Yes, Your Sleep Schedule is Making You Sick(2)对抗抑郁症,也许你只需调整睡眠时间(2)

It was clear that his changes in mood weren’t caused by the vacation blues, but by something else. The problem turned out to be a disruption in his circadian rhythm(生物钟). He didn’t need drugs; he needed the right doses of sleep and sunlight at the right time.



*turn out to be 结果是;原来是;证实是

*disruption /dɪs’rʌpʃn/ n.分裂;破裂;毁坏


It turns out that that prescription could treat much of what ails(使…苦恼) us.



*prescription /prɪ’skrɪpʃn/ n.处方;药方;对策

(拓展:prescribe /prɪ’skraɪb/ v.开处方;规定 )

Clinicians have long known that there is a strong link between sleep, sunlight and mood. Problems sleeping are often a warning sign or a cause of impending(即将发生的;迫在眉睫的)depression, and can make people with bipolar disorder manic. Some 15 years ago, Dr. Francesco Benedetti, a psychiatrist in Milan, and colleagues noticed that hospitalized(住院的) bipolar patients who were assigned to rooms with views of the east were discharged earlier than those with rooms facing the west — presumably because the early morning light had an antidepressant effect.

临床医生早就知道,睡眠、阳光和心情之间有着很强的关联度。睡眠出问题常常是抑郁症即将发作的一个警告信号或原因,会让患有躁郁症的人处于躁狂状态。大约15年前,米兰的精神科医生弗朗西斯科·贝内德蒂(Francesco Benedetti)博士及其同事注意到,在入院治疗的躁郁症患者中,被分派住进东向房间的那些人,会比住进西向房间的人早出院——很可能是因为清晨的阳光有抗抑郁作用。


clinician /klɪ’nɪʃn/ n.临床医生

*disorder /dɪs’ɔːdə(r)/ n.混乱;不适;失调

*colleague /‘kɒliːɡ/ n.同事

*assign /ə’saɪn/ v.分配;指派

*discharge /disˈtʃɑ:dʒ/ v.释放;出院;卸货

*presumably /prɪ’zjuːməbli/ adv.大概;据推测;可能

你可能感兴趣的:(Yes, Your Sleep Schedule is Making You Sick(2)对抗抑郁症,也许你只需调整睡眠时间(2))