《歌手》最大牌:关于“结石姐”Jessie J 你不知道的那些事

毫无悬念,Jessie J获得《我是歌手》2018年第一期的冠军!

可能许多人以前并没听过她,或者只是在吴莫愁唱那首“money money money”时知道了这位被叫做“结石姐”的原唱。


《歌手》最大牌:关于“结石姐”Jessie J 你不知道的那些事_第1张图片

★一、Jessie J里的"J"是什么意思?

结石姐1988年出生于伦敦,真名是Jessica Ellen Cornish,Jessie J是她的艺名。她多次被问及J是什么意思,有过两次不同的回答。

As for her stage name..."To be honest, there's no real reason for the 'J' in my stage name (I always feel like I disappoint people when I say that)".

*Stage name 艺名


Jessie has told interviewers that the 'J' stands for 'Jazzhands' (a reference to her BRIT School days) and 'Jetlag' (from being a frequent flier).

*stand for 代表、意思是

*jetlag 时差综合征


Anyway,我们只要知道她叫Jessie J,J没有什么很特别的意思就好。

《歌手》最大牌:关于“结石姐”Jessie J 你不知道的那些事_第2张图片

★二、Jessie J在欧美乐坛什么地位?


2010年,结石姐推出首支单曲Do it like a dude,初获成功。之后一首Price tag技惊四座,斩获了19个国家的前十榜单。之后她推出首张专辑,大获成功。

Her song “price tag” topped the charts in nineteen countries including the UK and was followed by the release of her debut album Who You Are.

*debut 首秀

此时,结石姐事业蒸蒸日上,2011年获得了BBC年度之声(The BBC's Sound of 2011),担任了英国好声音导师(The Coach of Voice of UK)。


In 2012 Jessie J performed at the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Concert outside Buckingham Palace in June, as well as the closing ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games in London on 12 August.

一时间风光无限。那时候还有英国一姐阿黛尔,二姐结石姐之说。也有人说她是英国的Lady Gaga。

之后,结石姐的生涯停滞不前。她的第二张和第三张专辑的表现一般,一首和Arianna Grande、Minaj合唱的Bang Bang算成功,获得了格莱美提名,同时她还继续担任英国和澳洲好声音的评委。



《歌手》最大牌:关于“结石姐”Jessie J 你不知道的那些事_第3张图片

★三、Jessie J的唱功有多厉害?

无论咖位几线,结石姐的唱功一直是超一线的。我一位同事说,她“嗓子里长肌肉”。在美国知乎quora还专门有这样一个问题:Who can sing live as good as Jessie J?

更厉害的是Jessie J还能写歌。出道前,她一直在写歌,曾给Chris Brown, Miley Cyrus等写过歌,如今已出产600多首歌了。

Jessie J has written lyrics for artists such as Chris Brown and Miley Cyrus, including "Party in the U.S.A.". She is very productive because she has created at least 600 songs.



Jessie explained she and Adele used to sing together while out in the playground at BRIT School……Jessie added that the pair - who were aged 16-17 at the time - never predicted their singing careers would take them to an international level.

“You don’t know you are going to be that when you are 16 and you’re eating your cheese sandwich on your break. We kind of just did it (singing) for the love it,”Jessie said.



They used to be close - but now Jessie never hears from Adele, which she finds frustrating. It’s almost as if she’s too busy for their friendship since her phenomenal worldwide success.

此时,我好想唱一句:Never mind, I’ll find someone like you.

《歌手》最大牌:关于“结石姐”Jessie J 你不知道的那些事_第4张图片


2011年结石姐表示,媒体一直八卦她的性取向,让她觉得很无聊,于是公开表示”Yes, I've dated girls and I've dated boys - get over it”.


It's important to me to be open and honest about [my bisexuality]. My Mum and Dad have known for years and were super cool, my sisters made jokes about it…… Because I haven't tried to hide it……

*Bisexuality 双性恋

*Cool 淡定

《歌手》最大牌:关于“结石姐”Jessie J 你不知道的那些事_第5张图片



She admits doctors have told her she should no longer perform high-energy shows.



Natural Pain Killer/love


It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light”


现在,我真的非常期待接后面结石姐会给我们带来什么惊喜!如果在湖南卫视的舞台上表演一首火辣的《Bang Bang》台下的观众,电视机的迷妹迷弟真的会尖叫到爆炸吧!

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