
In javascript the definitive Guide 5th edition: the defining of closure:JavaScript functions are combination of code to executed and the scope in which to execute them.the combination of the code and scope is known as closure in the computer sicence literature.

    however ,I don't know what is it? in my option, all functions in javascript are closure.but the "cloure" we usually say is certain function,just a example;


function NormalFun()
var i = 0 ;
function NestFun(){
++ i);
return NestFun;
var varFun = NormalFun(); // the varFun refers to the NestFun
  varFun(); // print 1;
  varFun(); // print 2
  varFun(); // print 3

My defining of closure:there is a function that is called a nested function  contained in another functiont we just call  it father function ,when a variable out of the father function refers to the nested function,there will be a so-called "closure";

   in other word,we defineda nested function in a father  function body,but we  use the nested function out of the father function.

  in the above example,why the variable i lives all the time ,because the above program saves  a reference to the nested function in the global the the garbage does not collecte;

     to deeply understand the colsure,we need some conception:execution context,call object,scope,scope chain.

  • when the Normalfun is defined,the javascript interpreter defines the scope to function ;
  • when the Normalfun is invoked,the Normalfun is in its own execution context;
  • then set the scope which was defined when the function was defined to the scope chain;
  • next,add a new object known as call object to the scope chain, the call object refers to the Arguments object for the function;
  • then the named parameters of the function are added to the call object.any local variables declared with var statements are also added to the call object. and also the nested function

   after above actions,what is the nestFunction's execution context?it is obvious,it is scope of the NormalFun;

    when nestFunction is invoked,javascript interpreter does something as it does on NormalFun,so the sope chain includes three objects:its own call object,the call object of NormalFun,and the global object;

   ok,let us explain why the GC does not work after the execution of NormalFun:

  • after the execution of NormalFun,the NormalFun returned the reference of the NestFun to the varFun;
  • as explaining above,the NestFun has a reference of the NormalFun,so........,it continues to live;

   if we update the above code:


  function NormalFun()
var i = 0 ;
function NestFun(){
++ ;
return i;
// 1
 alert(NormalFun()); // 1



we don not return a function,there is nothing refers to the nestFun out of the NormalFun,so after the execuion of the NormalFun,the GC will work,so the updated program print 1 all the time;

when do we need the closure?

  1.  protect the variable,the variable is just available in it own scope,but we can provide a way for other  to access by closure,it is similar to the Property of C#,it can protect the private variable.


public class Class1
private string _test;

public string Test
return _test;
= value;
public Class1()


     2.if we want to write a function that can  remember a value across the invocation. we need a colsure.(we can also use a global variable,but which can pollute the global namepaces).in the case,it likes the static variable in C#

public class Class1
private static int i = 0 ;

public static int ReturnI()
return ++ i;
public Class1()



because of the closure,some objects are in the memory all the time,so closure can waste memory,so we should take care of it when we use a closure,maybe a memory leak does;

deeply understanding closure is important for a web developer,it is a must if you want to be a advanced javascript programmer,however,I don't think i have understood it well,i need more thinking.
