
OS X 显示隐藏文件:

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFilesTRUE; killall Finder

OS X隐藏隐藏文件:

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE; killall Finder

以上命令行使用与OS X10.11 El Capitan

2016年-4-8 :17:40 关于如何在pycharm 下安装 相关模块

How do I import modules in pycharm?
My version is PyCharm Professional edition 3.4, and the Adding a Path part is different.

You can go to "Preferences" --> "Project Interpreter". Choose the tool button at the right top corner.
Then choose "More..." --> "Show path for the selected interpreter" --> "Add". Then you can add a path.
