
题外话:。。。exo me???【黑人问号脸】我在想我听不懂该怎么写。。。振动啥的就直接略掉,最近上不了google看不了油管只能百度,囧。。。

How does the guitar produce a beautiful melody?

The secret is the vibration when you pluck up the string, and it is actually the standing wave. High vibration produces high-pitch sound and low vibration produces low-pitch sound.


Vibration is a series of nodes that don't move at all and anti-nodes that back and forth.

And the vibration is relevant to the quality of strings including length, tension, density, and thickness.Most strings have same length and similar tension, while density and thickness vary from different guitar.

Except from pitch, a rich sound is combined by overtone. When you pluck up the middle of the strings, it would produce fundamental overtones. When you pluck up near the bridge, it's mainly even overtones. If one note was played twice, it is called first overtone, and you will find it sounds harmonious.

fert spacing这块我也没弄懂所以继续省略。。。

