【本文转自Blog of NeuglsWorkStudio】
为了方便解释如何在程序中使用LiveBinding, 请建立一个控制台程序。
Uses System.Bindings.Expression, System.Bindings.Helper;
System.Bindings.Expression (该单元里包含了绑定表达式相关的类与方法)
System.Bindings.Helper (该单元包含了绑定辅助类的一些方法)
type TMyObject1 = class(TObject) private FIntegerValue: Integer; FStringValue: String; public property IntegerValue: Integer read FIntegerValue write FIntegerValue; property StringValue: String read FStringValue write FStringValue; end;
type TMyObject2 = class(TObject) private FIntegerValue: Integer; FStringValue: String; public property IntegerValue: Integer read FIntegerValue write FIntegerValue; property StringValue: String read FStringValue write FStringValue; end;
var MyObject1: TMyObject1; MyObject2: TMyObject2; begin MyObject1 := TMyObject1.Create; MyObject2 := TMyObject2.Create; { various binding operations - see follwing context } MyObject1.Free; MyObject2.Free; end;
type TMyResultObject = class(TObject) private FIntegerValue: Integer; FStringValue: String; public property IntegerValue: Integer read FIntegerValue write FIntegerValue; property StringValue: String read FStringValue write FStringValue; end;
var BindingExpression1: TBindingExpression; BindingExpression2: TBindingExpression; begin { a binding expression that binds the two Integer properties of the given objects } BindingExpression1 := TBindings.CreateManagedBinding( { inputs } [TBindings.CreateAssociationScope([ Associate(MyObject1, 'o1'), Associate(MyObject2, 'o2') ])], 'o1.IntegerValue + o2.IntegerValue', { outputs } [TBindings.CreateAssociationScope([ Associate(MyResultObject, 'res') ])], 'res.IntegerValue', nil); { a binding expression that binds the two String properties of the given objects } BindingExpression2 := TBindings.CreateManagedBinding( { inputs } [TBindings.CreateAssociationScope([ Associate(MyObject1, 'o1'), Associate(MyObject2, 'o2') ])], 'o1.StringValue + o2.StringValue', { outputs } [TBindings.CreateAssociationScope([ Associate(MyResultObject, 'res') ])], 'res.StringValue', nil); end;
The array of input scopes (RealObject, ScriptObject) is given as:
输入范围数组 (真实对象, 脚本对象)如下:
[TBindings.CreateAssociationScope([ Associate(MyObject1, 'o1'), Associate(MyObject2, 'o2') ])]
关于这个输入范围,我想在这里说说,这个scope我一时找不到合适的词来解释,那什么是scope?在程序里,程序是从上往下执行的,如果我在前面部分声明了一个变量,在函数里声明的,那这个变量是局部变量,那么这个scope就是在这个函数里面,如果我是全局变量,那么这个scope是在变量定义后的整个代码段。而这里所说的是变量,这些变量可以在绑定表达式里使用的脚本对象。就像上面代码所写的那样,脚本里的O1就与MyObject1对应起来了,在脚本里访问O1就相当于访问MyObject1一样!这就是scope. 在下文中,scope就不翻译了,直接用scope
'o1.IntegerValue + o2.IntegerValue'
为了绑定表达式被运行与编译,你需要运行Notify 命令去触发绑定表达式, 当一个对象的属性值发生改变时,你都需要调用Notify命令去触发绑定表达式,如下面的代码片段所示:
{ if the IntegerValue or StringValue for MyObject1 changes, use the following lines of code } TBindings.Notify(MyObject1, 'IntegerValue'); TBindings.Notify(MyObject1, 'StringValue'); { if the IntegerValue or StringValue for MyObject2 changes, use the following lines of code } TBindings.Notify(MyObject2, 'IntegerValue'); TBindings.Notify(MyObject2, 'StringValue'); { or any other combination of the two above, depending on which value changes }
program LiveBindingProgr; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses System.SysUtils, System.Bindings.Expression, System.Bindings.ObjEval, System.Bindings.Helper; type TMyObject1 = class(TObject) private FIntegerValue: Integer; FStringValue: String; public property IntegerValue: Integer read FIntegerValue write FIntegerValue; property StringValue: String read FStringValue write FStringValue; end; TMyObject2 = class(TObject) private FIntegerValue: Integer; FStringValue: String; public property IntegerValue: Integer read FIntegerValue write FIntegerValue; property StringValue: String read FStringValue write FStringValue; end; TMyResultObject = class(TObject) private FIntegerValue: Integer; FStringValue: String; public property IntegerValue: Integer read FIntegerValue write FIntegerValue; property StringValue: String read FStringValue write FStringValue; end; var MyObject1: TMyObject1; MyObject2: TMyObject2; MyResultObject: TMyResultObject; BindingExpression1: TBindingExpression; BindingExpression2: TBindingExpression; begin MyObject1 := TMyObject1.Create; MyObject2 := TMyObject2.Create; MyResultObject := TMyResultObject.Create; MyObject1.IntegerValue := 1; MyObject1.StringValue := 'LiveBinding '; MyObject2.IntegerValue := 2; MyObject2.StringValue := 'power.'; { a binding expression that binds the two Integer properties of the given objects } BindingExpression1 := TBindings.CreateManagedBinding( { inputs } [TBindings.CreateAssociationScope([ Associate(MyObject1, 'o1'), Associate(MyObject2, 'o2') ])], 'o1.IntegerValue + o2.IntegerValue', { outputs } [TBindings.CreateAssociationScope([ Associate(MyResultObject, 'res') ])], 'res.IntegerValue', nil); { a binding expression that binds the two String properties of the given objects } BindingExpression2 := TBindings.CreateManagedBinding( { inputs } [TBindings.CreateAssociationScope([ Associate(MyObject1, 'o1'), Associate(MyObject2, 'o2') ])], 'o1.StringValue + o2.StringValue', { outputs } [TBindings.CreateAssociationScope([ Associate(MyResultObject, 'res') ])], 'res.StringValue', nil); TBindings.Notify(MyObject1, 'IntegerValue'); TBindings.Notify(MyObject1, 'StringValue'); Writeln('Result of add operation: ', MyResultObject.IntegerValue); Writeln(MyResultObject.StringValue); Readln; MyObject1.Free; MyObject2.Free; MyResultObject.Free; end.
Result of add operation: 3 LiveBinding power.