Never give up

Never give up_第1张图片

Until now do i  realize the true meaning of the words spoken by A Gan who is the leading character in that movie.He said that life is a bottle of chocolate,you never know what you gonna get the next minute. So here is my daily refiection of my new job.

I have spent abundant of time struggling to get my job transfered from period of preparing to the period of officialness.The  first two times  i have failed and next week there's is another one. The setback is such

that i even have the idea of giving up in my mind.Everyday i spend ,everything i meet are like the quick flow of water,causing a lot

of dazzleness.Fortunately,the beautiful  sun still shines everyday.And when i have the power and direction ,it seems that whnever i go,my heart still goes on.

Never give up_第2张图片

你可能感兴趣的:(Never give up)