2017.12.04 反思日记




准备不充分(Not being Prepared)

内容不充实 (Inadequate Content)

材料不规整(Not Delivering the goods)

使受训者经常厌烦 (Constantly boring the trainees)

信息过多(Overload of information)

误解组织(Misreading the group)

步骤简单(Poor Pacing)

练习的遗漏(Omission of Practice)

奇怪和令人困惑的言行表现(Odd or distracting Visuals or Verbals)

对问题把握不准(Poor handling of question)

十个“可怜的结局”(Poor result)

缺乏计划的表达(Poorly Planned Visuals)

不恰当的幽默(Offensive or inappropriate humour)

不适当的穿着(over or under dressing)

超时讲课(Running Overtime)

迟到(Rnning late for the Start)

缺乏眼神交流(Eye -communication missing)

总是背对大家(Showing your back too often)

低效地使用多媒体(Under-Utilising the media available)

缺乏感染力(Lack of enthusiasm)

没有结论(Total lack of Conclusion)


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