《老友记》学习笔记 S01E02

S01E02 The One With the Sonogram at the End


这集说的是 Ross 获知他的同性恋前妻怀孕并且要参加第一次产检,震惊之余被新生命的心跳声深深吸引。Rachel 将结婚戒指还给遭遇她逃婚的未婚夫 Barry  时得知他已经和自己的一位伴娘走在了一起。




Monica 客厅的主角之一 Jouets,在法语里是“礼物”的意思。

《老友记》学习笔记 S01E02_第1张图片


This vintage poster, called "AuxButtes Chaumont - Jouets", made by artist Jules Cheret in 1885, hung above the television in Monica's Apartment. It is by far the most popular props of friends. Monica was deeply fond of her French poster. This Jouets poster is advertising children's toys ("Jouets" means "Toys" in French) and features a decorated rocking horse, one of the most desired and expensive gifts a child could receive in those days.

《老友记》学习笔记 S01E02_第2张图片

Google 上关于这张海报设计师的其他作品如下图:

《老友记》学习笔记 S01E02_第3张图片

缝纫机海报 Excelsior 曾出现在 Rachel 住过的所有房间。

《老友记》学习笔记 S01E02_第4张图片


The Excelsior poster, is one of the popularpieces of the Friends Set. It hung in Rachel’s bedroom for many years, and was placed in the decor of every single apartment she moved to after leaving Monica's apartment. After appearing on the Friends TV show it became a popularart piece to buy. This piece suits Rachel Greens character with her love of fashion and design. This was a 1920’s French poster designed by Jean d'Ylen, as an advertisement for the Excelsior sewing machines.


《老友记》学习笔记 S01E02_第5张图片

我在 Google 上搜了关于这张海报设计师的其他作品,如下图:

《老友记》学习笔记 S01E02_第6张图片

I love google, by the way.


第一集的时候,Monica 家冰箱还是一整块白板,到第二集的时候,冰箱上已经多了很多小物件。

《老友记》学习笔记 S01E02_第7张图片

Carol 的扮演者在前几集是 Anita Barone

Friends – Carol Willick, Ross's ex-wife (one episode, 1994)

之后一直是 Jane Sibbett

1994–2001 Friends Carol Willick 15 episodes

这个时候大家使用公寓门牌分别是 4 号和 5 号。

《老友记》学习笔记 S01E02_第8张图片


What's new?

What's going on with you?

How are you doing?

What have you been up to?


Anecdote 奇闻轶事

Lasagna 烤宽面条(这个单词的发音比较特别),有点像必胜客的千层面。

Harmonica 口琴(和Monica的读音相近,她父亲用口琴来和她进行类比)

Chubby 胖嘟嘟的,丰满的(用于形容一种健康、有魅力的丰满体态或者是小孩子的婴儿肥。)

Thigh master 美腿神器

Maid of honor 伴娘

Word of advice 提个建议

Shoot for the stars 追求卓越(shoot for 用于形容“追求困难的目标”)

Give me a "for instance" 给我举个例子

Take the heat off me. 让我喘口气;为我解围。(heat 可做“压力”解)

《老友记》学习笔记 S01E02_第9张图片

Here's the deal. 事情是这样的

She has issues.  她有麻烦了

I have no idea. 我不知道

You are all chaotic and twirly. 你看起来慌慌张张

Others are satisfied with staying where they are. 有些人安于现状

You are welling up. 热泪盈眶

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I just don't wanna give them any more ammunition. 我只是不想让他们有借题发挥的机会。(ammunition“把柄,证据”,give sb. ammunition 被某人抓住把柄,让某人借题发挥)

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They all had a thing for him. 他们都很喜欢(惦记)他。(have a thing for 对……喜欢)

《老友记》学习笔记 S01E02_第12张图片

She’s like this, high-powered, driven, career-type. 她是一心追求事业的人。

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