
Children’s education is expensive and the government of some countries pay some of all all of the costs. Do advantages of these outweigh it disadvantages?

Currently, the issue of whether the governments should pay for the children’s educational expense has sparked off an intense debate and increasing thought is that the children’s education is expensive and the government should pay at least some of the revenue. From my point of view, more benefits than drawbacks will  surface in this following discussion.

Admittedly, it may affect the economy  and the society when the governments pay a lot on children’s education. It can be explained by the fact that although the finance of governments are fixed in a year  , if the governments pay more in education , the budget of other fields must be decreased. In other words different countries may have different situations if it is more urgent for a country to develop other industries spending our money all education is not wise for the development off the country.

However, it is necessary to pay for the children’s education expense, even though it is expensive, as the old saying goes education is the future of one nation. For instance, the development of technology needs people who has high knowledge to invent new products which benefits citizens. Moreover, the social development also need people who has talent. Thus, the government can create more favorable condition to their development.

In conclusion, the government should pay for the children’s education which will bring more benefits.
