
I believe many of us have had the painful experience of English learning at school. We worked so hard all day,trying to memorizing as many words as possible ,cramming so much grammar knowledge into our mind,especially before an exam. But it turned out the effort was fruitless and we still could not have a good command of this language. After a long time of learning very possibly as it went we would be filled with thoughts of self-doubt and one idea that started to be rooted deep into our mind was that we would be monolingual for our lifetime.

There are many questions we would like to ask,Are there some people who are more gifted by nature with language learning than some people else or is there something wrong with the way we learn it?

If you went the same way as described above then you should read on.


一般常见的英语语法书都是主谓宾定状补,各种从句。这一套语法分类系统本身就很麻烦很绕,怎么能指望英语学习者一看就会。能编写合理全面的语法书的人比方说薄冰,是英语水平极高的。 但是这些语法书完全没有为英语语法初学者着想。不懂英语语法那么也不懂英语单词,因为英语语法应该包括词法不懂英语语法那么也不懂英语单词,因为英语语法应该包括词法的,语法跟单词密不可分犹如一张纸的两面是在一块的。listen to,这里的to跟 pay attention to,跟 go to school,跟 run to him,当中的to一样,都是代表方向的意思,而不是所谓的固定搭配。 我们经常背be able to,其实She is able这句子也是正确的。 就像We are glad to be here或者I am sorry to hear that一样.




英语学习没有固定的步骤 Everything is flexible. You dont need to start with the first step and then the second step . You are learing something,which actually means you are giving yourself up to the thing that you are learing. It is not a show in which you have to let people know what you are doing. You should be flexible with what you are learning,adopt yourself to it .


举例说明:有些语法书上解释and 前后连接时间顺序上的单词。为什么and还有这样的用法?答案岂不是很简单。I get up and get everything ready for school. 首先要起床然后收拾东西,这是很自然的逻辑顺序。

你不需要把音标都学会也可以张口说英语。小孩没有那么多单词量难道不可以说话吗不可以写便条吗? We start from the very basic.

