
一、首先应区分开 cloth 与 clothes / clothing:cloth表示“布”、“衣料”,是不可数名词。如:

She bought some cloth to make herself a dress. 她买了些布要给自己做一件连衣裙。


Clean the windows with a soft cloth. 用块软布擦窗子。

二、clothes 和 clothing 均可表示“衣服”,用作“衣服”的统称,但在用法上有差别:

1.clothes 是一个没有单数形式的复数名词, 其前不可加不定冠词,也不可加数词,但可用 some, these, those, many, few 等词修饰。如:

正:those clothes / few clothes / many clothes

误:a clothes / two clothes / three clothes

2. clothing 是不可数名词。如:

They wear very little clothing. 他们衣服穿得很少。

3. 比较而言:clothes 的含义比较具体,而 clothing 的含义则比较抽象。从语体上看,clothing 比 clothes 更正式。比较:

I changed my clothes. 我换了衣服。

He is washing his clothes. 他在洗衣服。

Our clothing protects us against the cold. 我们的衣服可以御寒。

We are well provided with food and clothing. 我们吃得好,穿得好。


He spent a lot of money on clothes [clothing]. 他花了许多钱买衣服。
