
Yaya is a bitch.She is apuppet, a black Labrador retriever.

27 days before, when I saw her in the first eye, I was terrified, nervous and excited.

She was barking to me in the cage fiercely. I opened the cage, she rushed out, not

to me but to the dogs food. I tried to cuddle her but failed, obviously, the

dogs food was more attractive than me. Sheswallowedherfood in a second, I had got the chance to touch her, she was so soft and cute.In the car back home, she was a bit low and gloomy, she couldn't stop movingthat I didn't know how to handle with her.

Atfirst, she was nervous and shy. Sometimes she played with us and her toys, mostof the time, she was sniffing around, looking for food and things to tear intopieces. she didn't know how to go downstairs, so I kept her upstairs. I triedto teach her how to go downstairs but failed. One day, when we were eating hotpot, she went downstairs quietly and jumped on the desk and chair. Oh my god,She was brave enough to go overcome the downstairs fear. No, she was tempted bythe hotspot. Said my husband.

Sincethen, we have to pay special attention to her. Yes she was a baby and didn'tknow where to pee and shit, so she pees and shits anytime and anywhere.

Wereally envy Other people's child, oh no Other people's dog. They know how toshake hands, how to dance, how to play with people, how to protect familymembers....... My dog, she only knows how to eat drink and pee and shiteverywhere and bite everything within her ability

Nocompare met no harm. Until I compared her with a husky dog, I start to love mydog

Love mydog, love my life.

My lifewas totally changed and controlled by her.

First, I

start to have regular time schedule and lifestyle. 6:15 am she will bark u to

get up, feed her and walk her. U can't ignore her as the clock for u can't

switch her barking off. Even you can endure and ignore her barking, your

neighbors won't. So get up and do u duty. After 1 week complaint,you willget used to it. Usually, my kitchen is an adornment rather than tool. Since thedog came in, it has been developed, I have to boil chicken, carrot and egg tomake her diet healthy and multiple. Then I will turn another heater on, boil 2eggs for breakfast and some vegetables or noodles for supper.6:30 AM and 6:30PM, afterbreakfast and supper, we have 1 hour walkingtogether. If I don’t go to bed before 11pm, I won’t have the energy fortomorrow.

Second,my family members have become healthy, for we have to walk her at least 2 hoursone day, imagine, we used to walk no more than 3km one day, since her, we walkat least 10 km one day. Not to mention on weekends we have to run with her toburn her energy out. Why walk her so long? Believe me, I won't. But accordingto scientists if the dog is always at home, it will be depressed and dumb. Wedon't want to abuse her.

Third, our social circlehas been enlarged by her. Ever week there will be request like this fromwechat: Can I visit u family? To see the dog? Yes.

Can you believe it? Lastweek, 10 people came to my home, not to see me but my dog......

next time, Pls book atleast 1 month in advance.

According to scientists, a dog must havesocial life, or it will become dumb and depressed.

Everyday, we walked herand let her play with other dog.

while she is playing withxiaopang, doudou,kaka,pipi,Kevin and mike.

we chatted with otherdogs parents. Yes, we have a wechat group of dogs. We share many informationtogether. And they call me yaya Mom. It is a bit wierd but not bad

Time is up, I will talk about the funs and truth she teaches us in the future

She teachesus not to give up , how to be patient how to be responsible.

In onesentence. I am a lucky dog to have yaya in my life

