Setting the background color and background alpha on a Flex PopUpButton control’s pop up menu

The following example shows how you can change the background color and alpha of a PopUpButton control’s pop up menu in Flex by setting the popUpStyleName, backgroundAlpha, and backgroundColor styles.
<? xml version="1.0" ?>
<!--  -->
< mx:Application  xmlns:mx =""
="white" >

< mx:Script >
            import mx.controls.Menu;

            private var menu:Menu;

            private function initMenu():void {
                menu = new Menu();
                menu.dataProvider = arr;
                menu.setStyle("themeColor", "black");
</ mx:Script >

< mx:Array  id ="arr" >
< mx:Object  label ="Button"   />
< mx:Object  label ="ButtonBar"   />
< mx:Object  label ="ColorPicker"   />
< mx:Object  label ="ComboBox"   />
</ mx:Array >

< mx:Style >
        .myPop {
            backgroundAlpha: 0.7;
            backgroundColor: black;
            borderStyle: none;
            color: white;
</ mx:Style >

< mx:ApplicationControlBar  dock ="true" >
< mx:PopUpButton  id ="popUpButton"
="Select a control"
="initMenu();"   />
</ mx:ApplicationControlBar >

< mx:VBox  backgroundColor ="haloSilver"
="100%"   />

</ mx:Application >
