20170617 THROUGH THE FIRE 穿越篝火

很喜欢National Geographic国家地理的Photo of the day今日美图,每一张都在讲述一个故事。

编辑和制作人Matt Adams也意识到这旧的传统不一定能被当代接受,但从国家地理的角度,记录世界上各个角落不同的文化和节日,反映文化的多样性是其目的之一。他也引用了已故摄影记者Stanley的话,大意是摄影记者的工作,就是拍摄那些打动并影响你一整天心情的照片。

“You want to sit there comfortably with your newspaper and blueberry muffin, and you don’t want to see pictures that are going to upset your morning,” Mr. Greene said in a 2010 interview with Lens. “That is the job of a journalist, to upset your morning.” - Stanley Greene.

20170617 THROUGH THE FIRE 穿越篝火_第1张图片

In San Bartolomé de Pinares, Spain, residents celebrate the eve of St. Anthony's Day with the Luminarias Festival. St. Anthony is the patron saint of domestic animals. One of the traditions of the festival involves riding or jumping horses through bonfires, which is believed to purify the animal and protect it in the year ahead. Townspeople say the practice dates back at least 500 years, coming from a time when smoke was thought to ward off the plague. Animal rights groups say the practice is cruel and barbaric, but the city government claims that no horse has ever suffered injury.

20170617 THROUGH THE FIRE 穿越篝火_第2张图片

Photo by LUIS TATO
Link: http://yourshot.nationalgeographic.com/photos/10291406/

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