NLP复习(Lecture 9-15)

Lecture 9 Language Model


1. N-Gram Models
  • Estimate probability of each word given prior context.
  • Number of parameters required grows exponentially with the number of words of prior context
  • An N-gram model uses only N-1 words of prior context
    — unigram: P(phone)
    — Bigram: P(phone | cell)
    — Trigram: P(phone | your cell)
2. Smoothing/Back-off
3. Linear Interpolation
  • Linearly combine estimates of N-gram models of increasing order.

    NLP复习(Lecture 9-15)_第1张图片

Lecture 11 Part of Speech Tagging

1. Hidden Markov Model
  • Sometimes it is not possible to know precisely which states the model passes through
  • We may observe some phenomena that occurs corresponding to state with probability distribution.
  • the state transition is hidden
  • the stochastic process of obervation is stochastic function of hidden state transition process
  • HMM Example
    — Two observations: 'Rain' and 'Dry'
    — Two hideen states: "Low' and 'High' 高气压和低气压
    — 转移概率(Transition probabilities 隐藏状态之间)

    — Observation probabilities

    — Initial probabilities: P('Low')=0.4 P('High')=0.6
2. HMM 三种问题
  • Elvalution: Give the observation sequence and HMM model(A,B,π), how do we compute the probability of O given the model;给定观测序列和模型,计算观测序列的生成概率。(Forward-Backward algorithm)

  • Decoding:Given the observation sequence and an HMM model, how do we find the state sequence that best explains the observations;给定观测序列和模型,输出最有可能的隐藏序列。(Viterbi algorithm)
    — find the global optimal results through find stage optimal
    — if the best path ending in goes through then it should coincide with the best path ending in
  • Learning:How do we adjust the model parameters to maximize P(O|model)
  • N-best algorithm is similar to HMM, and it keeps the N best paths.

Lecture 12 Parsing

1. Parsing Approaches for Context-Free Grammar(CFG)

— Top-down Approach
— Bottom-up Approach

2. Regular Grammar
  • A regular is denoted as G=(V,T,P,S)
    — V are finite set of non-terminal variables
    — T are finite set of terminal variables
    — S are start symbol
    — P is a finite set of productions. Consist of productions like V->B
  • Left hand side: one non-terminal symbol
  • Right hand side: empty string / a terminal symbol/ a non-terminal sysbol following a terminal symbol
3. Top-down Parsing
  • Begin with the start symbol S and produce the right hand side of the rule
  • Match the left-hand side of CFG rules to non-terminals in the string, replacing them with the right-hand side of the rule.
  • Continue untill all the non-terminals are replaced by terminals, such that they correspond to the symbols in the sentence.
  • The parse succeeds when all words in the sentence are generated.

Lecture 14 Text Categorization

1. Term Selection
  • Examples
    — Chi Square
    — Mutual Information
    — Information Gain
    — Information Ratio
    — Odd Ratio
2. Feature Generation
  • Latent Semantic Indexing(LSI)
  • Explicit Semantic Indexing(ESI)
3. Nearest-Neighbor Learning Algorithm
  • Compute similarity between x and all examples in D.
  • Assign x the category of the most similar example in D.
4. Category Scoring for weighted-sum
  • The score for a category is the sum of the similarity scores between the point to be classified and all of its k-neighbors that belong to the given category.

    NLP复习(Lecture 9-15)_第2张图片

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