浏览器提供语音搜索已经不是什么新鲜事,在google上搜索了一下speech api相关内容,发现存在三个不同的标准规范,分别是:
HTML Speech Web API是由微软、google、mozilla等公司的人提出,目前最近的版本是2011年10月29日。
[NamedConstructor=Reco(), NamedConstructor=Reco(in DOMString for)] interface HTMLRecoElement : HTMLElement { // Attributes readonly attribute HTMLFormElement? form; attribute DOMString htmlFor; readonly attribute HTMLElement? control; attribute SpeechInputRequest request; attribute DOMString grammar; // From the SpeechInputRequest integer maxNBest; DOMString language; boolean saveForRereco; boolean endpointDetection; boolean finalizeBeforeEnd; integer interimResults; float confidenceThreshold; float sensitivity; float speedVsAccuracy; integer completeTimeout; integer incompleteTimeout; integer maxSpeechTimeout; DOMString inputWaveformURI; attribute DOMString serviceURI; attribute boolean continuous; // event handlers attribute Function onaudiostart; attribute Function onsoundstart; attribute Function onspeechstart; attribute Function onspeechend; attribute Function onsoundend; attribute Function onaudioend; attribute Function onresult; attribute Function onnomatch; attribute Function onerror; attribute Function onauthorizationchange; attribute Function onopen; attribute Function onstart; };
[NamedConstructor=TTS(), NamedConstructor=TTS(in DOMString src)] interface HTMLTTSElement : HTMLMediaElement { attribute DOMString serviceURI; attribute DOMString lastMark; };
[Constructor] interface SpeechInputRequest { // recognition parameters SpeechGrammars[] grammars; // misc parameter attributes integer maxNBest; DOMString language; boolean saveForRereco; boolean endpointDetection; boolean finalizeBeforeEnd; integer interimResults; float confidenceThreshold; float sensitivity; float speedVsAccuracy; integer completeTimeout; integer incompleteTimeout; integer maxSpeechTimeout; DOMString inputWaveformURI; // the generic set of parameters SpeechParameter[] parameters; // other attributes attribute DOMString serviceURI; attribute MediaStream input; const unsigned short SPEECH_AUTHORIZATION_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SPEECH_AUTHORIZATION_AUTHROIZED = 1; const unsigned short SPEECH_AUTHORIZATION_NOT_AUTHORIZED = 2; readonly attribute unsigned short authorizationState; attribute boolean continuous; // the generic send info method void sendInfo(in DOMString type, in DOMString value); // Default markup binding methods void addGrammarFrom(in Element inputElement, optional float weight, optional boolean modal); void outputToElement(in Element outputElement); // methods to drive the speech interaction void open(); void start(); void stop(); void abort(); void interpret(in DOMString text); // event methods attribute Function onaudiostart; attribute Function onsoundstart; attribute Function onspeechstart; attribute Function onspeechend; attribute Function onsoundend; attribute Function onaudioend; attribute Function onresult; attribute Function onnomatch; attribute Function onerror; attribute Function onauthorizationchange; attribute Function onopen; attribute Function onstart; attribute Function onend; }; SpeechInputRequest implements EventTarget; interface SpeechInputNomatchEvent : Event { readonly attribute SpeechInputResult result; }; interface SpeechInputErrorEvent : Event { readonly attribute SpeechInputError error; }; interface SpeechInputError { const unsigned short SPEECH_INPUT_ERR_OTHER = 0; const unsigned short SPEECH_INPUT_ERR_NO_SPEECH = 1; const unsigned short SPEECH_INPUT_ERR_ABORTED = 2; const unsigned short SPEECH_INPUT_ERR_AUDIO_CAPTURE = 3; const unsigned short SPEECH_INPUT_ERR_NETWORK = 4; const unsigned short SPEECH_INPUT_ERR_NOT_ALLOWED = 5; const unsigned short SPEECH_INPUT_ERR_SERVICE_NOT_ALLOWED = 6; const unsigned short SPEECH_INPUT_ERR_BAD_GRAMMAR = 7; const unsigned short SPEECH_INPUT_ERR_LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 8; readonly attribute unsigned short code; readonly attribute DOMString message; }; // Item in N-best list interface SpeechInputAlternative { readonly attribute DOMString utterance; readonly attribute float confidence; readonly attribute any interpretation; }; // A complete one-shot simple response interface SpeechInputResult { readonly attribute Document resultEMMAXML; readonly attribute DOMString resultEMMAText; readonly attribute unsigned long length; getter SpeechInputAlternative item(in unsigned long index); readonly attribute boolean final; }; // A full response, which could be interim or final, part of a continuous response or not interface SpeechInputResultEvent : Event { readonly attribute SpeechInputResult result; readonly attribute short resultIndex; readonly attribute SpeechInputResult[] results; readonly attribute DOMString sessionId; }; // The object representing a speech grammar [Constructor] interface SpeechGrammar { attribute DOMString src; attribute float weight; attribute boolean modal; }; // The object representing a speech parameter [Constructor] interface SpeechParameter { attribute DOMString name; attribute DOMString value; };
Speech Input API Specification这一份是2个google的员工提交的方案,时间也比较早,为2010年10月18日,不知道现在是否还在维护,Latest Editor's Draft的链接都没有了。该文档提供的语音输入方案为在现有的input标签上增加speech属性,另外通过给input元素增加相应事件来获取语音输入的状态。具体扩展的方案如下:
interface HTMLInputElement : HTMLElement { ... // speech input attributes attribute boolean speech; attribute DOMString grammar; attribute short maxresults; attribute long nospeechtimeout; // speech input event handler IDL attributes attribute Function oncapturestart(); attribute Function onspeechstart(); attribute Function onspeechchange(in SpeechInputEvent event); attribute Function onspeechend(); attribute Function onspeecherror(in SpeechInputError error); // speech input methods void startSpeechInput(); void stopSpeechInput(); void cancelSpeechInput(); };
该规范还提出同一时刻只允许有一个speech input sesseion存在。
该规范最新版本为2011年12月22日,也是由google工程师提交的,目前处于非正式提案的状态,该规范可以和Speech Input API Specification一起看(工程师基本是同一拨人),一个是针对input元素的扩展,一个是针对js层面的扩展。
该规范仅涉及JS的API,提供了两个接口:SpeechReco和TTS,其中SpeechReco与HTML Speech Web API的SpeechInputRequest功能类似,可以发起语音识别,并通过事件获取结果。
[Constructor] interface SpeechReco { // recognition parameters SpeechGrammarList grammars; DOMString lang; attribute boolean continuous; // methods to drive the speech interaction void start(); void stop(); void abort(); // event methods attribute Function onaudiostart; attribute Function onsoundstart; attribute Function onspeechstart; attribute Function onspeechend; attribute Function onsoundend; attribute Function onaudioend; attribute Function onresult; attribute Function onnomatch; attribute Function onresultdeleted; attribute Function onerror; attribute Function onstart; attribute Function onend; }; SpeechReco implements EventTarget; interface SpeechInputError { const unsigned short OTHER = 0; const unsigned short NO_SPEECH = 1; const unsigned short ABORTED = 2; const unsigned short AUDIO_CAPTURE = 3; const unsigned short NETWORK = 4; const unsigned short NOT_ALLOWED = 5; const unsigned short SERVICE_NOT_ALLOWED = 6; const unsigned short BAD_GRAMMAR = 7; const unsigned short LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 8; readonly attribute unsigned short code; readonly attribute DOMString message; }; // Item in N-best list interface SpeechInputAlternative { readonly attribute DOMString transcript; readonly attribute float confidence; readonly attribute any interpretation; }; // A complete one-shot simple response interface SpeechInputResult { readonly attribute unsigned long length; getter SpeechInputAlternative item(in unsigned long index); readonly attribute boolean final; }; // A collection of responses (used in continuous mode) interface SpeechInputResultList { readonly attribute unsigned long length; getter SpeechInputResult item(in unsigned long index); }; // A full response, which could be interim or final, part of a continuous response or not interface SpeechInputResultEvent : Event { readonly attribute SpeechInputResult result; readonly attribute SpeechInputError error; readonly attribute short resultIndex; readonly attribute SpeechInputResultList resultHistory; }; // The object representing a speech grammar [Constructor] interface SpeechGrammar { attribute DOMString src; attribute float weight; }; // The object representing a speech grammar collection [Constructor] interface SpeechGrammarList { readonly attribute unsigned long length; getter SpeechGrammar item(in unsigned long index); void addFromUri(in DOMString src, optional float weight); void addFromString(in DOMString string, optional float weight); };
[Constructor] interface TTS { attribute DOMString text; attribute DOMString lang; readonly attribute boolean paused; readonly attribute boolean ended; // methods to drive the speech interaction void play(); void pause(); void stop(); attribute Function onstart; attribute Function onend; };
HTML Speech Web API方案为增加reco元素负责提供语音输入的UI,tts元素负责提供text-to-speech功能,JS的SpeechInputRequest可作为独立的接口调用获取语音识别结果。Speech Input API Specification和Speech Javascript API Specification可以一起来看,它的方案是在原有的input元素上扩展,在界面上提供语音输入入口,同时提供SpeechReco的JS接口来单独发起语音识别并获取结果。