用能承受的最大音量,听《生命万岁》,viva la vida......






I used to rule the world / 大千世界曾由我主宰

Seas would rise when I gave the word / 巨浪也曾因我亡命澎湃

Now in the morning I sleep alone / 而今我却在黎明独自入眠

Sweep the streets I used to own / 在曾属于我的大道寂寞徘徊

I used to roll the dice / 我曾左右命运

Feel the fear in my enemy’s eyes / 玩味敌人眼中的恐惧

Listen as the crowd would sing: / 听着人们的颂唱:

“Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!” / 先王已死,新王万岁!

One minute I held the key / 就在刚才我还拥有开启一切的关键

Next the walls were closed on me / 转瞬便走到了尽头

And I discovered that my castles stand / 我发觉自己的根基

Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand / 建立于小信与虚妄之上(盐柱子与沙子在圣经里的隐喻)

I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing / 我听见耶路撒冷的钟

Roman Cavalry choirs are singing / 罗马骑兵在唱颂圣诗

Be my mirror my sword and shield / 让它做我所信奉的,成为我的剑、盾牌

My missionaries in a foreign field / 将我的教义散播旷野

For some reason I can’t explain / 那些原因我无法明示

Once you go there was never, never an honest word / 当你在此处再听闻不到一句真实之言

That was when I ruled the world / 就是我的日子来临的时刻

It was the wicked and wild wind / 疾风肆虐大作(启示录中提到的六印开启之像)

Blew down the doors to let me in / 破除一切阻碍后我会到来

Shattered windows and the sound of drums / 敲响的鼓声震天动地

People couldn’t believe what I’d become / 人们无法相信我为什么会改变

Revolutionaries wait / 颠覆已经齐备

For my head on a silver plate / 将我的头颅奉上吧(施洗约翰之死,指殉道)

Just a puppet on a lonely string / 我不过是一个顺应使命的傀儡

Oh who would ever want to be king? / 谁愿意做这种国王

I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing / 我听见耶路撒冷的钟

Roman Cavalry choirs are singing / 罗马骑兵在唱唱颂圣诗

Be my mirror my sword and shield / 让它做我所信奉的,成为我的剑、盾牌

My missionaries in a foreign field / 将我的教义散播旷野

For some reason I can’t explain / 那些原因我无法明示

Once you go there was never, never an honest word / 当你在此处再听闻不到一句真实之言

That was when I ruled the world / 就是我统治世界来临的时刻

I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing / 我听见耶路撒冷的钟

Roman Cavalry choirs are singing / 罗马骑兵唱颂圣诗

Be my mirror my sword and shield / 让它做我所信奉的,成为我的剑、盾牌

My missionaries in a foreign field / 将我的教义散播旷野

For some reason I can’t explain / 那些原因我无法明示

I know Saint Peter won’t call my name / 我知道圣彼得不会叫出我的名字

Never an honest word / 再也没有真实之言的时候

But that was when I ruled the world / 就该是我的日子临到这个世界的时候

你可能感兴趣的:(用能承受的最大音量,听《生命万岁》,viva la vida......)