


名校励志英语演讲 第187期:一切皆有可能(9)_英语演讲 - 可可英语


1、This not only proved unfair, it also proved to be a poor business decision.  这不仅不公平,也是一个很糟糕的决策。

2、The lack of women in management came to hurt Avon.  没有女性参与的管理层开始给雅芳的业务带来损害。

3、Between 1975 and 1985, more than twelve and a half million women entered the United States work force.  在1975年到1985年间,超过1250万妇女加入美国的就业大军。

4、These working women had to be served in new ways. 这些职业妇女需要新的服务。

5、But, at that time, Avon's leadership team was still made up entirely of men.  但是,那时雅芳的领导团队还是全部由男性组成,

6、Women's voices weren't heard as we planned our marketing strategy and as a result, sales in our largest market suffered.  我们规划市场战略时听不到女性的声音,结果便是我们在美国这个最大市场上的销售情况受到冲击。

7、Fortunately, Avon learned to change. Men and women now work together as equal business partners. 幸运的是,雅芳学会了改变。男性和女性现在作为平等的商业搭档一起工作,

8、They learn from each other and respect each other. 他们互相学习,互相尊重。

9、We still offer our male executives an outstanding career opportunity, but now women have an equal chance to succeed.  我们仍向男性高级管理者提供最佳的职业发展机会,但现在,女性有了同样的成功的可能性。

10、Today, six out of eleven of Avon's board of directors are women. My number two executive is a woman. 今天,雅芳的11位董事会成员中有6位是女性,我的助手是一名女性,

11、Almost half of our management staff around the world are women.  我们全球的管理层几乎一半是女性。

12、And importantly, we have put in place special programs to develop the next generation of women 重要的是,我们设立了专门的项目来培养下一代女性职员,

13、who are being trained and prepared to become General Managers in markets all over the world.  准备把她们培养成全球各个市场的总经理。


1、I am equally excited about our progress with the development of the next generation of Avon's women leaders in China.  我感到同样兴奋的是,雅芳在中国培养下一代女性领导者所取得的成果。

2、Women now account for 78% of our total workforce here.  这里有78%的成员是女性,

3、Even more impressive,75% of our managers and supervisors are women, and 30% of our most senior executive are women.  更令人钦佩的是,女性更在经理和主管队伍里占75%,咋最高层的管理人员中占30%。

4、With Avon's reputation for promoting women and my own career success, 随着雅芳在为女性服务方面的声誉和对我个人职业成功的宣传,

5、I am often asked for advice on how people can prepare themselves to be the leaders of tomorrow. 我经常被问及如何成为明日的领导者。

6、In fact, over my career, I have come to believe that there are indeed some very special qualities  其实,回想起我的职业生涯,我逐渐相信的确有一些非常特殊的品质

7、that distinguish all leaders—and help them stand out in today's competitive arena.  决定了哪些人会成为领导者,并帮助他们在当今竞争激烈的环境中显露锋芒。

8、First is Passion. You have to love the work you do. You have to be excited to come to work every day.  首先是热情。你必须热爱你所做的工作。你为每天去工作感到兴奋。

9、They taught us the four principles of marketing when I went to school: product, price, place, promotion.  我上学的时候老师教我们市场营销的四P原则:产品(product),价格(price),地点(place)和促销(promotion)。

10、But they didn't teach us the fifth, most critical principle which as far as I'm concerned is Passion, 但他们没有告诉我第五个,也是我认为最重要的原则:热情(passion)——

11、the key to being truly successful as a leader over the long run.  从长远来看,这是成为一个真正成功的领导者的关键因素。

12、No matter what career path you choose, I believe you have to love what you do.  不管你选择哪一条职业发展之路,我认为你必须热爱你的选择。

13、My own personal experience proves this point.  我的个人经历证明了这一点。


1、This not only proved unfair, it also proved to be a poor business decision.  这不仅不公平,也是一个很糟糕的决策。

this not only proved unfair, it also proved to be a poor business decision

2、The lack of women in management came to hurt Avon.  没有女性参与的管理层开始给雅芳的业务带来损害。

     the lack of women in management came to hurt avon

3、Between 1975 and 1985, more than twelve and a half million women entered the United States work force.  在1975年到1985年间,超过1250万妇女加入美国的就业大军。

     between 1975and 1985,more than twelve and a half million women entered the united states

work force

4、These working women had to be served in new ways. 这些职业妇女需要新的服务。

       these working women had to be served in new ways

5、But, at that time, Avon's leadership team was still made up entirely of men.  但是,那时雅芳的领导团队还是全部由男性组成,

       but ,at that time,avon's  leadership team was still made up entirely of men

6、Women's voices weren't heard as we planned our marketing strategy and as a result, sales in our largest market suffered.  我们规划市场战略时听不到女性的声音,结果便是我们在美国这个最大市场上的销售情况受到冲击。

      women's voices weren't heard as we planned our marketing  strategy and as a result,sles in

our largest market suffered


7、Fortunately, Avon learned to change. Men and women now work together as equal business partners. 幸运的是,雅芳学会了改变。男性和女性现在作为平等的商业搭档一起工作,

8、They learn from each other and respect each other. 他们互相学习,互相尊重。

9、We still offer our male executives an outstanding career opportunity, but now women have an equal chance to succeed.  我们仍向男性高级管理者提供最佳的职业发展机会,但现在,女性有了同样的成功的可能性。

10、Today, six out of eleven of Avon's board of directors are women. My number two executive is a woman. 今天,雅芳的11位董事会成员中有6位是女性,我的助手是一名女性,

11、Almost half of our management staff around the world are women.  我们全球的管理层几乎一半是女性。

12、And importantly, we have put in place special programs to develop the next generation of women 重要的是,我们设立了专门的项目来培养下一代女性职员,

13、who are being trained and prepared to become General Managers in markets all over the world.  准备把她们培养成全球各个市场的总经理。


1、I am equally excited about our progress with the development of the next generation of Avon's women leaders in China.  我感到同样兴奋的是,雅芳在中国培养下一代女性领导者所取得的成果。

2、Women now account for 78% of our total workforce here.  这里有78%的成员是女性,

3、Even more impressive,75% of our managers and supervisors are women, and 30% of our most senior executive are women.  更令人钦佩的是,女性更在经理和主管队伍里占75%,咋最高层的管理人员中占30%。

4、With Avon's reputation for promoting women and my own career success, 随着雅芳在为女性服务方面的声誉和对我个人职业成功的宣传,


5、I am often asked for advice on how people can prepare themselves to be the leaders of tomorrow. 我经常被问及如何成为明日的领导者。

6、In fact, over my career, I have come to believe that there are indeed some very special qualities  其实,回想起我的职业生涯,我逐渐相信的确有一些非常特殊的品质

7、that distinguish all leaders—and help them stand out in today's competitive arena.  决定了哪些人会成为领导者,并帮助他们在当今竞争激烈的环境中显露锋芒。


8、First is Passion. You have to love the work you do. You have to be excited to come to work every day.  首先是热情。你必须热爱你所做的工作。你为每天去工作感到兴奋。

9、They taught us the four principles of marketing when I went to school: product, price, place, promotion.  我上学的时候老师教我们市场营销的四P原则:产品(product),价格(price),地点(place)和促销(promotion)。

10、But they didn't teach us the fifth, most critical principle which as far as I'm concerned is Passion, 但他们没有告诉我第五个,也是我认为最重要的原则:热情(passion)——

11、the key to being truly successful as a leader over the long run.  从长远来看,这是成为一个真正成功的领导者的关键因素。

12、No matter what career path you choose, I believe you have to love what you do.  不管你选择哪一条职业发展之路,我认为你必须热爱你的选择。

13、My own personal experience proves this point.  我的个人经历证明了这一点。
