mysql limit 优化和流查询


使用 limit

一开始实现是使用limit来做,每个循环结束后将offset+= 100,如下:

PreparedStatement pStatement = dm.prepareStatement("SELECT start_time,input_params FROM execution_jobs limit ? , ? ";
pStatement.setInt(offset, 100);
ResultSet rs = pStatement.executeQuery();

这个方法在offset变得越来越大之后,查询会非常缓慢。因为 select * from XXX limit 10000,10; 相当于扫描了满足条件的前10000行之后,丢掉,然后再读取10行。所以性能会非常差。

针对limit 查询性能慢的优化办法有很多。下面详细介绍:

  • 子查询法
mysql> set profiling=1;                             # 开启profile
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> pager grep !~-                              #关闭stdout
PAGER set to 'grep !~-'
mysql> select exec_id ,project_id from execution_jobs limit 100000,100;
100 rows in set (2.65 sec)

mysql> select exec_id ,project_id from execution_jobs where exec_id >= (select exec_id from execution_jobs  limit 100000,1) limit 100;
100 rows in set (0.52 sec)

mysql> nopager                                   #打开stdout
PAGER set to stdout
mysql> show profiles;                          #查看耗时
| Query_ID | Duration   | Logical_reads | Physical_reads | Query                                                                                                                          |
|        1 | 2.67572900 |         13337 |            410 | select exec_id ,project_id from execution_jobs limit 100000,100                                                                |
|        2 | 0.53610725 |         13026 |            264 | select exec_id ,project_id from execution_jobs where exec_id >= (select exec_id from execution_jobs  limit 100000,1) limit 100 |                                                                                                       |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)

  • 倒排表优化法


  • 反向查找优化法
     缺点:order by优化比较麻烦,要增加索引,索引影响数据的修改效率,并且要知道总记录数,偏移大于数据的一半

  • limit限制优化法




PreparedStatement pStatement = dm.prepareStatement("SELECT exec_id,project_id  FROM execution_jobs", ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
ResultSet rs = pStatement.executeQuery();

while ( {
// do something

这里 pStatement.setFetchSize(Integer.MIN_VALUE) 会让人困惑。还是直接看mysql的源码:

 * We only stream result sets when they are forward-only, read-only, and the
 * fetch size has been set to Integer.MIN_VALUE
 * @return true if this result set should be streamed row at-a-time, rather
 * than read all at once.
protected boolean createStreamingResultSet() {
    try {
        synchronized(checkClosed().getConnectionMutex()) {
            return ((this.resultSetType == java.sql.ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY)
                 && (this.resultSetConcurrency == java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY) && (this.fetchSize == Integer.MIN_VALUE));
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        // we can't break the interface, having this be no-op in case of error is ok

        return false;

从源码我们可以看到,只有forward-only, read-only, fetchsize为Integer.MIN_VALUE 三者同时成立,才会开启流查询方式。可以参考这里的回答:


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