
前言:这篇文章是“learn by example”整理的Python资源列表。你会看到文章内有很多英文没有翻译,那是因为本人暂时没有多余的时间,只把主要的枝干汉化了下。如果你喜欢这里列出的资源并且想利用它学习和提升自己的Python编程能力,这篇文章就到位了。有多余时间或者感兴趣的朋友欢迎在GitHub上点击fork本资源进行翻译(甚至一些补充和修改),然后提交合并请求。

Python 3 资源,除非特别指明

看看Python官方网站的 Basic concepts and features tutorial 和 Getting Started


  • Courses - 线上文本/pdf教程
  • Courses - 线上视频/交互式教程
  • 书籍
  • 文档与Cheat-Sheets
  • 建议和技巧
  • 简单概念的深入分析/教程
  • 便利工具
  • 进一步阅读
  • 其他Python资源列表
  • 实战/编程挑战
  • 提供解决方案的编程问题/项目
  • 开发环境
  • 论坛

Courses - 线上文本/pdf教程

  • automatetheboringstuff
    • 访问inventwithpython获取这个作者更多的资料
  • Think Python - 可获取pdf
  • diveintopython - 可获取pdf
  • A Whirlwind Tour of Python
  • A Byte of Python - 可获取pdf
  • Python Informatics
  • Python for you and me
  • python-course
  • Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python 3 - 可获取pdf
  • 练习书 - Python 2,每个主题都有很好的练习


  • Python Notes
  • learnxinyminutes - Python3
  • tutorialspoint
  • realpython

Courses - 线上视频/交互式教程

  • udemy - automatetheboringstuff
    • first 15 videos on youtube
  • coursera - getting started with Python
  • edx - intro to computer science as a tool to solve real-world analytical problems
  • pythonprogramming
  • learn Python through challenging problems
  • youtube - Python programming
  • Google - Python 2
  • youtube - learn Python 2 and make games
  • Real Python - 聚焦于web开发
  • newcoder - project based
  • opencs - Python from scratch
  • cscircles - example and exercise based


  • effectivepython
  • Fluent Python
  • Python Cookbook
  • Python for Kids
  • 书单
    • pythonbooks - Discover the best books in every Python book category
    • free programming books - Python


  • Python 3
  • Python 2.7
  • Cheat Sheet by Derek - 也有对应的video
  • Python Crash Course - cheatsheet
  • Scientific Python Cheatsheet
    • github repo


  • 40 handy tricks
  • useful snippets
  • avoiding common gotchas
  • Transforming Code into Beautiful, Idiomatic Python,基于这个video
  • Python tips and features on Stackoverflow
  • pythontips book
  • One-liners: #1, #2, #3


  • this illustration - 查看generators、 collections、itertools、decorator等等的特性
  • Collections
    • offical doc
  • Decorators
    • what is decorator?
    • intro to decorators
    • decorator library
    • decorator - stackoverflow
  • Lists
    • slice notations and assignments
    • list comprehensions
    • Comprehensions in Python the Jedi way
    • how to copy 1-D and multi-D lists
  • Iterables, Generators, Yield, Itertools
    • What is the function of the yield keyword?
    • yield and Generators Explained
    • Generators and Generator Expressions
    • itertools module
  • lambda - what it is and when to use
  • OOP
    • why is it useful
    • magic methods
    • intro to classes and inheritance
    • class attributes
    • official doc on classes
  • Python Virtual Environments
  • Regular Expressions:
    • official doc of re module
    • regexone - interactive tutorial, also has a quick reference
    • regular expressions tutorial
    • shortcutfoo - you can also learn it interactively
    • Python regex tutorial - from Google course
    • stackoverflow - comprehensive list of regex FAQ and regex overview
  • string formatting
  • working with binary data
  • Python Q&A on stackoverflow
  • Python packaging guide
  • profiling Python code for performance


  • Visualize code execution - 有示例代码,可以分享线程
  • CodeSkulptor - 在浏览器上运行Python程序,包括GUI和很多demo
  • regex tester - explainations on separate windows, includes quick references, ability to save and share
  • Thonny - 初学者Python IDE,有很多便利的特性:查看变量、调试器、高亮语法错误、名称补全等等


  • Data Science
    • Intro to Python using Data Analysis
    • Python Data Science Handbook
    • data science ipython notebooks
    • Python-xy
    • datacamp - course
    • Open Source Society - Path to a free self-taught education in Data Science
    • Intro to Data Science with Python
  • GUI, Game and Web
    • gui development tutorials
    • kivy crash course
    • remi module - create platform independent GUI with Python (by converting to HTML)
    • Bokeh - Python interactive visualization library
    • django, djangogirls and flask
    • static website generators pelican and Cactus
    • anvil - drag & drop web-app builder
    • web product - a complete functional web app with a database and user support
    • web scraping
  • Testing and TDD
    • Test-Driven Development with Python - focussed on Django and web-development
    • learn Python via TDD
    • defensive programming
    • pycontracts
    • is unit testing worth the effort
  • Style guide
    • PEP 0008
    • Google - pyguide
    • elements of python style
  • The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python!
  • Problem solving with Algorithms and Data Structures
  • realpython - blog
  • Create beautiful command-line interfaces with Python
  • collection of design patterns and idioms
  • curated videos on Python
  • github - trending Python projects and top devs and repos to follow
  • A gallery of interesting IPython Notebooks


  • wiki from /r/learnpython
  • github - awesome-python
  • github - pycrumbs
  • github - pythonidae
  • stackoverflow
  • zeef - alan richmond
  • zeef - luis solis
  • messybytes
  • EDU-SIG: Python in Education


  • codewars
  • adventofcode
  • projecteuler
  • hackerrank
  • /r/dailyprogrammer
  • codingbat
  • exercism
  • practicepython
  • codeeval
  • Gamification
    • checkio
    • empireofcode
    • codecombat


  • projects on github
  • rosettacode
  • Python scripts
  • pytudes by Peter Norvig


  • pycharm
  • Vim - customizing .vimrc for Python and python-mode
  • Jupyter - web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text


在对应的论坛提问前阅读指示。在问之前尝试解决 - 网络搜索、查看手册、问同事等等。

  • /r/learnpython - very friendly for newbies
  • python-forum
  • /r/Python/ - general Python discussion
  • stackoverflow
