from manim import *
%manim -h
usage: manim file [flags] [scene [scene ...]] manim {cfg,init,plugins} [opts] Animation engine for explanatory math videos positional arguments: file Path to file holding the python code for the scene scene_names Name of the Scene class you want to see optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output_file OUTPUT_FILE Specify the name of the output file, if it should be different from the scene class name -p, --preview Automatically open the saved file once its done -f, --show_in_file_browser Show the output file in the File Browser --sound Play a success/failure sound --leave_progress_bars Leave progress bars displayed in terminal -a, --write_all Write all the scenes from a file -w, --write_to_movie Render the scene as a movie file (this is on by default) -s, --save_last_frame Save the last frame only (no movie file is generated) -g, --save_pngs Save each frame as a png -i, --save_as_gif Save the video as gif --disable_caching Disable caching (will generate partial-movie-files anyway) --flush_cache Remove all cached partial-movie-files --log_to_file Log terminal output to file -c BACKGROUND_COLOR, --background_color BACKGROUND_COLOR Specify background color --media_dir MEDIA_DIR Directory to store media (including video files) --log_dir LOG_DIR Directory to store log files --tex_template TEX_TEMPLATE Specify a custom TeX template file --dry_run Do a dry run (render scenes but generate no output files) -t, --transparent Render a scene with an alpha channel -q {k,p,h,m,l}, --quality {k,p,h,m,l} Render at specific quality, short form of the --*_quality flags --low_quality Render at low quality --medium_quality Render at medium quality --high_quality Render at high quality --production_quality Render at default production quality --fourk_quality Render at 4K quality -l DEPRECATED: USE -ql or --quality l -m DEPRECATED: USE -qm or --quality m -e DEPRECATED: USE -qh or --quality h -k DEPRECATED: USE -qk or --quality k -r RESOLUTION, --resolution RESOLUTION Resolution, passed as "height,width". Overrides the -l, -m, -e, and -k flags, if present -n FROM_ANIMATION_NUMBER, --from_animation_number FROM_ANIMATION_NUMBER Start rendering at the specified animation index, instead of the first animation. If you pass in two comma separated values, e.g. '3,6', it will end the rendering at the second value --use_opengl_renderer Render animations using the OpenGL renderer --use_webgl_renderer Render animations using the WebGL frontend --webgl_renderer_path WEBGL_RENDERER_PATH Path to the WebGL frontend --webgl_updater_fps WEBGL_UPDATER_FPS Frame rate to use when generating keyframe data for animations that use updaters while using the WebGL frontend --config_file CONFIG_FILE Specify the configuration file --custom_folders Use the folders defined in the [custom_folders] section of the config file to define the output folder structure -v {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}, --verbosity {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL} Verbosity level. Also changes the ffmpeg log level unless the latter is specified in the config --version Print the current version of Manim you are using --progress_bar True/False Display the progress bar Made with <3 by the ManimCommunity devs
class SquareToCircle(Scene):
def construct(self):
circle = Circle() # create a circle
circle.set_fill(PINK, opacity=0.5) # set the color and transparency
self.play(Create(circle)) # show the circle on screen
%manim SquareToCircle -p -ql -v WARNING
%%manim SquareToCircle -ql -v WARNING
class SquareToCircle(Scene):
def construct(self):
circle = Circle() # create a circle
circle.set_fill(PINK, opacity=0.5) # set the color and transparency
self.play(Create(circle)) # show the circle on screen
%%manim ManimCELogo -ql -v WARNING
class ManimCELogo(Scene):
def construct(self):
self.camera.background_color = "#abcdef"
logo_green = "#87c2a5"
logo_blue = "#525893"
logo_red = "#e07a5f"
logo_black = "#343434"
ds_m = MathTex(r"\mathbb{M}", fill_color=logo_black).scale(7)
ds_m.shift(2.25 * LEFT + 1.5 * UP)
circle = Circle(color=logo_green, fill_opacity=1).shift(LEFT)
square = Square(color=logo_blue, fill_opacity=1).shift(UP)
triangle = Triangle(color=logo_red, fill_opacity=1).shift(RIGHT)
logo = VGroup(triangle, square, circle, ds_m) # order matters
%%manim BraceAnnotation -ql -v WARNING
class BraceAnnotation(Scene):
def construct(self):
# 定义两个点,注意左边远点在屏幕中心,此时是一个斜率为45°的线段
dot = Dot([-2, -1, 0])
dot2 = Dot([2, 1, 0])
# 定义线段
line = Line(dot.get_center(), dot2.get_center()).set_color(ORANGE)
# 在线段方向上应用大括号
b1 = Brace(line)
# 设置文本
b1text = b1.get_text("Horizontal distance")
# 将线段copy,为了不影响原来的线段
# 顺时针旋转45°
# 取其单位向量,此时即设置了括号的大小也设置了方向
b2 = Brace(line, direction=line.copy().rotate(PI / 2).get_unit_vector())
# 在括号上设置公式文本
b2text = b2.get_tex("x-x_1")
self.add(line, dot, dot2, b1, b2, b1text, b2text)
%%manim VectorArrow -ql -v WARNING
class VectorArrow(Scene):
def construct(self):
# 在屏幕中心绘制一个点
dot = Dot(ORIGIN)
# 从远点到指定左边绘制向量
arrow = Arrow(ORIGIN, [2, 2, 0], buff=0)
# 设置数字平面
numberplane = NumberPlane()
# 设置原点的文本信息
# 并设置位置
origin_text = Text('(0, 0)').next_to(dot, DOWN)
# 设置向量顶点的编著信息
tip_text = Text('(2, 2)').next_to(arrow.get_end(), RIGHT)
# 将物体加入场景
self.add(numberplane, dot, arrow, origin_text, tip_text)
%%manim GradientImageFromArray -ql -v WARNING
class GradientImageFromArray(Scene):
def construct(self):
n = 256
# 设置一个渐变数组
imageArray = np.uint8(
[[i * 256 / n for i in range(0, n)] for _ in range(0, n)]
# 缩放为原来的两倍
image = ImageMobject(imageArray).scale(2)
# 绘制外边框
image.background_rectangle = SurroundingRectangle(image, GREEN)
self.add(image, image.background_rectangle)