哈市之行 | English diary 12.18

Long time no see, how's it going everyone? My exam in Haerbin was over yesterday. No matter how the result is, I just feel so relaxed and happy. Chat with mom and tell her my experience in the Haerbin's morning market which is close to my exam room. When I got to the exam site, the gate of school was not open. So I just hung out on the nearby street. There was a temporary morning market on that street. The goods in that morning market were super super super cheap. Maybe it was time to disband the morning market. I was soooooo excited to run into such thing. Everything were so cheep and good. The banana was 3RMB per kilos. I do like banana, but I really don't want to take this heavy bananas to home just because it was a little cheaper than usual. And I keep walking, suddenly I saw a couple who sold red dates. The red dates were really really good, I usually buy them, so I have a very accurate idea which are good and which are bad. This kind of quality of red dates were as good as Hetian dates in Xinjiang. And the price is 15RMB per kilo=7.5RMB per jin! In ordinary time, the price of this quality of red dates was at least 40RMB per kilo=20 RMB per jin. It was too cheap to believe. Maybe I have a long time not spend money, so I just spend 30RMB buy 2kilos which I think that were really enough! When I show off"my harvest" from Haerbin to my mom, she smiled and asked me"Why not spend 100 RMB and buy more and take home…" At that moment, I suddenly realized, why I didn't buy much more?  I was so regret...At that moment, I suddenly  desire to pass this wittern exam so that I have chance to buy more red dates again. Or if I have any chance to go to Haerbin later, I promise I will visit that morning market again. But I have no idea if the couple are still there or if the price is still so low. What will happen, who knows? Life is still like this, nobody knows what may happen tomorrow.


哈市之行 | English diary 12.18_第1张图片

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