
Business Correspondences

Writing steps

a.Refer to ways obtain the name and address of the consumer

b.Indicate clearly the intention of the letter.

c.Introduce the scope of business briefly

d.Hint at future business

e.Refer to access of the standing

Unit 1 Establishing Business Relations

(1)We are writing to …

(2)enter into direct relations with you /transact business with you/build up business relations with you

(3)with the headquarters in …

(4)range from… to …

(5)be well received both at home and abroad

(6)the leading manufacturers

(7)in this line

(8)financial standing = money status

(9)at your convenience

(10)note/obtain/learnt/got one’s name and address… in/from

(11)business director

(12)be interested in

(13)We would appreciate your…

(14)be willing to do

(15)catalogues and quotations

a.illustrated catalogues

b.brochure, pamphlet


d.sample book


a. competitive price

b. moderate price

c. favorable price

d. reasonable price

e. attractive price

(17)extend one’s range

(18)in compliance with your request

(19)payment should be made by …

to make/effect/arrange payment by

(20)price list

(21)export range

(22)confirmed irrevocable letter of credit

(23)place an order

(24)enclose =send sb. with sth.


Unit 2 Enquiry

(1)We are experienced and well connected with many customers at our end.

(2)We shall be grateful if you will send us…

(3)If the goods and trade terms prove satisfactory…

(4)deal in

(5)be specialized in

(6)acquaint us with …

(7)substantial orders

(8)fashion accessories

(9)free sample


(11)trade terms

(12)airmail sb. sth ….

(13)… ask us to approach you for quotations and samples of the goods available for export now. …

(14)… competition form similar makes is very keen here.

(15)Please see to it that your price is in line with the current market.

(16)available for export

(17)the captioned products

(18)for your information

(19)CIP= Carriage and Insurance Paid to …

(20)date of shipment / time of shipment / shipping date

(21)payment terms / terms of payment


(23)current market / prevailing market


(25)quote sb. a price for sth.


(27)anticipate doing sth.

Unit 3 Offer

(1)offer: firm offer / non-firm offer

(2)This is to confirm…

(3)make sb. an offer for sth./send sb. an offer on sth./ give sb. an offer on sth.

(4)the fews lots we have at present are under offer elsewhere.

(5)be subject to

(6)with regard to


(8)result in

(9)take advantage of

(10)entertain the counter offer

(11)There has been/is a heavy demand for sth.

(12)uptrend market

(13)We are now making you an offer as follows:

(14)To be effected by seller for 110% of full invoice value covering All

Risks and War Risk.

(15)shipping mark

(16)at seller’s option

(17)at sight



(20)delivery time / time of delivery / date of delivery

(21)invoice value

(22)All Risks

(23)War Risk

(24)Strike Risk

(25)to make/effect/arrange insurance by

(26)Our products are excellent in quality and favorable in price.

(27)in reply

(28)under separate cover

(29)detailed requirement


a.standard sample

b.counter sample

c.duplicate sample

d.seller’s/ buyers’ sample

Unit 4 Counter-offer

(1)we are in receipt of

(2)… find your price to be on the high side

(3)Information indicates

(4)To step up trade …

(5)in no case

(6)on behalf of

(7)as per

(8)at our end = on our side = in our place = in our country

(9)xxx(country) origin

(10)parcels = lots

(11)at a level = at a price

(12)We do not deny that the quality of xxx is slightly better, but the difference in price should, in no case, be as big as xx%.

(13)As the market piece is falling / going down, we recommend your immediate acceptance.

(14)We are of the opinion that …

(15)make a reduction of … in …

(16)We hope you will direct the attention of your customers to the superior quality of our products …


(18)meet sb. half way

(19)measure up to

(20)… your bid is out of line with the price ruling in the present market, …

(21)in your interest

(22)without any delay

(23)buy freely

(24)firm / upward tendency / downward tendency

(25)in the foreseeable future

(26)there is little / no likelihood of …

Unit 5 Terms of Packing, Shipment and Insurance

(1)in transit

(2)indicative marks

(3)seaworthy wooden case

(4)port of destination

(5)in consideration of

(6)inner and outer packing

(7)waterproof paper

(8)moisture absorbent

(9)packing charges

(10)neutral packing

(11)All kinds of packing


b.gunny bag








j.wooden case





o.tin = can

(12)be packed in


(14)The packages are intact.

(15)lined with …

(16)be susceptible to (breakage, moisture, hear or dampness, rust)

(17)as for

(18)prevent from …

(19)to the contrary

(20)stipulated terms

(21)gross / net weight

(22)execute one’s order

(23)be secured / strapped / reinforced / fortified by

(24)partial shipment


(26)initial shipment

(27)as to

(28)advance the shipment

(29)the remaining goods

(30)book shipping space

(31)have great difficulties in doing sth.

(32)Owing to

(33)delay = postpone



(36)for 110% of the invoice value

(37)Cover insurance +prep.

(38)We have covered insurance on the 400 cases of medical instruments for 110% of the invoice value against of All Risks with PICC.

(39)Three basic insurances

a.Free from Particular Average (F.P.A. or FPA)

b.With Particular Average (W.P.A. or WPA)

c.All Risks

(40)General additional risks

a.Theft, Pilferage & Non-Delivery Risks

b.Fresh Water Rain Damage (F.W.R.D.)

c.Risk of Shortage

d.Risk of Intermixture & Contamination

e.Risk of Leakage

f.Risk of Clash & Breakage

g.Risk of Odor

h.Damage Caused by Heating & Sweating

i.Hook Damage

j.Breakage of Packing Risk

(41)Special additional risks

a.War Risk

b.Strikes Risk

(42)in the absence of

(43)debit note

(44)draw on sb. at sight for …


(46)for your account

(47)to be due to sail on

Unit 6 Payment Terms

(1)bank interest

(2)easier payment terms

(3)negotiation credit

(4)confirmed / sight / transferable/ documentary L/C

(5)open an L/C


(7)tight money / market

(8)agree to

(9)conversion rate

(10)ask for payment by



(13)a special accommodation

(14)CNY / AUD / CHF / GBP / JPY / USD / CAD / EUR / HKD / SGD

(15)the goods are already for shipment

(16)customary practice

(17)to meet one’s requirement

(18)D/P = Document against Payment

(19)D/A = Document against Acceptance

(20)adhere to opinions

Unit 7 Acceptance

(1)sales confirmation


(3)demand for

(4)There is a great demand for such product.

(5)Please countersign it and return one copy for our file.

(6)take pleasure in

(7)market share


(9)purchase contract

(10)sales contract

(11)purchase confirmation

(12)sales confirmation

(13)to + verb. a contract

(14)originals of the contract

(15)copies of contract

(16)a written contract

(17)contract terms

(18)breach of contract

(19)performance of contract

(20)Insurance Clause

(21)Arbitration Clause

(22)Packed in cartons of ten pieces each. = Packed in cartons, each containing 10 pieces.

(23)at one’s option

Unit 8 Letter of Credit

(1)we wish to draw your attention to the fact that …

(2)up till / to now / the present

(3)in (exact / full / strict) accordance with = be in conformity with

(4)execute the order


(6)make amendment to…

(7)within the time prescribed




(11)instruct sb. to do sth.

(12)This is to bring your attention to

(13)not later than

(14)under the circumstances

(15)to extend

(16)in advance


(18)The seller must pack the goods as stipulated / requested in the contract.


(20)Parties concerned in L/C business


b.issuing / establishing / opening bank

c.advising bank / notifying bank


e.negotiation bank

f.paying bank / accepting bank

g.confirming bank

Unit 9 Urging Shipment, Shipping, and Insurance Instructions

(1)Since our customers are desirous to get the goods within next month, it is our hope that you could ship the goods by the next steamer “peace”, which is due to sail from your city on or about October 25th to our port.

(2)in your favor

(3)on one’s way to

(4)ship … by …



(7)steamship (S.S. or s.s.)

(8)sailing date

(9)sail for / to …

(10)sail from … to …


(12)mark … with …

(13)shipping marks

(14)warning marks

(15)indicative marks

(16)be in urgent need of

(17)source of supply

(18)shipping advice


(20)resolve the matter

(21)The L/C expires on December 16th .

(22)shipping documents

(23)bill of lading

(24)packing list

(25)certificate of origin

(26)have a close cooperation with sb.


a.signed invoice

b.commercial invoice

c.proforma invoice

d.customs invoice

e.consular invoice

f.manufacturer’s invoice

(28)shipped B/L

(29)simplify procedures

(30)lie within

(31)PICC = the People’s Insurance Co. of China

Unit 10 Complaints and Claims

(1)we observed that the quality is far below the samples

(2)it was the inferior material used that caused the quality deterioration

(3)ask for compensation

(4)make a claim



(7)Entry-exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau

(8)prompt attention

(9)lodge (raise, file, register, put in) a claim +

(10)take delivery

(11)at one’s disposal

(12)complain about …

(13)appear to

(14)in good condition

(15)in the meantime

(16)replace A with B

(17)bring the case to a satisfactory close

(18)go into the matter

(19)forwarding agent


(21)confusion of something

(22)apologize for



(25)cause sb. so much trouble
