每个规则R::= R1R2… 语法中的Rn
为语法中的非终结符实现一个“解释”操作。 Interpret通常在表示R1到Rn的变量上递归地调用自己。
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class InterpreterStructrue : MonoBehaviour
void Start ( )
Context context = new Context();
// Usually a tree
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
// Populate 'abstract syntax tree'
list.Add(new TerminalExpression());
list.Add(new NonterminalExpression());
list.Add(new TerminalExpression());
list.Add(new TerminalExpression());
// Interpret
foreach (AbstractExpression exp in list)
/// The 'Context' class
class Context
/// The 'AbstractExpression' abstract class
abstract class AbstractExpression
public abstract void Interpret(Context context);
/// The 'TerminalExpression' class
class TerminalExpression : AbstractExpression
public override void Interpret(Context context)
Debug.Log("Called Terminal.Interpret()");
/// The 'NonterminalExpression' class
class NonterminalExpression : AbstractExpression
public override void Interpret(Context context)
Debug.Log("Called Nonterminal.Interpret()");
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace InterpreterExample1
public class InterpreterExample1 : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
string roman = "MCMXXVIII";
Context context = new Context(roman);
// Build the 'parse tree'
List<Expression> tree = new List<Expression>();
tree.Add(new ThousandExpression());
tree.Add(new HundredExpression());
tree.Add(new TenExpression());
tree.Add(new OneExpression());
// Interpret
foreach (Expression exp in tree)
Debug.Log(roman+" = "+ context.Output);
/// The 'Context' class
class Context
private string _input;
private int _output;
// Constructor
public Context(string input)
this._input = input;
// Gets or sets input
public string Input
get {
return _input; }
set {
_input = value; }
// Gets or sets output
public int Output
get {
return _output; }
set {
_output = value; }
/// The 'AbstractExpression' class
abstract class Expression
public void Interpret(Context context)
if (context.Input.Length == 0)
if (context.Input.StartsWith(Nine()))
context.Output += (9 * Multiplier());
context.Input = context.Input.Substring(2);
else if (context.Input.StartsWith(Four()))
context.Output += (4 * Multiplier());
context.Input = context.Input.Substring(2);
else if (context.Input.StartsWith(Five()))
context.Output += (5 * Multiplier());
context.Input = context.Input.Substring(1);
while (context.Input.StartsWith(One()))
context.Output += (1 * Multiplier());
context.Input = context.Input.Substring(1);
public abstract string One();
public abstract string Four();
public abstract string Five();
public abstract string Nine();
public abstract int Multiplier();
/// A 'TerminalExpression' class
/// Thousand checks for the Roman Numeral M
class ThousandExpression : Expression
public override string One() {
return "M"; }
public override string Four() {
return " "; }
public override string Five() {
return " "; }
public override string Nine() {
return " "; }
public override int Multiplier() {
return 1000; }
/// A 'TerminalExpression' class
/// Hundred checks C, CD, D or CM
class HundredExpression : Expression
public override string One() {
return "C"; }
public override string Four() {
return "CD"; }
public override string Five() {
return "D"; }
public override string Nine() {
return "CM"; }
public override int Multiplier() {
return 100; }
/// A 'TerminalExpression' class
/// Ten checks for X, XL, L and XC
class TenExpression : Expression
public override string One() {
return "X"; }
public override string Four() {
return "XL"; }
public override string Five() {
return "L"; }
public override string Nine() {
return "XC"; }
public override int Multiplier() {
return 10; }
/// A 'TerminalExpression' class
/// One checks for I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VI, VII, VIII, IX
class OneExpression : Expression
public override string One() {
return "I"; }
public override string Four() {
return "IV"; }
public override string Five() {
return "V"; }
public override string Nine() {
return "IX"; }
public override int Multiplier() {
return 1; }
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
public class InterpreterExample2 : MonoBehaviour
void Start ( )
string question1 = "2 Gallons to pints";
string question2 = "4 Gallons to tablespoons";
protected void AskQuestion(string question)
ConversionContext context = new ConversionContext(question);
string fromConversion = context.fromConversion; // in this example fromConversion is always the second word
string toConversion = context.toConversion;
double quantity = context.quantity;
// Trying to get a matching class for the word "fromConversion"
// Getting the type, we also have to define the namespace (in this case InterpreterPattern as defined above)
// and fromConversion should hold the class name (in this case Gallons)
Type type = Type.GetType("InterpreterPattern." + fromConversion);
object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
Expression expression = instance as Expression;
// Get the matching method: e.g. (toConversion = pints)
MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod(toConversion);
string result = (string)method.Invoke(instance, new object[] {
quantity });
Debug.Log("Output: " + quantity.ToString() + " " + fromConversion + " are " + result + " " + toConversion);
catch (Exception e)
// Context object that does try to make sense of an input string:
public class ConversionContext
public string conversionQues {
get; protected set; }
public string fromConversion {
get; protected set; }
public string toConversion {
get; protected set; }
public double quantity {
get; protected set; }
protected string[] partsOfQues;
// here happens the sensemaking
public ConversionContext(string input)
Debug.Log("Input: " + input);
this.conversionQues = input;
this.partsOfQues = input.Split(new string[] {
" " }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (partsOfQues.Length >= 4)
fromConversion = GetCapitalized(partsOfQues[1]);
// 1 gallon to pints
toConversion = GetLowerCase(partsOfQues[3]);
// get quantitiy:
double quant;
double.TryParse(partsOfQues[0], out quant);
this.quantity = quant;
// Some helper methods:
protected string GetCapitalized(string word)
word = word.ToLower();
word = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(word);
// make sure a 's' is appended
if (word.EndsWith("s") == false)
word += "s";
return word;
protected string GetLowerCase(string word)
return word.ToLower();
// Definition of all the things the concrete expression
// shall be able to convert into
public abstract class Expression
public abstract string gallons(double quantity);
public abstract string quarts(double quantity);
public abstract string pints(double quantity);
public abstract string cups(double quantity);
public abstract string tablespoons(double quantity);
// concrete class
public class Gallons : Expression
#region implemented abstract members of Expression
public override string gallons(double quantity)
return quantity.ToString();
public override string quarts(double quantity)
return (quantity * 4).ToString();
public override string pints(double quantity)
return (quantity * 8).ToString();
public override string cups(double quantity)
return (quantity * 16).ToString();
public override string tablespoons(double quantity)
return (quantity * 256).ToString();