 “元” 属性
    NSMutableDictionary *allPropertyMetas = [NSMutableDictionary new];
    YYClassInfo *curClassInfo = classInfo;
    while (curClassInfo && curClassInfo.superCls != nil) { 
          // recursive parse super class, but ignore root class (NSObject/NSProxy)
          // 递归解析父类,但是会忽略根类      

         // 便利当前类的属性信息
        for (YYClassPropertyInfo *propertyInfo in curClassInfo.propertyInfos.allValues) {
            //   属性名为 nil 就直接进入下一次循环
            if (!propertyInfo.name) continue;

            // 这下面要做的就是 剔除黑名单,剔除非白名单。
            //  黑名单有值,并属性名称包含在黑名单中就直接进入下一次循环
            if (blacklist && [blacklist containsObject:propertyInfo.name]) continue;

             //  白名单有值 ,请属性不在白名单中就直接进入下一次循环
            if (whitelist && ![whitelist containsObject:propertyInfo.name]) continue;

            // 包含属性的处理
            // 模型属性 “元”
            _YYModelPropertyMeta *meta = [_YYModelPropertyMeta metaWithClassInfo:classInfo
            if (!meta || !meta->_name) continue;
            if (!meta->_getter || !meta->_setter) continue;
            if (allPropertyMetas[meta->_name]) continue;
            allPropertyMetas[meta->_name] = meta;
        curClassInfo = curClassInfo.superClassInfo;
    if (allPropertyMetas.count) _allPropertyMetas = allPropertyMetas.allValues.copy;
    // create mapper   创建映射
    NSMutableDictionary *mapper = [NSMutableDictionary new];
    NSMutableArray *keyPathPropertyMetas = [NSMutableArray new];
    NSMutableArray *multiKeysPropertyMetas = [NSMutableArray new];

    // 自定义属性映射
    if ([cls respondsToSelector:@selector(modelCustomPropertyMapper)]) {
        NSDictionary *customMapper = [(id )cls modelCustomPropertyMapper];
        [customMapper enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *propertyName, NSString *mappedToKey, BOOL *stop) {
            _YYModelPropertyMeta *propertyMeta = allPropertyMetas[propertyName];
            if (!propertyMeta) return;
            [allPropertyMetas removeObjectForKey:propertyName];
            if ([mappedToKey isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
                if (mappedToKey.length == 0) return;
                propertyMeta->_mappedToKey = mappedToKey;
                NSArray *keyPath = [mappedToKey componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
                for (NSString *onePath in keyPath) {
                    if (onePath.length == 0) {
                        NSMutableArray *tmp = keyPath.mutableCopy;
                        [tmp removeObject:@""];
                        keyPath = tmp;
                if (keyPath.count > 1) {
                    propertyMeta->_mappedToKeyPath = keyPath;
                    [keyPathPropertyMetas addObject:propertyMeta];
                propertyMeta->_next = mapper[mappedToKey] ?: nil;
                mapper[mappedToKey] = propertyMeta;
            } else if ([mappedToKey isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
                NSMutableArray *mappedToKeyArray = [NSMutableArray new];
                for (NSString *oneKey in ((NSArray *)mappedToKey)) {
                    if (![oneKey isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) continue;
                    if (oneKey.length == 0) continue;
                    NSArray *keyPath = [oneKey componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
                    if (keyPath.count > 1) {
                        [mappedToKeyArray addObject:keyPath];
                    } else {
                        [mappedToKeyArray addObject:oneKey];
                    if (!propertyMeta->_mappedToKey) {
                        propertyMeta->_mappedToKey = oneKey;
                        propertyMeta->_mappedToKeyPath = keyPath.count > 1 ? keyPath : nil;
                if (!propertyMeta->_mappedToKey) return;
                propertyMeta->_mappedToKeyArray = mappedToKeyArray;
                [multiKeysPropertyMetas addObject:propertyMeta];
                propertyMeta->_next = mapper[mappedToKey] ?: nil;
                mapper[mappedToKey] = propertyMeta;
    [allPropertyMetas enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *name, _YYModelPropertyMeta *propertyMeta, BOOL *stop) {
        propertyMeta->_mappedToKey = name;
        propertyMeta->_next = mapper[name] ?: nil;
        mapper[name] = propertyMeta;
    if (mapper.count) _mapper = mapper;
    if (keyPathPropertyMetas) _keyPathPropertyMetas = keyPathPropertyMetas;
    if (multiKeysPropertyMetas) _multiKeysPropertyMetas = multiKeysPropertyMetas;
    _classInfo = classInfo;
    _keyMappedCount = _allPropertyMetas.count;
    _nsType = YYClassGetNSType(cls);
    _hasCustomWillTransformFromDictionary = ([cls instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(modelCustomWillTransformFromDictionary:)]);
    _hasCustomTransformFromDictionary = ([cls instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(modelCustomTransformFromDictionary:)]);
    _hasCustomTransformToDictionary = ([cls instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(modelCustomTransformToDictionary:)]);
    _hasCustomClassFromDictionary = ([cls respondsToSelector:@selector(modelCustomClassForDictionary:)]);
    return self;

/// Returns the cached model class meta
/// 返回缓存 元类 模型 
+ (instancetype)metaWithClass:(Class)cls {

    // 传入的类型为空直接返回 nil
    if (!cls) return nil;
    // 缓存池
    static CFMutableDictionaryRef cache;
    // 保证缓存池只被初始化一次
   static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
    static dispatch_semaphore_t lock;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        cache = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(CFAllocatorGetDefault(), 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
        lock = dispatch_semaphore_create(1);

    dispatch_semaphore_wait(lock, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);

    // 获取字典缓存的数据
    _YYModelMeta *meta = CFDictionaryGetValue(cache, (__bridge const void *)(cls));

    // 没有缓存数据  或者 缓存数据需要根系
    if (!meta || meta->_classInfo.needUpdate) {

        // 实例化  元 数据模型
        meta = [[_YYModelMeta alloc] initWithClass:cls];
        if (meta) {
            dispatch_semaphore_wait(lock, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
            // 保存到缓存池
            CFDictionarySetValue(cache, (__bridge const void *)(cls), (__bridge const void *)(meta));
    return meta;


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