
Soy delicious: ramen

① If you want to sup at Osamu Tomita's shop for lunch, punters suggest you get in line at 7am.

② Tomita, his celebrated ramen joint in Matsudo, opened more than a decade ago, and customers still patiently join long queues hoping to taste its famed chuka soba or tokusei tsukesoba.

③ For foodies unable to make the pilgrimage, "Ramen Heads", a documentary released in Japan in January and in America yesterday, reveals the meticulous craft behind each dish.

④ The secret to a rich soup is combining three different broths, each taking at least eight hours to make.

⑤ Achieving chewy but slippery noodles requires close attention to the temperature of the water.

⑥ The film mixes in discussion of the roots of Japan's de facto national dish (it has separate museums dedicated to ramen, instant ramen and cup noodles).

⑦ Though probably brought over by 19th-century Chinese tradesmen, masters such as MR Tomita have souped it up.


sushi /ˈsuːʃi, ˈsʊʃi/: n. 寿司

tempura /ˈtɛmpʊrə/: n. 天妇罗

soy /sɔɪ/: n. 黄豆;酱油

soy sauce: 酱油

ramen /ˈrɑːmɛn/: n. 拉面

sup /sʌp/: vi. 就餐;吃饭

punter /ˈpʌntə/: n. 老主顾;赌徒;嫖客

celebrated /ˈsɛlɪbreɪtɪd/: adj. 有名的

joint /dʒɔɪnt/: n. 小饭馆

foodie /ˈfuːdi/: n. 吃货

pilgrimage /ˈpɪlɡrɪmɪdʒ/: n. 朝圣之旅

pilgrim /ˈpɪlɡrɪm/: n. 朝圣者

documentary /dɒkjʊˈmɛnt(ə)ri/: n. 纪录片

meticulous /mɪˈtɪkjʊləs/: adj. 非常注重细节的;一丝不苟的

craft /krɑːft/: n. 手艺

broth /brɒθ/: n. 肉汤;高汤

chewy /ˈtʃuːi/: adj. 有嚼劲的;筋道的

slippery /ˈslɪp(ə)ri/: adj. 滑的

chewy but slippery: Q 弹爽滑

de facto /dɪ ˈfaktəʊ/: adj. 事实上的

instant ramen: 速食拉面

cup noodles: 杯面;方便面

tradesman /ˈtreɪdzmən/: n. 商人

soup sth. up: 将……发扬光大;加强
